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15 Great eBooks ! ! ! (eBook Compilation) ! ! !

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material included:

1. The cyclopedia of fraternities; a compilation of existing authentic information and the

results of original investigation as to more than six hundred secret societies in the United

States - by Albert Clark Stevens (1899)

2. Maps That Made History - by Dr. Lez Smart 2005

Few people can resist the appeal of old maps and plans. Even in these days of disposable mapping

— from satellite navigation to customized road directions at the click of a mouse — the

historical map continues to present a unique perspective on our changing world. Here we explore

25 glorious examples. The emphasis is on the story behind the map: what it reveals about its

creator and users, from the first explorers to the railway builders. This thought-provoking

collection features maps that chart societies as well as land, sea, and skies; maps that have

influenced and inspired; and perhaps most revealing of all, maps that misrepresent.

3. The Reign of Cleopatra (Greenwood Guides to Historic Events of the Ancient World) by Stanley

M. Burstein 2004

Ambitious, intelligent, and desired by men and Emperors, Cleopatra VII came to power at a time

when Roman and Egyptian interests increasingly tended to concern the same object: the Egyptian

Empire itself. Cleopatra lived her whole life at the center of this complex and persistent power

struggle, and her death simultaneously heralded the end of the Ptolemaic dynasty, the loss of

Egyptian political independence, and the beginning of Caesar Augustus's Roman rule in Egypt.

Cleopatra's legacy has since lost much of its former political significance, as she has come to

symbolize instead the potent force of female sexuality and power. In this engaging and

multifaceted account, however, Stanley M. Burstein displays Cleopatra in the full manifold

brilliance of the several cultures, countries, and people that surrounded her throughout her

compelling life, and in so doing develops a stunning picture of a legendary Queen, and a deeply

historic reign. Designed as an accessible introduction to Cleopatra VII and her time, this book

offers readers and researchers an appealing mix of descriptive chapters, biographical sketches,

and annotated primary documents. An overview of the Ptolemaic Dynasty is presented in the

introduction, and is followed by chapters on Cleopatra's life, the reality of Ptolemaic Egypt,

Cleopatra's multicultural Egyptian society, and Alexandria's culture and conflicts. The narrative

chapters conclude with a section discussing Cleopatra's significance as a person, a queen, and a

symbol. An annotated bibliography and index are also included in this work.

4. Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior, 3rd Edition - by Pamela Korsmeyer, Henry

R. Kranzler 2008

Explores the social, medical, legal and political issues related to drugs and alcohol and

associated behaviors. Includes emerging topics and developments in the many fields of addiction


5. Encyclopedia of the American Constitution (6 vol. set) 2nd Edition 2000 /$817

This 6 volume set of the 1987 Dartmouth Medal winner includes all of the material from the

original 4 volume set and 1992 Supplement, as well as updated original articles and completely

new articles covering recent concepts and court cases since 1992. New material is alphabetically

integrated throughout the set. Appendices include a case index and primary documents. Among the

new articles in this edition are adoption, race, and the Constitution; birthright citizenship;

Clinton v. Jones; disability discrimination; hate crimes; modern militias; Violence Against Women

Act; and more.

The articles in the set provide comprehensive coverage of all aspects of constitutional law, as

well as biographies of people who have had an impact on our government's legal framework (Supreme

Court Justices, Presidents, Cabinet Members, Lawyers, and more). Judicial decisions handed down

by the Supreme Court are also analysed. Congressional laws, executive orders and other public

acts that impacted our legal structure are also examined. Finally articles also cover historical

periods (of the Court as well as of US Historical eras). Contributors all focused solely on the

constitutional aspects of the many topics covered in this six volume set and they are

professionals who also had their own impact -- lawyers, historians, and political scientists.

This new edition admirably continues the standard set in 1986 of providing high-quality,

insightful, and thorough essays by leading constitutional scholars, law school professors,

judges, historians, and political scientists on practical and theoretical topics dealing with

every aspect of constitutional law in the U.S., from the Constitutional Convention in 1787 to the

Clinton impeachment. The first edition won the 1987 Dartmouth Medal awarded by ALA's Reference

and User Services Association and was designated as one of four core reference sources for a

