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1. A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society)

What do UFO believers, Christian millennialists, and right-wing conspiracy theorists have in common? According to Michael Barkun in this fascinating yet disturbing book, quite a lot. It is well known that some Americans are obsessed with conspiracies. The Kennedy assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the 2001 terrorist attacks have all generated elaborate stories of hidden plots. What is far less known is the extent to which conspiracist worldviews have recently become linked in strange and unpredictable ways with other "fringe" notions such as a belief in UFOs, Nostradamus, and the Illuminati. Unraveling the extraordinary genealogies and permutations of these increasingly widespread ideas, Barkun shows how this web of urban legends has spread among subcultures on the Internet and through mass media, how a new style of conspiracy thinking has recently arisen, and how this phenomenon relates to larger changes in American culture. This book, written by a leading expert on the subject, is the most comprehensive and authoritative examination of contemporary American conspiracism to date.
Barkun discusses a range of material--involving inner-earth caves, government black helicopters, alien abductions, secret New World Order cabals, and much more--that few realize exists in our culture. Looking closely at the manifestions of these ideas in a wide range of literature and source material from religious and political literature, to New Age and UFO publications, to popular culture phenomena such as The X-Files, and to websites, radio programs, and more, Barkun finds that America is in the throes of an unrivaled period of millennarian activity. His book underscores the importance of understanding why this phenomenon is now spreading into more mainstream segments of American culture.

Amazon Review
"Millennial dreams, apocalyptic nightmares populated by agents of the Antichrist, space aliens, and acolytes of the New World Order--with a calm approach and scrupulous academic bearings, Barkun navigates through the reefs of conspiracist allegation from the cosmic to the comic, from Biblical prophecy to Internet alerts

2. Hallucinogens and Culture - peter furst 1976

Dr. Furst demonstrates with a wealth of cross-cultural and historical data and some of his own first-hand experiences the often decisive role hallucinogens have sometimes played, and continue to play, in the maintenance of social systems in the traditional world, and their positive role in rituals of religion or initiation, mythology and symbolism, and in art, as well as in psychotherapy and curing of physical ills.

3. Banned Books: Literature Suppressed on Religious Grounds - margaret bald

Censorship of religious and philosophical speculation is as old as history and as current as today's headlines. Many of the world's major religious texts, including the Bible, the Talmud, the Koran, and others, have been suppressed, condemned, or proscribed at some time. Works of secular literature touching upon religious belief or reflecting dissenting views have also been suppressed. "Literature Suppressed on Religious Grounds, Revised Edition" profiles the censorship of many such essential works of civilization. The 14 entries new to this edition include extensive coverage of the "Harry Potter" series, which has been frequently banned in the United States on the grounds that it promotes witchcraft, as well as entries on two popular textbook series, "The Witches" by Roald Dahl, "Women Without Men: A Novel of Modern Iran", and more. Also included are updates to such entries as "The Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie and "On the Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin. New and updated entries include: "The Advancement of Learning" (Francis Bacon); "The Age of Reason" (Thomas Paine); "The Analects" (Confucius); The Bible; "The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution" (Roger Williams); "The Book of Common Prayer" (Thomas Cranmer); "Children of the Alley" (Naguib Mahfouz); "The Critique of Pure Reason" (Immanuel Kant); "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" (Galileo Galilei); "Discourse on Method" (Rene Descartes); "Don Quixote" (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra); "The Harry Potter" series (J. K. Rowling); The Koran; "The Last Temptation of Christ" (Nikos Kazantzakis); "On the Origin of Species" (Charles Darwin); "Popol Vuh"; "The Red and the Black" (Stendhal); "The Satanic Verses" (Salman Rushdie); "Shivaji: Hindu King in Islamic India" (James W. Laine); "The Talmud"; "Voyages to the Moon and the Sun" (Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac); and, "Zhuan Falun: The Complete Teachings of Falun Gong" (Li Hongzhi).

4. Everything Is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-ups - By Robert A. Wilson 1998

Before the X-Files, before alt.conspiracy, there was Robert Anton Wilson and his legendary Illuminatus! Trilogy. Now this avatar of conspiriology, renowned for his razor wit and progressive philosophy, takes you on a fascinating, eclectic ride through what Wilson has termed the "Cultic Twilight" where conspiracy theories flourish.

