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Vaccinations - The Most Relevant Conversation (Parts 1 & 2) [720p]

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CommentVaccinations: The Most Relevant Conversation (Parts 1 & 2) - Earth Heroes TV, December 2020 Medical & health experts join Imani Mamalution to discuss the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines - the biggest experiment ever performed on humanity! Featuring: Part 1 - Dr Christiane Northrup - Dr Sherri Tenpenny - Professor Dolores Cahill Part 2 - Dr Christiane Northrup - Dr Larry Palevsky - Kevin Jenkins (Urban Global Health Alliance) Original Part 1: Original Part 2:
Created ByqBittorrent v4.3.2
Creation Date2021.01.04 07:18
Info Hash94739001ca572d276efaa98af213fd8cb8333f65
NameVaccinations - The Most Relevant Conversation (Parts 1 & 2) [720p]
Node ID41413
Number of Files3
Number of Pieces2920
Piece Length512 KiB
Size1.43 GiB