Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
358.33 GiB | 0 | 0 | 35 |
Worlds Latest And Best..
Almost every interesting audio book there is.
Business Audio Books = 1,553 Files,
Health and fitness - 99 Files,
Misc and very interesting Audio Books = 1,062 Files
Self Help And Personal Improvement = 2,382 Files
Science and technology = 881 Files
If you are preparing to spend some time in a bunker and need some thing to do...
Grab the bunker audio book collection.
Does this collection contain
Does this collection contain the same files that are in the big Audiobook bunker collections that were recently uploaded? This particular collection only has one seeder but the headings are the same (business, health, self help, etc.). Any ideas?
euxconcen wrote:
once in the content tab and you click to reveal those headings.. click them again to reveal the titles within ;)
thanks :0
thanks :0
I realized that after I posted it, too, but it is still not clear to me if 100% of the files are copies. I suspect they are, though, FYI.
Just think: we live in a world where terms like "de-dupe" never had need to exist before!