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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Dec 2012 week 3

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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Dec 2012 week 3

imo the best radio shows around.

Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and in doing so supports Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support of Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.

Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.

Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Fedral Reserve, etc.

well worth listening to, even after the aired date.

Note: All shows are com free.

and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.

some notes by me.

20121219 WRH Obama Time man of the year, Fanapt - drug that shooter was taking, guns, family break-up, Doctors are guilty of treason, 65 French killer on drugs, Biritsh ships to Syria, 78 activists can sue spies, 80 Pamela Gelar Israeli adds - bitch, Israel gets more weapons from USA 1 Billion, gun control & medication/drugs being the cause

20121218 WRH Cinneticut shooting (holted by other armed person), drugs are the cause of violence, 48 caller on SSRI - no protocol to get off drugs, Past president quotes, 65 reason for western gun, 75 Syria USA pulls out carriers, free syria army gets chemical plant, Israel megaphone, 85 Banks want war, 86 Tyrone Canada 911, New virus Iran, 99 Israel has WMD, 101 Gini, DU radiation, 106 schools brainwash that war is good 'all quiet on the western front', shooting details, 119 USA trying to prevent Palastine actions against Israeli 'settlements'

20121217 WRH drugs cause violence - detailed list, 27 UN global ban on mercury in vaccines, gun control, 47 cancer cure - hydrazine sulphate, akathisia, 53 Australia Port Arthur, switzerland lowest crimerate in world - all armed, 61 Syria, 67 Libya, Bengazi, 75 Chuck Hagle not support US, Hate speach, University must censor Israel crimes, 80 inside job, $ 3 billion = 4 months jail, 97 Rothchilds & Goldman Sachs destroying Greece, dollar, Banking, 110 fear mungoring from Russia cyber attack, 116 25 peer reviewed studies confirming fluoride lowers IQ, 117 GW australia deniers = pedophilia, 18 people frozen to death in Ukrain, 128 Ozi ISP walks out on net filtering