It all started with one magazine: Amazing Stories, and its editor, Ray Palmer.
In 1944, Shaver wrote a story which was the genesis of I Remember Lemuria. This was later reworked by Palmer into the first story in this book. It was published in the March 1945 issue of Amazing (as I Remember Lemuria!). It was carefully triangulated by Palmer as both fiction and 'non-fiction,' and letters poured in from people who had seen or been abducted by 'deros'. There were over twenty sequels set in the Shaver universe, published between 1945 and 1948. The Return of Sathanas, the second novella in this book, appeared originally in November 1946 (with Satan as one part Ming the Merciless, one part interstellar procurer). The book edition, titled I Remember Lemuria (dropping the !) was published in a now very rare edition in 1948, not to reappear in print until Adventures Unlimited reprinted it in 1999.
Any idea where to procure such a thing? Apparently the original was heavily censored by Ray Palmer from all the explicit space-sex in the stories...this is the really interesting stuff, right? It's a very good read nonetheless, I'm going through it again (with a new view on things) and if there's changes of parameters, i.e. set and setting (started eating better, working out, found girlfriend, whatever else), the experience is different, even with books (and movies) so the whole usual "Seen it, been there, done that" kinda might be like throwing the baby out with the bathwater (bad analogy, sorry, please throw them all out and just keep the bathwater). It's probably some sort of expensive manuscript or whatever, I came across references on Google, that seem to have disappeared somewhat as part of...temporary quicksand.
Here's a little quote from a chat online with a friend regarding some parts of this book, for example:
Are there any more really, really, really essential titles-authors you would like to mention here?
It's interesting, I read this piece of sci-fi literature, which seems ever-so-applicable to real life, and there's mention of the egyptian book of the dead (looking for it today I confused it with tibetan. I thought they're one)
“I refer you to a picture printed in many high school books of ancient history. It is from the ‘Book of the Dead’ a copy of which could be obtained in any large library from a book about the ‘Book of the Dead.’ This picture shows a scene which is called a picture of the Gods, and is in two sections. On the lower section the Gods are ‘weighing the souls’ our historians tell us. Actually it looks like a butcher buying a hybrid hog: half hog and half deer . . . the animal has a line around its middle as though it had been cut apart and sewn together again. It is evidence of the hybrid breeding of animals by the Atlans and Titans of Mu.“Another picture shows a teacher seated before an instrument, and before the teacher, facing him, is a group of students each holding a smaller instrument. This is an actual pictographic representation of the thought augmentor and the focusing device used to pick up its waves.
“Still another instrument pictured in ancient Egyptian glyphs is the crook the Pharoahs always carry. Notice the bottom end has a clevis—with holes. I have seen such handles protruding from the ancient weapon-beam apparatus. It acts as a beam director, like the stick of an airplane; and if removed would have kept the apparatus from being used by anyone else. Why else the clevis on the bottom? The origin of scepters was this carrying of the control handle to keep others from using the dangerous apparatus while one was gone for a short time.
“Certainly the use of this apparatus was very general in ancient times among rulers for it gave them control of men’s minds and its use was always secret among them.”—Ed.
This bit about the carrying the crook, with the bottom end having a holy clevis -- sounds like your modern day pistol. Magazine & reloads, plus if you whip one out and people know what it does -- mind control"
Egyptians carrying guns? WTF. That's like, I dunno man. We've got some insect life flourishing round here and I have no idea whether these are cockroaches, beetles or the immortal egyptian scarabs -- what's the difference? I found this hilarious. Cute visualization of this. But ehm, I'm hungry -- these are meat group products, right?
At least, I remember a planet where the dominant humanoid lifeform was descended from Lemurs instead of monkeys.
Blue skin see, and a little more fur.
Wonderful planet. A moon really, orbiting a gas giant, and when the real sun rose, everything burned.
reasonably priced too.
How to find the correct version? Ebay must've been where I looked in the past and seen one of those, indeed...What might be the exact one? The un-edited manuscripts to Ray Palmer which allegedly featured explicit descriptions of "stim-sex", unfit to publish...