"Bicentennial Bookshelf" by the National Endowment for the Humanities. In 1992, a one-volume

supplement was published, covering major constitutional developments and decisions since 1985 as

well as topics omitted from the original set. When it came time to consider publishing a second

supplementary volume, the editors wisely decided that it would be too unwieldy for users to have

to consult the main volume plus two supplements to obtain thorough coverage of a topic. Instead,

the editors opted to produce one new set, which would not only update many existing articles and

cover new topics of importance but also include the original content of the first edition and its

supplement. So, for example, John Paul Stevens is the subject of three consecutive essays: the

original 1986 essay, an update in the1992 supplement, and a 2000 update. Although this

arrangement is much simpler than requiring the reader to look in three separate volumes, one must

continually stay alert to the fact that the older essays have not themselves been revised and

must remember the temporal context when reading and evaluating them. On the other hand,

reproducing the original essays and updating them with separate articles give a sense of how the

interpretation of events, court decisions, and legal theories may change over time and expose the

reader to different viewpoints on the same topic. Contributors to the first edition were

encouraged to write commentaries that expressed their own views in addition to describing and

analyzing their subjects. The second edition takes this a step further. For a few controversial

subjects, such as electoral districting and same-sex marriage, it provides two essays by scholars

with contrasting views, a feature that will be much appreciated by students writing

compare-and-contrast-type essays.The second edition contains 316 new articles, mainly focusing on

constitutional issues arising since 1992 (such as DNA testing and the Internet), recent

developments in areas still the subject of litigation and legislation (abortion, affirmative

action, search and seizure), new perspectives on doctrinal or historical subjects (taking of

property, war powers), influential persons (primarily new Supreme Court justices and President

Clinton), and recent Supreme Court decisions. Contributors include noted scholars such as A. E.

Dick Howard, Wayne R. LaFace, Catharine MacKinnon, Robert M. O'Neil, and Mark Tushnet. Articles

contain cross-referencing within the text, indicated by small capitals. Although this format

saves space, it is difficult for a person scanning an entry to notice the cross-references. Also,

the decision to embed cross-references within the text means that the reader is often referred to

a very broad topic but may not be referred to a narrower but more relevant article. For example,

homosexual marriage is discussed in Sexual preference and the constitution . The article contains

a cross-reference to Sex discrimination within the text but not to the more relevant Same-sex

marriage . See also references are found at the end of many articles, but articles

cross-referenced within the text are not repeated. As with many reference works, the

cross-referencing and see also referencing are not as comprehensive as one might hope. For

example, there is no referencing between the articles Sex offender notification laws and Sexual

predator laws, even though the topics are closely related.Most entries also contain short but

useful bibliographies. The first volume offers an alphabetical list of all articles and updates

with authors noted, as well as lists of contributors with their institutional affiliations and

articles written. Appendixes containing historical documents, a chronology of the development of

American constitutional law, a glossary, and a case index, name index, and subject index complete

the set. Absent is an index for statutes. When a statute is the subject of an article, the

statute-at-large citation is given for it; but when a statute is mentioned in the text of an

article, the citation is not given. Including the citation information in an index modeled on the

case index would have been useful. Apart from the minor flaws noted above, the second edition of

Encyclopedia of the American Constitution is a masterful contribution to the reference

literature. It fulfills its mission of bridging the disciplines of history, law, and politics

using language that is accessible to a mixed audience ranging from high-school students and the

general public to constitutional law scholars. It is recommended for public, secondary, academic,

and law school libraries, as well as appropriate special libraries.

6. The Cyclopedia Of Fraternities - by Albert Stevens 1899

represe:n^tative members.