Everything Is Under Control covers the range of Wilson's kaleidoscopic knowledge, from John Adams to the Voronezh (former Soviet Union) UFO sighting, the Campus Crusade for Cthulhu to the Mothman prophecies, and everything in between. What do the Freemasons, the Kennedys, and Princess Diana have in common? All are at the center of gigantic conspiracy theories with incredibly complex and endlessly multiplying twists, turns, highways and byways. Arranged by alphabetical entries which include cross-references to other entries in the book and also provide addresses to related sites on the Web, this book is truly interactive--you can dip in, read through, or follow one of the URLs from an interesting entry onto the internet.

What some famous people say about Robert Anton Wilson:

"A dazzling barker hawking tickets to the most thrilling tilt-a-whirls and daring loop-o-planes on the midway to higher consciousness."
--Tom Robbins

"Wilson managed to reverse every mental polarity in me, as if I had been pulled through infinity."
--Philip K. Dick

"One of the most important scientific philosophers of his century--scholarly, witty, scientific, hip and hopeful."
--Dr. Timothy Leary Review:

Robert Anton Wilson is the grand pooh-bah of late-20th-century conspiracy theory, but regular Wilson fans may find Everything Is Under Control inchoate in comparison to such masterworks as the Illuminatus! trilogy. The format may be encyclopedic, but the information isn't; to note one glaring omission, the only entries on Ronald Reagan refer readers to three other entries in which Reagan is briefly mentioned--none of which has anything to do with Iran-Contra. (Actually, there is a listing for Iran-Contra, but again, it merely points to some of the pieces of the puzzle.)

The book's primary value, then, apart from the snippets of conspiracy "proof" it does provide, is in Wilson's playful yet insightful articulation of the psychology and linguistics of conspiratorial thinking. "Because we can say 'the Jews' or 'the New World Order' or 'the Patriarchy,'" he writes, "we can believe, or almost believe, that these grammatical abstractions have the same kind of reality as basketballs, barking dogs, and baked beans." There are also some fun private jokes, including a lot of data on the Discordians. It's not the best Wilson book--that, perhaps, is Masks of the Illuminati--but it's an adequate introduction to his imaginative philosophy. --Ron Hogan

5. Inside Your Brain - eric chudler (there are alot of pdf's in this one,but theyll extract into a folder)

Prepare yourself for a journey to a world filled with sights,
sounds, tastes, and smells. You will not need a suitcase or ticket
for your travels, but you should be prepared for unexpected adventures.
Your journey will take you to the world inside your brain.
There are many good reasons to learn about the brain. The brain
controls all of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. The wonder of
this fantastic three-pound organ should fascinate us all. There are
also practical reasons to study the brain. Damage to the brain may
cause severe problems such as the inability to move, talk, and feel.
Someone you know may have a brain disorder such as epilepsy,
depression, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, or Alzheimer’s
disease. The people (and their friends and relatives) affected by
these disorders pay a high physical, emotional, and financial price.
We must understand how the brain works so we can develop
new treatments and cures for these disorders.
This book is for anyone interested in learning about the
brain and nervous system. Each chapter starts with background
information to give you an overview of the chapter
topic. The background information is followed by experiments,
games, and demonstrations to help you understand
these new ideas.

6. The Greenhaven Encyclopedias of The Middle Ages Summary By Thomas Streissguth 2003

An alphabetical presentation of definitions and descriptions of terms and events associated with the medieval era.

7. Global Tyranny ...Step by Step - by William F. Jasper

Here is what this book claims the new world order under the United Nations would mean:
• An end to your God-given rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, i.e., freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly, the right to trial by jury, etc. (Chapter 6)
• National and personal disarmament along with conscription of U.S. citizens into a United Nations Army or Police Force to serve at the pleasure of the UN hierarchy. (Chapters 1 and 2)
• The end of private property rights and the ability to control your own home, farm, or business. (Chapters 6 and 7)
• Economic and environmental regulation at the hands of UN bureaucrats. (Chapter 10)
• Loss of your right as parents to raise and instruct your children in accordance with your personal beliefs. (Chapter 8)
• Coercive population control measures that will determine when — or if — you may have children. (Chapter 9)
• Unlimited global taxation. (Chapter 10)
• A centrally managed world monetary system that will lead all but the ruling elite into poverty. (Chapter 10)
• Environmental controls that will mean the end of single family homes and personal automobile ownership. (Chapter 6)
• The enthronement of an occult, New Age, new world religion. (Chapter 12)
• Communist-style totalitarian dictatorship and random, ruthless terror, torture, and extermination to cow all peoples into abject submission. (Chapters 2 & 14)

1. The New World Army
2. In the Name of Peace
3. The UN Founders
4. Reds
5. The Drive for World Government
6. Treaties and Treason
7. The Global Green Regime
8. The UN Grab for Your Child
9. The UN War on Population
10. The New World Money System
11. The Compassion Con
12. The New World Religion
13. UN Regionalism — The European Community
14. Get US out!

