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What is the Great Reset? The HighWire talks to James Corbett

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CommentWHAT IS THE GREAT RESET? The HighWire talks to James Corbett Is there something more behind the global coronavirus response? Why are so many leaders using the same language when talking about the future of their countries and the world? What is the Great Reset? Journalist James Corbett joins Del Bigtree to separate facts from fiction. BitChute Video: The HighWire:
Created ByqBittorrent v4.3.0.1
Creation Date2020.11.20 07:38
Info Hash08464e252d473e4becb8bffaebbd2f655e479961
NameWhat is the Great Reset - The HighWire talks to James Corbett
Node ID41187
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces1389
Piece Length512 KiB
Size694.41 MiB