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10-10 MONDAY Prof James Fetzer Debate Analysis Texe Marrs Joel Skousen Debate Analysis 10-11 Tuesday Devvy Kidd - The Most Dangerous Thing Trump Said During Second Debate Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs Yoichi Shimatsu - Dana Durnford - Fukushima Report 10-12 Wednesday Jay Weidner - America Will ChooseàLife Or Death David John Oates - Debate Speech Reversals! David John Oates - Debate Speech Reversals! 10-13 Thursday Gerald Celente - Debate Trends Hour 2 - James Fetzer & Preston James - The Globalist, NWO Effort To Destroy Trump - David John Oates - Key Speech Reversals On Hillary And The Stunning Trump Reversal Predicting His Own Assassination Hour 3 - James Fetzer & Preston James - The Globalist, NWO Effort To Destroy Trump - David John Oates - Key Speech Reversals On Hillary And The Stunning Trump Reversal Predicting His Own Assassination 10-14 FRIDAY Frank Chille, Doug Auld & Joseph Foster UFO Encounters! UFO Photos From Doug Auld From Joseph Foster Leonardo, NJ Nike Missile Explosion, May 1958 Nike Diarama - PDF A Port Monmouth, NJ UFO-Landing Report - PDF UFO Slide Show - PDF
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