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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Aug 2013 w1

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What Really Happened - Mike Rivero - Aug 2013 w1

imo the best radio shows around.

Constantly revealing that which is kept hidden/ignored by the corporate/jewish/Israeli controlled/owned media bastards. revealing the crimes of Israel, including topics which Alex Jones purposefully avoids, and by doing so confirms Alex Jone's support for Israel's criminal/inhumane actions. Remember that it was Alex Jones's support for Israel, which led to Mike leaving that network.

Mike covers a lot of international news, not just USA news. Including info. regarding what those bastards from Israel are doing, and what Big Pharma is doing (including drugs, vaccines, GMO, etc) and excellent analysis of most of the significant issues affecting our lives.

Too many important issues to list, including false flag attempts, the Bankers, the cartel run Fedral Reserve, etc.

well worth listening to, even after the aired date.

Note: All shows are com free.

and his website is a great source of relevant news / info.

Israel - a location on earth where some of the most ruthless & hard core criminals call home.

word of the year: Sayanim - 'Jews living outside Israel that volunteer to provide assistance to the Israeli Mossad. Includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics and even overt intelligence gathering. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the hundreds of thousands.'

20130806 WRH Japan Hiroshima, fake terror attacks mossad,............................

20130805 WRH fake Terror threat NSA Chatter, USA funding Al quaida, 16 TOR hacked, Android Master Key found, 17 DEA fake stories, NSA hacks Tor, 22 Israel wants to bomb Iran, tv attempts to persuade against 911 - Shark, 35 FBI ignore 6000/year criminal acts, website should be restricted, 37 40% workers making less than 1968, 38 Demonizing Muslims - Israel, good caller 911 Israel ect, 47 Obama will not meet Putin, 48 Banks rigging interest rates, Detroit Bail in pension, Banks criminal, 56 sports shop robbery - gun, 59 GW 316 US cities will flood - history of GW, 62 Fed reserve will not expire, 67 GW from 2007 GW will kill us by 2012, Fukushima bad news, 77 Israeli / jew infiltration of parties, 86 GW wind farm stop, 93 GMO Monsanto corn rootworm failure, 99

Last week

20130802 WRH NSA spying not for terrorists, 8 CNN - CIA to hide Benghazi, 20 Al Qaida = toilet, israel, USA = fascist country, 30 British spying NSA, Colin Powel private emails, 36 Stuxnet by Israel, Seattle restricts bad words, 41 Pentagon budget cut - 1 plane more than GDP of Australia, 44 Dr Wood looser, 46 Fake Kuwait baby story - 11 yr old Yemen fake story, lies about Iran president, Zimmerman diversion 10 865 black murdered by blacks, 57 NSA recording all data, 66 fed reserve illegal, 75 US officers can do anything they want in Canada, POW, 107 Muslim brother hood now our friends

20130801 WRH NSA encryption, NSA - not very effective - key words scan, Snowden Russia,18 IRS collusion with elections, 39 911 ghost floors, 44 Sandy Hook timeline change, Kerry delay tactics, 47 USA forcing Egypt new elections, 50 Syria, 52 terror drill, 63 USA debt $70 trillion, Small business tax 40%, 67 Israeli NSA wall street, another housing crash to come soon, 77 GUEST Adel Wise,

20130731 WRH gay - close to real cause, 5 Benghazi terrorists, 6 Protest to Impeach Obama - Belgium no gov., suicide 10 NSA Xkeyscore, 17 appeals court allows to grab all mobile phone data, 24 IRS illegal, Fed reserve Illegal, 33 911 false flag details, 44 IRS caller, 53 Zimm Shipping Israel moves out of twin towers b4 911 - Odigo Israel, 911, Judy Wood useless, 78 GUEST Ellen Brown 'Web of debt'- Banks,

20130730 WRH GW, Manning - Jew Pollard, wiki-leaks - controlled, 9 prisoners set free, 14 Ireland - dump euro & Austerity def, UK 'zero hour' contract, 18 Detroit $1 house, 21 JP Morgan manipulating electricity market, Israel, 26 Christian from Mythraic, cop vs bike rider, Oakland protest laws, 30:45 Pamela Galer jew bitch, 33 Israel can keep mobile phones, Israel wants more money, 35 UK net messages, ADL vs Shakespeare, 40 NSA - Germany confirms windows SSL encryption - Not safe, Intel & AMD chips Israel back door, 47 Comet Ison, GW ocean boiling away, El-ninio from volcanoes, Nat Geo fucked, 53 great lake plastic problem, 55 GMO Monsanto new website, 57 Big Pharma, Europe confirmed that vaccines=autism, 62 heart surgery in USA super expensive, medical fuck ups, 67 fracking, 77 GUEST Kevin Annett - residential school -genocide of kids - by Jesuits, 104 thorium reactors, USTASHI, 107 USA is Israel’s bitch $5 bill new law passes - USA must support Israel if Israel goes to war, 109 tans cranial magnetic stimulation, USA gov is not legal

20130729 WRH Obama Phony, NSA saving everything, 12 Syria takes Holmes, Israel bombs Syria, Israel King David = Arab, Israeli history lies - Noah flood copied, 20 Tunisia protests, Egypt Morssi Israeli puppet, 22 Sinai - USA missile, USA war with China, 25 Google disabled press tv, UK net censorship - will block all conspiracy websites, New Michael Hasting video = murder, 29 New Hampshire 'live free or die', 80% of US adults in poverty, privatization, 42 Detroit police robbing at gunpoint, Chicago going down, economy solutions, musician not tax exempt, 67 Jewish - Nazi media backlash - Shindler's list = $0, 73 choose to die, 83 computerized cars can be remote controlled, 86 GMO Monsanto targeting protests & states GMO wheat does not spread - Brazil gmo bad, 97 wind- farms failing, 99 GW El ninio - volcanoes - huge whole in sun, 104 Fracking, 107 IRS, 112 Glaxo - China scandal