8. Lincoln Legends: Myths, Hoaxes, and Confabulations Associated with Our Greatest President - Edward Steers Jr.

In the more than 140 years since his death, Abraham Lincoln has become America’s most revered president. The mythmaking about this self-made man began early, some of it starting during his campaign for the presidency in 1860. As an American icon, Lincoln has been the subject of speculation and inquiry as authors and researchers have examined every aspect— personal and professional —of the president’s life. In Lincoln Legends, noted historian and Lincoln expert Edward Steers Jr. carefully scrutinizes some of the most notorious tall tales and distorted ideas about America’s sixteenth president.

9. Secret armies; the new technique of Nazi warfare - John Spivak 1939

Nazi Use of Fifth Column Technique in Pre-war Europe.Writing in 1939, the author reviews the period 1937 to 1939 when the Nazis were able to obtain all of their desires for expansion (Austria, Czechoslovakia, the Ruhr, etc.) without having to fight. They used negotiation, intimidation and their foreign agents to influence foreign policy in Britain and other major foreign powers. They also used the influence of the wealthy, whose fear of communism led them to favor the development of fascist countries.

10. Inventing American History (Boston Review Books) - William Hogeland 2009

American public history—in magazines and books, television documentaries, and museums—tends to celebrate its subject at all costs, even to the point of denial and distortion. This does us a great disservice, argues William Hogeland in Inventing American History. Looking at details glossed over in three examples of public history—the Alexander Hamilton revival, tributes to Pete Seeger and William F. Buckley, and the Constitution Center in Philadelphia—Hogeland considers what we lose when history is written to conform to political aims. Questioning the resurrection, by both neocons and the left, of Alexander Hamilton as the founder of the American financial system—if not of the American dream itself—Hogeland delves deeply into Hamilton's brutal treatment of working-class entrepreneurs. And debunking recent hagiographies of Pete Seeger and William F. Buckley, Hogeland deftly parses Seeger's embrace of communism and Buckley's unreconstructed views on race.

11. Rethinking American History in a Global Age - Thomas Bender 2002

In rethinking and reframing the American national narrative in a wider context, the contributors to this volume ask questions about both nationalism and the discipline of history itself. The essays offer fresh ways of thinking about the traditional themes and periods of American history. By locating the study of American history in a transnational context, they examine the history of nation-making and the relation of the United States to other nations and to transnational developments. What is now called globalization is here placed in a historical context.
A cast of distinguished historians from the United States and abroad examines the historiographical implications of such a reframing and offers alternative interpretations of large questions of American history ranging from the era of European contact to democracy and reform, from environmental and economic development and migration experiences to issues of nationalism and identity. But the largest issue explored is basic to all histories: How does one understand, teach, and write a national history even as one recognizes that the territorial boundaries do not fully contain that history and that within that bounded territory the society is highly differentiated, marked by multiple solidarities and identities?

12. Ancient Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Civilization: The Evolution of an Urban Landscape 2008

The alluvial lowlands of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in southern Mesopotamia are widely known as the “cradle of civilization” owing to the scale of the processes of urbanization that took place in the area by the second half of the fourth millennium BC.
In Ancient Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Civilization, Guillermo Algaze draws on the work of modern economic geographers to explore how the unique river-based ecology and geography of the Tigris-Euphrates alluvium impacted the development of urban civilization in southern Mesopotamia. He argues that these natural conditions granted southern polities significant competitive advantages over their landlocked rivals elsewhere in Southwest Asia, most importantly the ability to easily transport commodities. In due course, this resulted in increased trade and economic activity and higher population densities in the south than were possible elsewhere. As southern polities grew in scale and complexity throughout the fourth millennium, revolutionary new forms of labor organization and record keeping were created, and it is these socially created innovations, Algaze argues, that ultimately account for why fully developed city-states emerged earlier in southern Mesopotamia than elsewhere in Southwest Asia or the world.

13. Wehrmacht Divisional Signs, 1938-1945 - Theodor Hartmann 1970

A guide to the histories, compositions, campaigns and emblems of the most famous German Army and Luftwaffe fighting divisions of World War 2; all emblems are shown in their actual colours, and many rare pictures cover infantry, panzer, parachute and mountain divisions.

