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Real Torrent Handling is on the way!

We know that ConCen is all about sharing information, and that torrents are the main way we do it. We also know that the current way we share torrents is far from ideal. We want you to know that this situation is temporary. We haven't forgotten you.

Much work is being done behind the scenes to get ConCen back to the way torrents were handled before. We know it's taking longer than it should, but we want to make sure it's done in a way that leverages our current platform's strengths.

We appreciate your patience. It will be rewarded. As usual, your comments are appreciated. Feel free to speak your mind...


Will the old torrents from the previous tracker be retained, or should we remake them anew?

razaq0n wrote:

Will the old torrents from the previous tracker be retained, or should we remake them anew?

All old torrents will be back, with automatically corrected announces, replacing the old and

You will be able to restart old torrents by searching for the info_hashes of the stuff you have complete copies of, downloading the new torrent file, and pointing the save to your data.

That's great news. Thank you for all the work put in getting the new ConCen back onto the rails.