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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - April 2013 w2
imo the best radio shows around.
Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and by doing so confirms Alex Jone's support for Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support for Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.
Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.
Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Fedral Reserve, etc.
well worth listening to, even after the aired date.
Note: All shows are com free.
and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.
20130412 WRH N Korea confusion - receives award from Japan, 12 Iran sells oil, Africa is the next victim, Titanic deception, 52 Venezuela - opposition plans revealed, Libyan weapons, 64 German caught trying to move 500kg of gold at Athens, 77 Goldman sacs & JP Morgan get stock market info early, Vice president Royal Bank Scotland arrested, 89 marijuana users cannot own guns,.....................
20130411 WRH N Korea - any minute now !!, Cuba, Venezuela, India defies Iran sanction, Cyprus no money, gold, Bitcoin crash, millionaires, employers have control of retirement funds, 31 SISPA bill, 98% US citizens believe gov is a threat to them, 44 Harvard law study confirms gun ban is useless, anti-gun = pro crime, 48 20k US guns stole from unguarded warehouse in Kuwait, Drones - Obama death list not only Al Qaida, Israel vs Jimmy Carter book, SSRI= violence, robo-surgery, Hitler war due to his new banking, 62 win 8 useless, 68 recording police in public, Japan radioactivity, GW - will wipe out worlds best vineyards, fear, 107 ATF wants to spy on us, Senator allowed privacy but not use, 118 top 20 USA airports for theft, 123 skype trojan bitcoin miner, Blackbox voting fraud exposes 'independent' verifiers are biased, 126 doctors in UK recommend 50k women remove breast implants, measles outbreak for vaccinated kids,
20130410 WRH 100 year titanic, N Korea, Chinese flu by USA, Banks, 39 4 months prior to Cyprus Banks choose to take money, BRICs new gov central bank, WMD test in Pakistan, 48 Germany owes Greece money, 138 cases of FBI actively causing terrorism, 64 Soros predicts Germany recession, Iran oil increasing, Human rights organizations infiltrated by war mongers, 74 Israel anonymous attacks, 1975 Israel promise NO WMD, 80 Howard lies about Iraq, 82 911 BBC lies - loses lawsuit, guns, msg to Obama, gun owners are wooses, man who kills bear is charged, guns grabbed because son talks about water pistol at school, schools teaching lies re: 2nd amendment, 102 school stabber, want to be alone = terrorist, 106 newspapers record low, Christians = evil / hate, secrete arrests, 4 cops fired for illegal actions, 124 Cyprus has run out of money, Vatican online porn, Israeli Rabbi rapes his daughters,
20130409 WRH 3 killed with knife, 16 does not have a private central bank, Gold Banks new currency, 60 Banking history from Germany central bank to date, 70 Korea to get to China, Vet calls, 91 SSRI known to cause violence, 103 Drones 2% strike, 122 Israel, Reuters lies, French shut down Iran TV,
20130408 WRH Cyprus, 8 money history myth, 16 the assault on gold, Banks, 21 Maryland Rain tax, UN wants 'Global tax', Ozi - China deal without US dollar, EU bank Troika threatens Portugal, Greece, student loans, N Korea, WMD refund, 40 Illegal immigrants IRS refunds, Past Israeli false flag in N Korea, 64 Mali, WAKO evidence in BATF Oklahoma city bombing, 82 Syria - Assad brics, Iran Sanctions are illegal, 88 Russian military exercises, anti-semetic surge, Israel, 99 Ozi mossad spy killed, Lebanese catch weapons smugglers, East Africa alot of oil/gas, 119 French foreign minister hiding money, SSRI = violence, EU central bank control Portugal