14. Qi Dao - Tibetan Shamanic Qigong: The Art of Being in the Flow - Lama Somananda Tantrapa 2007

In this ground-breaking book, Lama Somananda Tantrapa shares the ancient wisdom of Tibetan Shamanic Qigong in a simple and practical way. Discovering, testing and applying its principles will remarkably enhance your vitality with greater attentiveness, awareness and presence. It will help you transform and enlighten your life by developing a culture of movement that is naturally graceful and harmonious. It will also provide you with profound psychological and spiritual insights into the true nature of health, relationships and other issues that teach you to approach life challenges as learning opportunities rather than problems. By practicing Qi Dao, you will unify your body, mind and spirit, empowering your whole being to live in harmony with the flow of the entire universe.

15. The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century - Jim Humble 2007

This Breakthrough can save your life, or the life of a loved one. The answer to AIDS, hepatitis A,B and C, malaria, herpes, TB, most cancer and many more of mankind's worse diseases has been found. Many diseases are now easily controlled. More than 75,000 disease victims have been included in the field tests in Africa. Scientific clinical trials have been conducted in a prison in the country of Malawi, East Africa.

Part I (FREE) includes the answer to AIDS, herpes, hepatitis, tuberculosis and dozens of other diseases with more than 75,000 treated so far

Part II covers more detailed information on what it takes to handle most of the various diseases. It covers how to treat flu, abscessed teeth, and miner things like colds and how to use the MMS for prevention of most diseases including cancer. Other details given included treating animals, hepatitis, pneumonia, snake bites, food poisoning, most cancers, tuberculosis, asthma and other common diseases

Part III includes Important Info.

16. i Disney Italiani (rare) - L. Boschi, L. Gori, A. Sani Dal 1930 al 1990 1990
(to view this file you need this

i take it this is in italian,might be some interesting pictures though,

17. Defending Space: US Anti-Satellite Warfare and Space Weaponry - By Clayton Chun, Chris Taylor 2006

The United States has been developing space for many years, and satellites provide the US Military with an unparalleled advantage over its adversaries. Constellations of both military and civilian satellites provide protection and support for military operations; deliver ballistic missile early warning; supply reliable, secure and jam-proof communications; gather audio-visual intelligence; predict weather patterns; guide navigation; and deliver guided-weapons targeting, as well as a host of other missions. This book explores the design, development and usage of US military space systems, as well as, past and future threats to the systems. The current relevance of this topic to the international community as a whole is key, as space becomes the next, if only virtual, theater of warfare.

18. The Cure for all Diseases - Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. 1995

With Many Case Histories
of diabetes, high blood pressure, seizures, chronic fatigue
syndrome, migraines, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple
sclerosis, and others showing that all of these can be simply
investigated and cured.

19. Munitions of the Mind: A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Day

A classic work, Munitions of the Mind traces how propaganda has formed part of the fabric of conflict since the dawn of warfare, and how in its broadest definition it has also been part of a process of persuasion at the heart of human communication. Stone monuments, coins, broadsheets, paintings and pamphlets, posters, radio, film, television, computers and satellite communications - throughout history, propaganda has had access to ever more complex and versatile media.

In this newly revised and expanded edition, Philip M. Taylor has added a new preface, new chapters on the 1991 Gulf War, information age conflict in the post-Cold War era, and the world after the terrorist attacks of September 11. It also offers a new epilogue and a comprehensive bibliographical essay.

The extraordinary range of this book, as well as the original and cohesive analysis it offers, make it an ideal text for all international courses covering media and communications studies, cultural history, military history and politics.

20. Science, Religion, and the Human Experience - james proctor 2005

The relationship between science and religion is generally depicted in one of two ways. In one view, they are locked in an inevitable, eternal conflict in which one must choose a side. In the other, they are separate spheres, in which the truth claims of one have little bearing on the other.This collection of provocative essays by leading thinkers offers a new way of looking at this problematic relationship. The authors begin from the premise that both science and religion operate in, yet seek to reach beyond, specific historical, political, ideological, and psychological contexts. How may we understand science and religion as arising from, yet somehow transcending, human experience? The volume is divided into four sections. The first takes a fresh look at the relationship between science and religion in broad terms: as spheres of knowledge or belief, realms of experience, and sources of authority. The other three sections take on topics that have been focal points of conflict between science and religion: the nature of the cosmos, the origin of life, and the workings of the mind. Ultimately, the authors argue, by seeing science and religion as irrevocably tied to human experience we can move beyond simple either/or definitions of reality and arrive at a more rich and complex view of both science and religion.