7. General History, Cyclopedia And Dictionary Of Freemasonry - by Robert McCoy 33* 1872

TO supply, to some extent, the increasing demand for
knowledge, by students in the science of Freemasonry,
and to keep step with the irresistible progress of our institu-
tion, were the impelling motives that induced the undersigned
to undertake the arrangement of a work of this character.
Dr. OLIVER'S Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry, notwithstand-
ing its value and usefulness, falls short of the present wants
of the Fraternity. Dr. ALBERT G. MACKET'S Lexicon of
Freemasonry, better adapted to the requirements of the
Fraternity in the United States than any other work of the
kind heretofore published, is also deficient in many respects.
The present volume is intended to remedy many of the
defects and omissions of its predecessors, and to exhibit, in
a form of easy reference, the latest developments and
progress of the institution, and the results of more recent
investigations. It contains a comprehensive explication of
the whole system of Freemasonry, and of kindred or similar
associations ancient and modern being a careful con-
densation of all that has ever been written on the subject;
intelligible to the Fraternity, and mysterious to the profane.
My purpose will be effectually and very satisfactorily an-
swered, if the definitions here given of the technical and
other terms of Masonry, shall prove of sufficient value to
irwluco the reader to increase his stock of knowledge by a
reference to other works, where the subjects are more
thoroughly discussed, or to confirm the more advanced
Mason in the truth of those noble principles of the Craft,
to the study of which he has devoted his time and talents.
In the preparation of the History of the Masonic Institu-
tion, every available means has been adopted to obtain the
most reliable information whereon to found a truthful
chronicle of its origin and early progress throughout the
several parts of the world. The many and almost insur-
mountable difficulties in arriving at precise dates, when the
materials are scattered in different places, or mixed with
doubtful circumstances, are sufficient to almost deter any
writer from attempting the undertaking. Notwithstanding
the uncertainty with which much of the matter of history
is surrounded, a diligent and careful examination of the
materials, the probabilities of statements possessing the
germs of truth were too convincing to be set aside without
calm reflection and mature consideration. With these
views the history in the accompanying pages is offered to
the Fraternity, in the hope that it will prove satisfactory
and useful.
I have been greatly assisted in the arrangement of this
work by Bro. AUG. C. L. ARNOLD, LL. D., whose knowledge
and correct discrimination upon subjects connected with
the history and science of Freemasonry and its kindred
associations, will be a guaranty for their correctness. To
Bro. JOHN W. SIMONS, Past Grand Master of New York,
whose knowledge of the arcana of Masonry is not excelled
by any writer of the present age, I am also indebted for
many valuable articles and excellent suggestions. To these
and other brethren who have kindly aided me I tender my
hearty thanks.
Again asking the fraternal indulgence of the brethren
for whatever defects may still be apparent, the work is re-
spectfully submitted to their inspection.

8. The Money Manipulators (the bankers that stole america) by June Grem 1971

It must be apparent to every thinking person that something is very wrong in the United States.
Chaos, crime and revolutionary activity are mounting everywhere. Inflation continues to erode

value of the dollar and our constitutional rights are being systematically stripped from us. In

midst of a nation which is capable of creating abundance, we are faced with a situation where

ninety per cent of the wealth of the nation is controlled by less than one per cent of its

citizens. We
are continually told by press, pulpit and politician that the solution to these problems lies in

and more government intrusion into our lives. If this socialization or “governmentization” were
the answer, we should have seen some lessening of the problems by now. Yet the exact opposite
has happened.
To further confuse the issue, the revolutionists scream for the overthrow of “the system.” Yet

overthrow of “capitalism” would establish Communism, which is what our government has been
fighting for years. Or so we are told. If we examine the facts more closely, however, we will

that no Communist nation exists today. Communism is that idyllic future paradise wherein the
state will wither away and mankind will exist in perfect peace and harmony. Communism is the
bait—Socialism the goal. Most of the governments on earth today are either partly, or totally,
Socialist. Even the USSR calls itself the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. If Communism
doesn’t exist, obviously we can’t fight it. But Socialism does exist, and the United States is

rapidly moving into the orbit of total Socialism, which is government control of all facets of

human life. It
appears that we are actually establishing Socialism under the guise of fighting Communism.
None of the Socialist nations, including the United States, are truly prosperous. Why then

anyone want the establishment of a system which strips the people of their freedom and

permanent poverty as a way of life ? The purpose of Socialism is the establishment of a ruling

which will enforce its political fanaticism on the entire population by whatever means necessary.

life in Socialist (Communist) countries were desirable, we would not see a continued exodus of
people who are able to escape. Furthermore, if Socialism were a desirable goal, why should such

cunning and secrecy be needed for its establishment ?

9. The Synagogue Of Satan - BY aNDREW hITCHCOCK 2007

There are millions of people throughout the world who
believe there is an invisible government behind the
scenes that controls world events.
Unfortunately many people who have investigated and
published works on this phenomenon have only gone so
far as identifying nebulous organisations such as the
Bllderberg group and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Now, at last, a book that identifies the world
government behind the scenes and describes, in
chronological order, what they have been up to and
A book that will tell you of the real conspiracy taking
place on the planet, a conspiracy that is predicted
biblically, which started with the subversion of the
world's banking system and is destined to end in the
destruction of modern civilization.

