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04-10 MONDAY Jonathan Emord Gorsuch Seated, Trump Missile Attack On Syria Prof James Fetzer So Who IS Donald J. Trump? Yoichi Shimatsu Dana Durnford Radiation On Us Piling Up 04-11 TUESDAY Devvy Kidd America In Shreds Terrible Tim Rifat World GeoPolitical Analysis Joel Skousen 04-12 WEDNESDAY Jay Weidner WaràOr Warsà Nearing Robert Morningstar Jim Marrs Big Trouble In River City 04-13 THURSDAY Gerald Celente Trending Toward War Preston James Trump The War President Francois Nordene Gassed Twice In Iraq, Knows The Truth About Syria 04-14 FRIDAY Frank Jacobs Packing For Mars Official Trailer Packing For Mars David John Oates Latest Political Newsmakers Reverse Speech
Info File: 

Another week on the carousel to nowhere.


Brian has filed a FOIA Appeal (

He needs alternative media coverage and shouldn't continually be stonewalled, just because he was betrayed by Dan Johnson, and his Facebook support group was destroyed while Brian sat in Jail being medically neglected. Proof is online at that he was denied diabetic insulin until 3:00PM while at a Federal Court hearing.

Brian was wrongfully convicted Eric Blair of ActivistPost. Get with the program, cover Brian's FOIA Appeal and FOIA lawsuit he will soon file, or your refusing to cover the truth about Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News being wrongfully convicted, a innocent man who was framed.

Evidence is here:

Evidence of Brian's Innocence is growing and growing. Stop ignoring this and get a news reporter to interview him. You can find his phone number in his public FOIA Appeal filings or even his White House correspondence letters. You need to interview Brian ASAP!

"It ain't me babe"