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'Sacrificial Virgins' - HPV: Protection or Profit? (2017)

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CommentSacrificial Virgins (English MP4 with Spanish & Korean subtitle tracks) The Human Papilloma Vaccine (HPV) is a treatment in widespread use but its efficacy in preventing cancer is medically unproven, while unintended, adverse reactions are blighting and even ending the lives of girls and young women across the world. However, pharmaceutical manufacturers and many health authorities are refusing to acknowledge there is a problem and the medical community is continuing to offer the vaccine. Sacrificial Virgins – so named because the vaccine is often given to girls before they become sexually active – exposes increasing evidence of serious neurological damage following the HPV injections. It calls for the vaccine to be withdrawn in the hope that this will help to halt another global tragedy. Website & Original Video:
Created ByqBittorrent v4.3.3
Creation Date2021.01.30 01:46
Info Hashf88be99b25b9e0f37d16e588dab13a1b0eae8dcc
NameSacrificial Virgins - The Dangers of the HPV Vaccination - Spanish & Korean Subtitles [720p]
Node ID41528
Number of Files2
Number of Pieces896
Piece Length256 KiB
Size223.87 MiB