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this is a re-up regarding a ufo sighting in dublin and other counties in ireland in september 2009...
I have been in contact with upri (U.F.O. AND PARANORMAL RESEARCH IRELAND) and at this time they could only say that the investigation is still on-going and were sorry that they have no further information at this time.
the radio station that was involved in the live witnesses call-ins is called fm104 dublins talk radio and of which do not normally take a serious view of things but on this date they were serious regarding this sighting to an extent.
thousands of people in dublin and surrounding counties have seen this ufo and the news bulletin from this sighting is from the irish daily star newspaper which is included.
another interesting thing happened 2 day's later in which is stated in the news clipping included in this download.
to this day not one organisation or member of science can provide an explanation to this sighting.