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Conspiracy TV show - S1E4 - Dr. Deagle and Freeman Exposed, AJ Assissinated, Bohemian Grove

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Conspiracy TV show - S1E4 - Dr. Deagle and Freeman Exposed, AJ Assissinated, Bohemian Grove

1. We join the Revere Radio Network and thanks to Robb Revere, TotalInfo, and Ahnubis!

2. We are joined by Chronic, Heretic, Ahnubis, Yammitor, Scropio and the discussion includes:

* "Doctor" Deagle, well-known member of the Conspiracy Community, is a total scumbag.
+ He is a commercial (i.e. $$$) conspiracy radio host who is only in it for the money.
- Sells his quack medicine for $300 a pop!
+ Is a big proponent of the Israeli disinfo about the VATICAN-LED NWO.
- Not only the biggest shill, he is really bad at being a shill, his shillery leaves alot to be desired.
+ Can no way be consider a Christian.
- Total Jew-loving dumbass who pretends to be prophet (astaghfirullaah!).
- Stan from The Prophecy Club denounced him right after he came on the show.
+ Fun facts about Deagle:
- Deagle attributes his superior intelligence to the fact that his mom smoked while pregnant. This increased his neural pathways. Also, aliens interested in his superior intellect observed him closely throughout his childhood.
- Is a GP, and variously claims to be a microbiologist, a physicist, a toxicologist, an engineer, and an astronaut.
- In 1980 he met his current wife, Michelle, and they left their spouses to marry each other.
- Claims to be on a government hitlist, which is why he now lives in Canada. Great place to hide , and constantly tells everyone in the public forum he holds (credibility people).
- Has apparently spoken to Gabriel on numerous occasions (astaghfirullaah!).
- Was a medical practioner at Columbine Massacre, the Oklahmoma Bombing and 9/11 (wow what a coincidence :@@
- Claims Christ was a product of the Luciferian church (astaghfirullaah!).
- Was approached by reptilian leader PIndar (who apparently disguises himself as Prince Charles), to be his understudy.

* The controversy about Alex Jones dressing up as The Joker in order to make fun of Obama still rages on.
+ Is making money and wants to make movies, he has gone Hollywood.
+ Scorpio (who has been a guest at Bohemian Grove) says he totally lies about BG.
- They do not call the statue Molech and all the top people there are all Jews (just like Freemasonry).
- Scorpio almost felt sorry for AJ, because he made himself look so stupid.
+ Reached his peak, until the Jason "Info-Gnostic" Bermas Zionist scandal.
+ Cries about the ADL/SPLC calling for his assassination.
- If AJ is assassinated, will his supports riot?
. We all agree that they will not, LOL.

* Freeman has gone totally pro-NWO!!!
+ Isnt really a hippie anymore, very angry, but accuses everyone else of being excessively angry.
- Completely lost his sense of humor.
+ Left Austin and always talks about money and begging for donations.
- "I'm not living the life of a millionaire!".
. Do you want to live the life of a millionair?
+ Despite his friendship with Texe Marrs, is now blantaly anti-Christian.
+ During an interview with an eugenist, he agreed that there are too many people and depopulation is okay.
- Wants everyone to live like cavemen peasents

* Marcus Allen from 7Jewmins calls Texe Marrs and insults him.
+ TM ripped his ass apart and made MA look like a complete dumbass.
+ Always acts tough by using his real name and giving out his phone number, because he knows that Z.O.G. will protect him.

* The host decides to become a PAYTRIOTARD and begs for donations.
+ Promises to start using drugs and at least half of the money will go for cocaine. :-)

3. A clip, "Wake The Fuck Up Show #1", by DJ Chronic from the Netherlands (Holland) is played.

La Diferenzia - Si Lo Quieres
Azar Shiva - Soltane Ghalbha