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This is a new book - supposedly based on the testimony of an Ex-Army nurse working at the 509th Roswell base in 1947.

Here is the review I did for amazon UK.

Please buy a copy if you can - the author is making no money from the book sales - they go to charity.


Most Helpful Customer Reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars One of the most important pieces of exopolitical evidence, 14 Jul 2008
By David Griffin "- !Exopolitics!Uk! -" (UK Midlands) - See all my reviews

After hearing a talk-radio interview with the editor of this book I was left both intrigued and slightly miffed by the end of it.

Intrigued because in this era of CGI and photoshop - image analysis simply leads to more of the mundane, looped discussion about "real" or "hoax" so contact testimony is, in my experience, both more valuable and more interesting. I also despaired somewhat because this information, if accurate [and since reading it I believe it is], should have come out decades ago not on the deathbed of the Army nurse who provided it.

In addition to the communication from the pilot extra-terrestrial from the Roswell crash itself, both Lawrence Spencer and Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy provide various useful contexts for the bizarre and often metaphysical journey the notes take the reader on. Believe me when I suggest that the information the book contains is so explosive that readers need this wrap around commentary to ground them as they work through the details.

I suppose the information is *only* dramatic if you have a background in this area. As Matilda mentions in the opening letter to Spencer - if the information was presented to the mainstream press and many other outlets it would just be laughed at or avoided due to to fear of breaking the now outdated 'National Security State' taboo. If however you have come across the Gnostic idea or indeed have examined the contactee database for versions of our species galactic history and evolution - you'll probably be equipped to enter the reality of the Roswell ET and the information she [it had a female presence according to the Army nurse] provides. The real question is do you want to?

Without giving much away - much of the information we find resonates on a deep level.It feels genetic and holographic. A lot clicks into place when we learn for example [and here's the Gnostic element - the Gnostics thought the human race have been caught in a prison of matter and/or materialism] that Earth has been used as a dumping ground by a huge ET race who came before the alliance the Roswell ET belongs to. This 'prison planet' means we have two polarities of characters: both 'criminal' types no-one wants and numerous artists and political dissidents who were moved here for failing to pull along with the big-brother type organisation this dominant, space-faring group have developed in the wider galactic scheme of things.

This book is one of a kind. Most will not be interested, others will avoid due to the complexities it throws up - the rest of us can learn from what we find - but it will hit you on an almost visceral level.

Exopolitics UK