Channel 4 and The Times have just finished what is claimed to be a 3 year investigation into Brands alleged sexual misconduct.
There are 4 women who have thus far made allegations against him. The allegations are very nasty and involve rape and sexual assault.
ON Friday(l15/09/2023) Russell put out a video to get ahead of the allegations which will be aired tonight on UK channel 4 in the "dispatches" investigative journo program.
The allegations will be known in fuller detail after tonights show buta chap on youtube who is a bit of a fan of Russell has put up a few videos on this.
It's the Andrew Gold podcast called "The Gold Report" with Andrew Gold".
Unlike many other jumping on this, he isn't foaming and frothing about it and hopes russell can overcome this situation.
Times article
Seems to be a group effort to hammer him.
Andrew Gold is planning to do a commentary over the broadcast of the lice roadcast tonight on his channel.
While not a fanboi of Andrew Gold he does seem to have the most balanced reporting on this, that , as i said, isn't foaming and frothing fury.
He also does a lot on cults which is interesting. He can be a it "wet" for my liking but at least tries a bit of balance even though he's not really the ideal balance and neutrality that i much prefer. then again you never really find that anywhere these days in such a wildly polarised world
Well look, we knew he was promiscuous and a drug addict. It was never a secret and he wrote about it at length himself.
Now, does that excuse being coercive? Obviously not. He never admitted to being coercive let alone rape, but then you wouldn't really expect him to.
You could even look at the last decade of his sharing his therapy and process of becoming a reformed character, as preparing for this day - if you were cynically minded.
He's built a following who will defend him and interpret this as the Matrix attacking him.
so... why now?
There's been a good 15 years in which these women could come forward and report him to the BBC, Channel 4, Endemol, or the Police. This is just as much a failing on those organisations AGAIN for allowing this kind of thing to go on.
So undoubtedly, this was precipitated by his growing following and telling the truth.
It proves one thing for sure - Russell Brand is NOT controlled opposition.
I tend to take his humility at face value, I think he's sorry for what he did.
Agreed Zoop, he's a well known man slapper , famed for his sexual exploits and even at times celebrated for it.
I think a lot of his comedy and observations were both funny and at times very relevant and insightful.
It's gonna be interesting to see how this goes. Seems a LOT of media personalities from huw Edwards, Philip Schofield and Dan Wootton amongst others... it seems it's both MSM types and alt media types are all getting heavily reported on just now.
in case it's paywalled or region restricted. clicky on the bastard massive thumbnail to get a read at the article.

* apologies... copied and pasted the Berger section twice.. i am sure you can cope!
how did you grab that image?
The Times link worked for me, I think because I cleared cookies.
screensnip... copy...paste...scroll..screensnip... rinse repeat till done. then edit to make it symmetrical and job done mate
Thanks for posting that article.
It's hard to know what to think about it. Brand obviously has a somewhat sordid past, but I think he has proven himself to be a changed man - but the alleged victims don't seem to see it that way! They think it's hypocritical that he would be into a kind of spirituality and also be an alleged rapist. But people really do change. I just hope they don't try to press charges and that kind of legal situation, because I know cancel culture is very real...
Being deplatformed would cost him millions.
Maybe some sort of settlement, if he is found guilty of specific crimes. The one with the 16yo girl didn't sound so great... that could be bad for him!
in my opinion, they are trying to shut him up because he's spitting too much truth... the allegations are complete rubbish
a complaint was put in to the met police by a 5th accuser.
i am gonna wait until it pans out and more information is at hand to form an opinion on it tbh
I've never trusted Russell Brand. I find his fake 'yoof' manner extremely irritating and think that a man of his age, 48, should talk like an adult. His past links seem to have been overlooked because he became a 'troofer'. I had direct experience with a certain David Shayler who went from being an MI5 agent to being the darling of both the conspiracy and anti-war movements who embraced him as a hero. I spent a few occasions with him, on a long journey, at dinner and in a meeting, as well as watching him speak to audiences and witnessed that he went from knowing nearly nothing to parroting excerpts from David Icke's books as if he was exposing the subjects himself, all the while soaking up data from everybody willing to share their details with him. Then, perhaps when his mission was accomplished, he was exfiltrated, so to speak, not once but twice, firstly as a 'messiah' and then as transgender persona Dolores thus destroying his legacy and credibility with his former campaign comrades. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that his op started many years before, exposing MI5's plot to kill Gaddafi etc., exile in France and going to prison - to establish himself as a renegade. I literally saw people queuing up to give him their contact details and said to my then partner that he could be an intelligence vacuum cleaner.
