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His Holy Church - Golden Calf - God Hated Ancient Banking.flv

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CommentThe Golden Calf built by the Ancient Israelites was actually a central treasury or depository of wealth. In studying international banksterism, one might find it of interest to see that God forbad the golden calf of Israel then just as he forbids the modern version of such banking practices. This video shows how similar the golden calf of thousands of years ago is to the economic model of today. Brother Gregory discusses how God demands Christians follow a different way of faith, hope, and charity rather than putting all their wealth in one place where it can be controlled and the people can be controlled by it. This is how the bankers gain duping the people into centralizing their wealth.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.03.04 12:23
Info Hashc36cc44edfb08dd2da0f031e57a2c8564198be05
NameHis Holy Church - Golden Calf - God Hated Ancient Banking.flv
Node ID5923
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces143
Piece Length64 KiB
Size8.91 MiB