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Cutting Through the Matrix w/ Alan Watt - March 16, 2009

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March 16, 2009
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:
Prophesying Computers--People Freaked as Crisis Tweaked:
"Welcome to the Age of Incarceration,
You Don't have a Pass--You Can't Leave the Nation,
Essential Travel Only, the Wave of the Future,
For CEOs and Politicos of Haute Couture,
Fewer Travellers will Help Reduce Air Pollution,
Populations are to Dwindle, Aiding the Solution,
Every Sci-Fi Nightmare into Computers They Cram,
Crying Wolf! Wolf! for the Climate Change Scam,
The Old Shanks Pony, Once Again the Commuter,
The Mighty One has Spoken, Special-Made Computer,
Devoid of Human Folly, Free from Human Vices,
Just Feed the Info in for an Endless Flow of Crises"
Sky of Chemical Mush, Spraying Aircraft, "National Security" - Free Trade, John Dee, British Empire, Cecil Rhodes, RIIA, Trading Blocs - NAFTA, "Free Flow of Goods and Labor" (Approved). "Millennium" book by Jacques Attali - Britain, Border "Protection", Permission to Travel, Traveller Database - Must-Be Agenda, Terrorism, 9-11 - UN FAO, Food Quotas, Abortions, Sterilization. Global Warming and Climate Change Scam, IPCC, Predictions - Computer Models, Royal Astrologers - Temperature Drop - War on Public. Bankers' Looting - Build-Up and Plunder of Wealth - Taxpayer-Funded Bailout, AIG Bonuses - Happy Slaves - Understanding History, Depopulation. Camouflaged Cell-Phone Towers.
***Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 16, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

32kbps mp3