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What's the most convincing UFO testimony you've seen?

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What's the most convincing UFO testimony you've seen?

What's the most convincing UFO testimony you've seen?

I've watched a fair amount, and the thing that bothers me is that no two "witnesses" agree. There's literally nothing to show they are not making it up.

Then there are people like David Willcock and Corey Goode who seem to me to be "channelling" from some imaginary alternate fantasy reality... and people lap it up.

Some testimony of people - who have credentials that check out - seems believable and that at least they believe it, and have seemingly nothing to gain from lying. Some obviously profit massively from writing books and public appearances.

It all seems to require leaps of imagination. Like all the sumerian etc hieroglyphs actually seem quite convincing to me. That was the means they had of recording visits from aliens and strange craft. Makes more sense than that they created myths of people with crocodile heads etc.

On mushrooms I've asked to be shown events in history when aliens visited Earth, and some were very vivid and quite convincing. But still hardly admissible in court.

post your links!


Mexican Air Force pilots film and observe 11 UFOs
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