A UK ConCenner has taken up the task of seeking out, capturing, and breeding a special strain of server hamster, rumoured to live somewhere in Yorkshire. With a brood of these well armed server hamsters on our side, the New World Odor stands no chance of succeeding!
A UK ConCenner has taken up the task of seeking out, capturing, and breeding a special strain of server hamster, rumoured to live somewhere in Yorkshire. With a brood of these well armed server hamsters on our side, the New World Odor stands no chance of succeeding!
The best server hamsters are the ones the lothians.. well known for it in fact :P
an ideal place to discuss this kind of thing is Telegram.
Did you know you can have up to three accounts in the Telegram app and switch between them, you just need a SIM card and an old phone to register. You can only create a new Telegram account with the mobile app.
A UK ConCenner has taken up the task of seeking out, capturing, and breeding a special strain of server hamster, rumoured to live somewhere in Yorkshire. With a brood of these well armed server hamsters on our side, the New World Odor stands no chance of succeeding!
The best server hamsters are the ones the lothians.. well known for it in fact :P
an ideal place to discuss this kind of thing is Telegram.
Did you know you can have up to three accounts in the Telegram app and switch between them, you just need a SIM card and an old phone to register. You can only create a new Telegram account with the mobile app.