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Tangible Evidence Supporting Creation Account - Vance Nelson.avi

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A brief survey of some of the modern evidence that undermines the inherited uniformitarian's world-view showing that the Establishment's party line is yet another house of cards in which generations of misled masses spent their entire lives in and in many cases depend on to make a living and so can never face, sending them instead into rages of cognitive dissonance only to find solace in chanting slogans and ironically mocking the minority who had it right all along, since the beginning of Genesis no less, to somehow save face, further embracing a shattered dream with all the fervor of a genuine cult member who has abdicated their mind to the Establishment. Whew.. that was a long sentence.

(For recommended reading to understand who controls the education system see Antony Sutton's "America's Secret Establishment - An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones" )

51 minutes.


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