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Website Darkmode

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Website Darkmode

Maybe consider adding a Darkmode for the website?

dtoxic wrote:
dtoxic wrote:

Maybe consider adding a Darkmode for the website?

What browser do you use? if it's a chromium based bropwser you can make them all dark mode by using Flags
or simply
Type chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark in the address bar and access it;
Set "Disabled" to the flag "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents" (highlighted in yellow);
Restart Chrome.
for edge use edge://flags and there are settings there just like in chrome, same wirth firefox.
hope that helps

thx for the info,i use Pale

thx for the info,i use Pale moon but it's better for a website t do it natively, that's just my opinion


I'd love to see this done, it's quite simple to achieve as well:

There's also Dark Reader which actually works for every website and it's customizable, if you want it darker/lighter and so on.

do you use your computer in the dark?

never understood the darkmode thing.
it's really bad for you.

zoopenhoff wrote:
zoopenhoff wrote:

never understood the darkmode thing.
it's really bad for you.

it lowers eye strain for many and doesn't damage the eye.
for me also it helps a bunch with my dyslexia. Oddly i find it MUCH easier to read in dark mode

pax wrote:
pax wrote:

for me also it helps a bunch with my dyslexia. Oddly i find it MUCH easier to read in dark mode

oh yeah, have you tried red sunglasses?

zoopenhoff wrote:
zoopenhoff wrote:

pax wrote:
for me also it helps a bunch with my dyslexia. Oddly i find it MUCH easier to read in dark mode

oh yeah, have you tried red sunglasses?

they tried the red and blue tint glassses with me at school. didn't work for me. Oddly.. dark mode does

It's well known that Dark Mode can lead to ...

... mood swings and anti-social behaviour. There is great potential that Dark Mode users could change their core attitude, eliciting emo-adjacent tendencies, eventually leading to dressing in black with spiky hair, black lipstick, heavy eyeliner, facial piercings, and a strong scent of cat piss.

As it is my sworn duty to protect ConCen and its users, especially from themselves, I cannot sanction Dark Mode at this time. Check back in a few hours days weeks months not gonna happen!

JK. It's on the list.


n00b question, sorry guys:

n00b question, sorry guys: what's a bark mode?

if you're on chrome,

just use dark reader extension

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