Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
30.71 MiB | 0 | 0 | 115 |
Dr Vernon Coleman
"An old man in a chair"
Vernon Coleman 2020-11-20 The Next Fake 'Crisis' Has Been Planned
9 min 22 sec - mp4 (AVC-AAC)
English-language subtitles from careful transcription
Computer-translated subtitles in ABOUT 135 LANGUAGES,
(Yandex, Google, MsBing, Baidu)
Please post a message if any translation is egregiously awful.
Dr Coleman's words:
"...the people who manufactured the coronavirus hoax, and who have kept it
running for most of 2020 and used it to take complete control of our lives,
aren't going to hand us back our freedom or our democratic rights without a fight."
"...the promoters of the "New World Order", the "Great Reset", need a follow-up.
"...they need something deadly and disruptive and really, really scary
in order to keep the huddled masses terrified and panicky.
And they need something that will kill millions without endangering the lives
of the politicians and administrators who see themselves ruling the world
as members of the long-planned new world government."
"At the World Economic Forum, they've been talking about a cyber attack;
a major hack that will cause real chaos."
"My big fear at the moment is that the bad eggs who gave us the coronavirus hoax
are going to take down the electricity supplies."
"The politicians, of course, will blame Russia, North Korea, Iran or China."
"...the months of December to March would do the most damage to the northern
hemisphere. And taking out Christmas would be popular among the doom-laden
gloom makers who want to remove all joy from our lives.
It would take us another small step towards eradicating Christianity. And the cold
weather would kill off hundreds of millions of unwanted old folk around the world."
"So, now is the time to work out how you'll cope if there IS a major power outage
that takes weeks to mend. Could you cope without electricity for a month?
"I'm not saying all this is going to happen. I certainly don't want to cause panic.
But things are different now. Nothing is impossible."
"The people who have created and managed the world's biggest hoax
will stop at nothing to get what they want: a reduced population,
a world government and total control."
"...the fact that we know what they're planning could well mean that they'll
abandon this evil plan and look for something else. This war is not going to end
until a good many people have been tried and thrown into the modern equivalent
of the Tower of London.
But a short delay would give us breathing space to plan ahead."