10. Dissipation Of The Darkness: History of the Origin of Masonry 1897

One part of this introduction pertains to me, Lawrence, son of George, son of Samuel, son of

Jonas, son of
Samuel Lawrence, of Russian origin and, at present, a resident in Rio de Janeiro, capitol of

Brazil, in the year
The other part pertains to some of my ancestors, who inherited and bequeathed this History.
How many learned men and historians who carried out lengthy investigations to come to know the.

history of
the foundation of the Masonic association and its true origin arrived at no conclusion. Their

efforts were in vain.
Some believe that the origin of the Masonic association goes back to Adam, others believe that it

goes back to
Moses, others to David, others to Solomon, others to Christ, etc., etc.
Innumerable are those who spent their time in the search without coming to realize their

longings. The number
of investigators who, together with their relatives, friends and helpers, met their downfall in

this work is
incredible. To the aforementioned are added all the heads of the religions of all the world,

especially in Europe,
Turkey, Egypt and America. Whom else should I add? I would add the Masonic family itself,

including the
Presidents of the Grand Orients, the Presidents of the Lodges, and the affiliates who hold high

degrees; except
the Nine Men who have, respectively, inherited from their corresponding ancestors, the secret of

the foundation
of the Mysterious Force.
I would also add kings, nobles and governors, wise men, discoverers and investigators.

Historians, authors;
writers and poets. Orators, legislators and journalists. Lawyers, judges, doctors and

pharmacists. Merchants,
industrialists and sportsmen. Even the illiterate to whom this investigation would not belong.

All these
mentioned, integrated in the different classes of the community, Masons and non-Masons, form a

true army that
pursues the secret.
I divide these investigators into three groups:
1. The historians who spend their days and nights in study and reading trying in vain to come to

know the
secret of the true history of the foundation of Masonry.
2. The learned authors who try to establish something about the secret. All in vain; yet they

continue with
their studies without having reached their goal.
3. The associates and their collaborators who have not gotten anywhere in spite of their

efforts. It is deplorable. All the investigations come to nothing, they have not achieved any

result! The number of those
investigators, from the foundation of the association up to our days (the end of the 19th
century) can be
estimated in the hundreds of thousands. I received these truths from my father, who in turn

received them from
his father, and he from his father, retrospectively to the origin of the lineage: the Nine

Founders in the year 43
after Christ.
Thus it is that I, Lawrence, son of George, son of Samuel, son of Jonas, son of Samuel Lawrence,

of Russian
origin, the last descendant of the descendants of one of the owners of this History, say:
I inherited from my father a manuscript composed by our ancestors in the Hebrew language and

translated by
one of them to the Russian language. Another of them translated it to English.
Our ancestor, Jonas, introduced in the manuscript a series of events; this History, thus, being

produced by him
and his ancestors. Jonas arranged it and divided it into two sections. He wanted to publish it,

but various
obstacles impeded it: health, economic means and political events. He and his wife, Janet,

conceived the idea of
the publication of this History; on finding themselves incapable of doing so, they commended its

publication to
their son, my grandfather, Samuel. Jonas died without seeing his longing fulfilled.
My grandfather, Samuel, the son of Jonas, who was the son of Samuel Lawrence, here addresses his

words to
his son, George, my father. Samuel said to his son, George:
Son: Here you see these introductions headed by a list of names. These names correspond to the

heirs of this History since the renewal of the association (The Mysterious Force) when it changed

its name to
“Freemasonry.” They include: Joseph Levy.
Joseph Levy is one of the renewers of the association. He is a Jew and an heir of the History

from his ancient
ancestors who, in turn, inherited it from Moab Levy, one of the nine founders.
It was our ancestor, Joseph, who conceived the idea of changing the name of the association (The

Force) to Freemasonry and of reforming the statutes.
Here you have the details: He was sent to London with his son, Abraham, and a friend named

Abraham Abiud,
all Jews, descendants of the heirs of the History and very well financed.
They had made efforts to enter
another city and, not having success, they headed for London. There they met two influential and
knowledgeable persons who served as suitable elements to accomplish their purposes. They are:
John Desaguliers and a companion called George.

moving into the orbit of total Socialism, which is government control of all facets of human

life. It
appears that we are actually establishing Socialism under the guise of fighting Communism.

11. Milton Magazine 2005

Managing the International Health Crisis, page 3
Searching for What Sustains Us, page 6
Planning for Disaster Response, page 10
Moving Iraq Toward a Market Economy, page 13
Leading Schools, Defining a Vision, page 18
Delivering Maximum Performance:
the Dymaxion Man, page 31
Maintaining a Just-in-Time Inventory:
Mathematics at Milton, page 35
Championing a Worthy Ideal:
Teaching Grammar, page 39

