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UFO & ET Study Pack [Text and Video]
1) Taken - The Abduction Phenomenon
- Name: Taken - The Abduction Phenomenon.avi
- Container: AVI - Audio Video Interleaved
- Size: 348.5 MiB
- Duration: 0:42:15
- Bitrate: 1153 Kbps
2) UFO Files - The Day After Roswell
- Name: UFO Files - The Day After Roswell.avi
- Container: AVI - Audio Video Interleaved
- Size: 336.7 MiB
- Duration: 0:45:15
- Bitrate: 1040 Kbps
3) Dust Simulations Paint Alien's View of the Solar System.mp4
4) Using Color to Search for Alien Earths.mp4
5) J. Allen Hynek - The Hynek UFO Report_ 1977.pdf
6) Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion.pdf
8) UFO Magazine - Vol. 24, No. 1 Issue #154.pdf
Most of these abductees were probably unknowingly involved in the MK-ULTRA program "Project TALENT". Members of the CIA were probably wearing silicone-masks making them look like aliens while abducting their victims. This is quite an ingenious cover, since nobody will take these people seriously with their strange alien stories, on the other hand, a conventional abduction would be taken very seriously by the police and consequently be investigated. The CIA obviously doesn't want to be investigated.
These abductees have been implanted false memories making them believe to have been abducted by aliens. In all likelihood there have been real abductions by real aliens, but probably only a very small percentage of these alien abductions are authentic. The CIA simply grasped the opportunity to "ride the wave" so to speak.
Aliens may be interested in human anatomy but not to this point. I mean, we humans don't abduct ten-thousands of orang-utans in order to analyse their anatomy. Alien technology is in all likelihood capable of performing all kinds of medical examinations by telemetry without even touching those humans being examined. We wouldn't even notice it when examined by alien technology. And then there's a massive amount of stress as a result of an abduction changing human metabolism, and this can't be in the examiner's interest.
Some cases may also be forms of psychosis and wishful thinking (examination of sex organs). In some cases children having been sexually abused and later in their life as adults projecting stories of aliens onto past memories in order to deal with these traumatic memories. Some cases may be forms of demonic possession by Incubi or Succubi (male and female sex demons), or simply psychotic rapists doing astral projection and astrally influencing people's dreams and astrally raping them by night.
This world is CRAZY. I want to get away from this planet. Where is my UFO? HEEELP...