After Death is a gripping feature film that explores the afterlife based on real near-death experiences, conveyed by scientists, authors, and survivors. From the New York Times bestselling authors who brought you titles like 90 Minutes in Heaven, Imagine Heaven, and To Heaven and Back, emerges a cinematic peek beyond the veil that examines the spiritual and scientific dimensions of mortality, inviting viewers to contemplate the possibility of life after death.—Angel Studios
IMDB with Trailer:
Interview: ‘After Death’ | Film Producer Jason Pamer Previews Angel Studios’ New Film Looking Into Life After Death
Is there a link to get this from Vimeo or any other site like that? I can't seem to find it...
Angel studios has an "app" on Ruku, but wasn't in their list there either.
Guess we'll just have to wait till they release it on some streaming source.
Added request for it here also:
PrimeWire usually sets up trailer and other info links to the title for researching it (even before it has stream links)