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UFO - Balloons over St Paul - August 10th, 2010

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TV News Crew Capture UFO - St. Paul Minnesota August 10, 2010

A local news crew along with many residents saw and recorded these strange lights above St. Paul, Minnesota on August 10, 2010.

KSPT -TV - Raw Video: Unidentified Flying Object Spotted In Twin Cities on the east side of St. Paul Monday night into Tuesday morning.


More info here:

Comments (28)

A weather balloon with lights attached? That's almost offensive. How dumb do they think we are?
They didn't even try to make something up that seemed plausible. They just said the first thing that popped into their heads. Where's their evidence showing that it was a weather balloon? Do they just expect us to buy that excuse and shut up? This whole thing is starting to bother me a little.

Posted by Matt C. | August 10, 2010 9:23 PM

So, is KSTP or anyone for that matter going to actually investigate this before they make claims as to what it is? Speculation is not investigation. Did anyone even think to call the airport to see if they had anything on radar???

Posted by natedog54 | August 10, 2010 9:26 PM

My daughter and myself and husband and niece and neighbor seen this exact same thing august 4, 2006 at 1:00 am only we seen the craft itself only 200 meters away from us. from my house it was over larpenter and 35 moving about 3 miles an hour we watched as the lights in the middle of the craft rotated round and round. I will never forget. Never. I have seen many blimps in my life believe me this is no blimp no star and no satalite.

Posted by barb brees | August 10, 2010 9:35 PM

Yup i saw them myself. me and my friend pulled overand jumped out of the car... then these mysterious lights landed in someones tree. it was wierd, not gunna lie

Posted by jamie | August 10, 2010 10:53 PM

There is a Film on the web called "The Greatest Story Ever Denied". Watch the film then you decide the possibilities of what to believe. I found that anyone in authority can say anything to the mass public and be believed, even though it makes know logical sense. They said weather balloons 60yrs ago, and it still works today. They even have many convinced, and they will fight and defend a total lie.

Posted by MrLPC | August 11, 2010 2:12 AM

poorly done hoax

person very dumb tried to hoax

Posted by steve | August 11, 2010 6:13 AM .

Mami wrote:

I heard Ian Punnet talking about these UFO reports over St Paul, and figured I'd find the video's and up em for us to critique.

I think their balloons, but I can't figure out how they kept them in a straight line for over 2 hrs?

Seems like they would drift around and move apart?

I added - Coast to Coast - Aug 14 2010 - Hour 1, so you can listen to Ian talking about this.