I always suspected that Russell Brand might be up to something similar. A few years ago, I saw a quite disturbing video exposing Russell Brand as a pretty dodgy person but it does not seem possible to find it now; if it is still out there, it is in a haystack thanks to the current media coverage - if anybody has a link, I'd be grateful. Maybe there was something to it and he was compromised. I don't think that he has been exposed now simply to discredit him, I think that he was used as a Pied Piper (he actually penned his own version of the story of the Pied Piper - talk about predictive programming) to lure those whose beliefs contradicted the propaganda and then dump them one way or another. What bewilders me is the tenacity with which his supporters are clinging onto him perhaps oblivious to the consequences. Everybody who has lent him credibility could pay the price but may be still experiencing cognitive dissonance - unwilling to see reality. It is a murky world.
David Shayler was simply the victim of some drug or other attack which turns people trans and crazy?
I am not going to write a dissertation on my experience of David Shayler but I observed him at close hand. He soaked up information and spewed it out without digesting it. I sat with him on a coach from London to Manchester and listened to him bullshitting everything he had just plucked from David Icke's books regarding the Death of Princess Diana as if he had some inside knowledge about it. He also made some rather childish errors in his presentations about 9/11 which, to me, proved that he had no idea what he was talking about - he was just paraphrasing very badly what he had heard or read and what he was saying was garbage nonsense.
At any rate, I imagine Brand's "interviewing" and podcast career will be down the toilet because nobody will do his shows anymore because of fear of "guilty by association" and all of that, so it looks like cancel culture might get our dear Russell Brand! :(
if he did the stuff he is accused of.. IF.. then fuck him tbh. but due process needs to apply.
we can and should all have opinions and rightly so. I am gonna wait to finalise my opinion until all the facts are out. due process should now begin to happen as at least one formal complaint to the police has been made in England to the met and i think the woman who went to the rape crisis center in LA(i think) and had dna samples taken and frozen is now going to the police.
shame , he could be funny at times but he's never been in my top ten cunny cunts of all time.
I was watching Piers Morgan on this and was surprised to see him being very balanced on this topic. He seems to think a 4 years long investigation by two msn outfits would be solid as a rock... not so sure but i imagine that they would have been consulting lawyers rather a lot before publishing.
there are loads of theories about how "the man and the msm" are out to get him and this is the method.... and those saying that he left the msm and went on youtube/locals/rumble to create a following that would help counter any future accusations.....
both possible and probable but i am still gonna just wait and see and if the police do fully investigate then he gets a chance to clear his name either to them or court.
So i will keep and eye on it, weigh the evidence, actuall; evidence and see what comes of it. in a few way i want to see the police look into it. if they decide not to proceed.. that speaks volumes in itself. if it does proceed then he gets a chance to defend himself in an actual court of law and get that due process and potentially clear his name .. or maybe not. we will just have to see.
Until recently, I had only really seen the spirtitually awakened Russell Brand. But after watching that Dispatches documentary about him, I was sort of astonished at how gross he used to be! Holy shit LOL Really doesn't make him look that good or help his case at all. But you're right, we will have to wait and see.
Seems the UK conservative govt minister for Culture, Media and Sport wrote an official letter to Rumble inquiring if they were going to demonetised Brand.
Now THAT REEKS. It's Orwellian and it shows they "they" are out to get him as it were.
However, they can be out to get him AND he can also have committed these acts . Both can be true.
I'll dig out sort links later on this..
Rumble responded , politely telling the UK govt "off is the direction in which you should fuck"
Till see that they also publish the letter from the Culture Media and Sport chair Dame Dinnage.
Russell Brand announces plan to be baptised as it's 'an opportunity to leave the past behind':
"Russell Brand has announced that he is 'taking the plunge' and is soon going to be baptised as it is an 'opportunity to leave the past behind'.
The controversial comedian and actor, 48, took to Instagram this week to say he was cementing his Christian faith - after a difficult year."
David Icke replied to Brand's baptism video on X by stating his usual New Age views on religion, and Brand replied back with a weak kind of argument, but also respect for Icke and a request for him to talk about such things on his show... So stay tuned for that! It will probably happen.
I wonder if he'll start evangelising.. hope not tbh. will be interesting to see him talk to icke about it and see how he sells it.