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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Feb 2013 week 1

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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Feb 2013 week 1

imo the best radio shows around.

Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and in doing so supports Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support of Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.

Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.

Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Fedral Reserve, etc.

well worth listening to, even after the aired date.

Note: All shows are com free.

and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.

20130208 WRH historic levels of snow in UK, Polar Ice increasing, BBC caught lying about GW, cerfew in Boston from driving due to storm, cop shooter = gun grabber, minority report - philidalphia,
Drones legal, 31 mali french airstrikes, Bulgarian bus bomb most likely Israel, WWII not a surprise, Isdraeli false flag events, 38 Japan/china, Russia supports china, Iran builds drone, anti-christ, Get Smart,
Venezuela, 46 Israel corruption, Israel disabled parking, Turkey confirms Israel act of war, 49 1994 false flag attack in Argentina -Iran re-investigate - Israel pissed, 53 Ohio voting twice, 12 year old fine for dog, 67 Food riots greece, 81 Lyborg no. 1, banks, church paedophilia, torture, Mali gold, Boeing orders down, 126 British parliament members drinking $1 000 wine, German job centre sends teenager to brothel.

20130207 WRH police shoot each others, 16 Sandy hook docs remain sealed for 90 days more, 18 homeland security 22 million rounds of hollow point ammunition, 28 Obama the murderer, Government
now has right to lie, 48 wako, 55 police officer killer, 59 Bus bombing Bulgaria, 62 USA in 32 African countries, SSRI, 68 $11.25 million bet that stock market will go down in 60 days, Private central banks -
New Zealand finding out about banking fraud, 80 Brookly Colledge - Jewish bomber involved, 86 Ozi Jewish groups pissed off, sexual harasment of Hagal staff, 91 cannabis for cancer, 95 GW Blizzard
alert, GW decreases & increases snow, more polar bears today than 40 years ago - they can swim 100 km, beliefs = slavery, worms accelerate climate change, shingles are from vaccines, 115 4/15
pharmacies pass health inspection, margarine worse than butter, frozen lazania = horse meat, priest paedophilia, evil nuns, 121 Israeli businessman calls for pro - his daughter, Australia – not allowed to blow out candles, fluoride banned in canada, husband must pay child support even though kids are not his.

20130206 WRH Israel airforce active, USA military in 35 African countries, China/Japan tension by the USA, Chuck Hagal - Israel loosing, 22 DOJ Obama drones, Obama going to Israel, 39 anti-guns =
terrorist, Washington gun ban, Banking system = slavery, Bernie Maddof still has $9 billion, Obama-care disaster, 57 Magna carta forbids usary, gold missing, 65 new gun ban on service veterans, 68
Regulate cannabis, Alexander the great used cannabis, 96 Dr Ronald Klaus anti aging,, GMO, GW

20130205 WRH Bunker boy now dead, 911 calls not being answered, cops don't attend emergency calls, Sandy Hook letter, guns 70 year old coach shoots attackers, 15 Texas school new socialist flag,
Finestein bill failed, 18 leaked memo confirming drone strikes legal, Homeland security study - original post 911 muslim does not exist, 27 Verant - gov spying on people - part of converse infosys Israeli,
Berkely police make deal with drug dealers to attack protestors, states banning drones, 35 Malcom X arrested by FBI - US media is biased for Israel, Russian bashing, 39 Afgan Opium history, Skull &
Bones founded on Opium, Syria - new missiles to Turkey, China locks onto Japan, 47 Bolsheviks - The checklist, Pakistan under attack, 52 Brooklyn College going against Israeli/jewish pressure, Chuck
hagal, Egypt revolution fake, 79 Dr Resnic vaccine supporter, 86 Columbian drug trafficker jailed - not the banks, Mia maxima colpa - silence in the house of god HBO - paedophilia, encrypting on mobiles, GW Moscow snowiest winter for 100 years - IPCC admits sun affects weather, 107 comments on stupid vaccine pushing doctor, schooling bubble

20130204 WRH USA best sniper killed, Kid kidnaped in bunker, schools live fire shooter drills, school work is the property of school, stolen gun used in crime, Getting rid of US Constitution - alternative is
good, 19 opposition to NWO is terrorism, factory farming exposure = terrorist, food fraud, 29 Israel admits attacking Syria, Israeli press says 'Iran will attack Israel', Lebanon explosion Tyre, Israel expands
10 mile buffer zone, Russia warns US/Israel, Brazil with Russia & Syria, France rebels both sides, 39 petro-dollar & Israel beliefs, 45 Mali war expanding to Nigeria, Malcom X grandson arrested, was Iran
behind Lockerby lol, Iran sues Spain TV - jews successfully lobbied to get it cut, 50 EU 'troll patrol', Libyan tv crew assaulted, UK police use dead baby IDs to investigate protests, 53 Arial Sharon admits jews control the USA, Israel full control, 59 Iceland recent history, war/bank scam, social security being attacked, 69 Brooklyn College against Israel - attacked, Israel bribes USA for 911, 72 GPS=accident, road signs dangerous, Boeing useless, French lights off for light pollution, 79 GW Oil companies paying us, Jessie Jackson gun terrorist, 94 Illuminate history, 101 Arctic Ice growth maximum ever, 9 degrees warmer in 1790 in Philadelphia, 109 Boycott Israel effective - Unilever closed, Syrian war Damascus, Chuck Hagel filabuster- Israel control USA, 114 UK ground beef = horse meat, USDA recommends Aspertame = leukaemia & lymphoma & Parkinson’s, 119 Space - quasars confirm Big Bang wrong, 126 US gov can legally use propaganda against people, gun supporters being killed,