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Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas — Not Less (2022) [audiobook+ebook]

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File Duration
01 - Fossil Future.mp3 57m17s
02 - Fossil Future.mp3 44m18s
03 - Fossil Future.mp3 1h6m
04 - Fossil Future.mp3 1h18m
05 - Fossil Future.mp3 1h14m
06 - Fossil Future.mp3 1h12m
07 - Fossil Future.mp3 1h7m
08 - Fossil Future.mp3 47m13s
09 - Fossil Future.mp3 52m17s
10 - Fossil Future.mp3 50m13s
11 - Fossil Future.mp3 42m47s
12 - Fossil Future.mp3 1h7m
13 - Fossil Future.mp3 1h15m
14 - Fossil Future.mp3 46m51s
15 - Fossil Future.mp3 40m6s
16 - Fossil Future.mp3 43m58s
17 - Fossil Future.mp3 47m9s
Total Duration 16h11m09s


But it's hard for me to see "global human flourishing" lasting too much longer without more major societal disruptions (like pandemics, supply chain disruptions etc etc). It'd be great if we lasted another 5 years! But maybe I'm just cynical...

Just when we think things couldn't get any worse, they do.

I doubt it's really causing climate change but this stuff will run out sooner or later.

What we need is small safe nuclear. Rolls Royce are on the case.

Our technology is exponentially accelerating, so at some critical threshold, maybe we can outgrow old modes of existence and invent entirely new ones to save the day. It's possible...

oil is abiotic, it will never run out. as for nuclear power that is also mis-understood and mis-described.
galen winsor the designer and expert on "nuclear energy" described it as the most exspensive way to boil water.
as always mainstream is nothing but lies and deceit mixed with truths. i find it maddening that so many so called truth seekers still buy into so many mainstream deceits..........QUESTION EVERYTHING........beLIEve nothing...............peace

as usual there are lies and deceit mixed with the truths. i found this gem of a book at a second hand store of all places. electric/magnetic based modes of transport are the future but not that battery based crap they push now. i am talking free energy pulled from the aether electric that Tesla was onto before his forced downfall.
anyways "the Great Oil conspiracy" is a great read. oil is not limited......its abiotic. it has nothing to do with"fossils" or dinosaurs (which are also nonsense as mainstream describes) its the life blood of the living realm we are on/in.
heres a link to the description. the last bullit point on the rear cover states "the world will NEVER run out of oil" maybe someone on here has the PDF and can post it on concen...........peace out

It can't be infinite, can it.

And if it was, it wouldn't be good to burn it and put it in the atmosphere.

i think it can be infinite. the earth is some sort of "living" being/realm. its like take some out and the body makes more. i live in calgary alberta canada. basically the richest oil province on the continent. 30 years ago several huge oil wells and oil sands ran out. there was alot of cocern for albertas oil future. they of course found lots more , but what they dont talk about is that 25 years later they went back to the dried out places and guess what?? they were all full again because oil is not a "fossil" fuel
and i agree that all the burning cant be good but i also think they lie about poloution just the same way they lie about global warming or climate change or whatever they call it now. peace

So you lack a basic grasp of reality, I understand.

so again you must insult me instead of just allowing others to have their own opinion. as i said before...........those that think they know a thing will never look to see if that thing is true. you sir are an absoloute egotistical know it all. how will you ever learn new things or have world changing new thoughts when you never allow you beLIEfs to be questioned??

i come to these posts to place information i have learned, true or not. that is for you to decide. but ignorance is why society is again the shithole that it is. you keep on ignoring new information and continue to be a narrow minded repeater
peace the fuck out

dudeface wrote:

so again you must insult me instead of just allowing others to have their own opinion. as i said before...........those that think they know a thing will never look to see if that thing is true. you sir are an absoloute egotistical know it all. how will you ever learn new things or have world changing new thoughts when you never allow you beLIEfs to be questioned??
i come to these posts to place information i have learned, true or not. that is for you to decide. but ignorance is why society is again the shithole that it is. you keep on ignoring new information and continue to be a narrow minded repeater
peace the fuck out

ROFL, you are the embodiment of projection!

You don't have an opinion, you have a fantasy.

im from calgary too.

i think its some abiogenesis sort of thing

cool.............PM sent..............peace


I don't really know enough about it to call it fantasy or have an opinion on it one way or the other. I guess it kind of makes sense, that oil reserves can be replenished... maybe! That would help, maybe the author of this book in this torrent talks about that.

At first sniff, Abiogenesis seems like flat-earth fantasy stuff, probably invented to distract from the truth which is "fossil fuels" are simply "mineral oils".

If Abiogenesis is the truth, where do the raw materials come from?

At least with the fossil fuel theory, they are clear that oil is made from algae and ancient jungles under enormous heat and pressure.

It's a fact that "fossil fuels" used to be called mineral oil and there doesn't seem to be any evidence for the theory.

It doesn't seem unrealistic to assume that oil - which is hydrocarbon chains - simply originated in the same way that other elements did after the big bang and the formation of the planet. Most heavy elements formed into rock of some sort. Hydrogen and Oxygen formed into water. Carbon had to end up somewhere, so it makes sense it would react with Hydrogen and make oil. Oil is dense, so this would form below water, for a start.

Or maybe the carbon was all in the atmosphere as CO2, and did indeed turn into oil via decomposing plants. It's hard to imagine the timescale but we really are talking about an incredibly long period of time.

Either way - you should be against burning it unless you have to because it's disgusting. Air pollution makes us all very sick.