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The Next Crisis

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CommentTHE NEXT CRISIS By Computing Forever, 19th November 2020 Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum have started to sew the seeds of fear, doom and gloom for the next manufactured crisis AKA the “Cyber Pandemic” or “Cyber COVID”. More problem, reaction, solution…but only if people fall for it. "If you want to spot a globalist con job keep this in mind. If after a crisis that comes out of nowhere people experience a loss of liberties and privacy afterwards, and life is not supposed to go back to normal, you can pretty much guarantee that the crisis was orchestrated in order to achieve that very outcome.” BitChute Video: Sources:
Created ByqBittorrent v4.3.0.1
Creation Date2020.11.20 02:15
Info Hash38a6d12e99f4c2eea01e8e18292f553d41359db7
NameThe Next Crisis
Node ID41184
Number of Files2
Number of Pieces1052
Piece Length256 KiB
Size262.91 MiB