12. Codex Alimentarius Commission: Procedural Manual

The Procedural Manual of the Codex Alimentarius Commission is intended to
help Member governments participate effectively in the work of the Joint FAO/
WHO Food Standards Programme. The Manual is particularly useful for
national delegations attending Codex meetings and for international
organizations attending as observers. It will also be useful for Member
Governments which wish to participate in Codex work by correspondence.
Section I sets out the Commission's basic Rules of Procedure and the other
internal procedures necessary to achieve the Commission's objectives. These
include the procedures for the elaboration of Codex Standards and related
texts, general principles and guidelines for the acceptance of Codex standards
by governments, and some basic definitions.
Section II is devoted to guidelines for the efficient operation of Codex
Committees. These Committees are organized and operated by Member
Governments designated by the Commission. It describes how standards are
set out in a uniform manner, describes a uniform reference system for Codex
documents and working papers, and provides a number of general principles
for formulating key sections of Codex standards.
Section III lists the Commission's subsidiary bodies with their Terms of
Reference. It also gives the Membership of the Commission (157 Member
countries in July 1997) together with the addresses of Codex Contact Points.
This Tenth Edition of the Procedural Manual was prepared by the Secretariat
following the Twenty-Second Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission,
Geneva 1997. Further information concerning the Codex Alimentarius
Commission and its Subsidiary Bodies can be obtained from the Secretary,
Codex Alimentarius Commission, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards
Programme, FAO, 00100 Rome, Italy.
The Statutes and Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission were
first established by FAO Conference and the World Health Assembly in 1961/62 when
the Commission itself was established. The Statutes were revised in 1966. The Rules
of Procedure have been amended on several occasions, the last time being in 1995.
The Statutes form the legal basis of the Commission's work and provide its mandate
or terms of reference. The Rules of Procedure describe the formal working
procedures appropriate to an intergovernmental body.
The Procedure for the Elaboration of Codex Standards describes the way by which
Codex standards are prepared and the various Steps in the process which ensure
comprehensive review of draft standards by governments and other interested
parties. It was comprehensively revised in 1993 to provide a uniform elaboration
procedure for all Codex standards and related texts. The Procedure allows the use of
a "fast-track" approach in cases where urgent action is needed.
The General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius define the Scope and the purpose
of Codex Standards and the way by which governments indicate their formal
acceptance of the Standards. The Guidelines on Acceptance provide additional
information to Member governments on the procedures regarding acceptance.
This Section concludes with Definitions for the Purpose of the Codex Alimentarius
which assist in the uniform interpretation of these texts.

13. A Chronology Of Secret Societys - By Apache Cowboy

40,000 BC - 1900 - 1984

14. Take Over World


15. Hitlers Flying Saucers - by Henry Stevens

This book is a guide into the world of German flying discs. You
may have picked up this guide because you are unfamiliar with the
German production of flying saucers during World War Two. The
basics of this production will be revealed to you in the following
pages. An adventure awaits you.
On the other hand, you may be looking for nothing more than a
rational explanation of the UFO phenomenon. The UFO
phenomenon involves sightings of unidentified flying objects. This
means that any unidentified flying object is a UFO, regardless of its
alleged source. Because the object is unidentified, the object's source
is also undetermined. Only a leap of faith can connect UFOs to an
extraterrestrial course without first introducing proof. A radical
hypothesis such as an extraterrestrial origin of UFOs requires
overwhelming proof in order to be generally accepted. No such
overwhelming extraterrestrial proof has ever been offered which
has stood up to scrutiny. No crashed alien craft have ever been
produced by anyone, inside or outside government. Likewise, no
alien bodies have ever been found. No extraterrestrial culture, or
alien technology has ever been uncovered by anyone. There is
simply no actual evidence at all linking UFOs with an extraterrestrial
source. Therefore, no such leap of faith should be made. We need to
start all over again. All rational earthly explanations need to be
exhausted before any extraterrestrial theories are even put forth.
Unfortunately, the simple truth is that, for the most part, UFO
research has done a leap-frog to the extraterrestrial explanation
without ever adequately exploring and exhausting a terrestrial
origin. This statement is inclusive of everyone regardless of
background or education. It applies to the charlatan UFO attention-
getters as well as to former NASA scientists with Ph.D.s. This is the
condition of our current state of affairs in the UFO world.
Let me expound on this. For over fifty years, the UFO research
paradigm has been fundamentally wrong. A proper attempt to
explain the UFO phenomenon would involve a gathering or the
evidence and then explanation by proceeding from simple solutions
involving known facts and conditions and totally exhausting these
as possibilities before postulating explanations, conditions, or entities
not represented by fact. Only after known facts fail us can we move
on to postulate explanations beyond our realm of experience.