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Penn & Teller - B.S! - Season 2 - Episode 11 - 12-Stepping.mp4 | 348.17 MiB |
Diary Of A Drug Addict - E01 - The Way Down.avi | 699.32 MiB |
Diary Of A Drug Addict - E02 - Cold Turkey.avi | 349.24 MiB |
Alcohol & Other Drugs - Intoxication, Withdrawl, & Other Complications of Misuse.mov | 137.45 MiB |
Chris White - Drinking.wmv | 35.83 MiB |
Physiology of Alcohol.mov | 160.09 MiB |
Sacred Beer - An Interview with Stephen Buh.mp4 | 37.61 MiB |
AllGrainBrewing.pdf | 265.86 KiB |
ExtractBrewing.pdf | 528.29 KiB |
mb_prep_gas_tank.pdf | 309.08 KiB |
MiniMashBrewing.pdf | 184.89 KiB |
off_flavor.pdf | 395.46 KiB |
yeast_fact_sheet.pdf | 359.65 KiB |
American Meth.avi | 688.55 MiB |
Coca Farmer Making Cocaine.avi | 12.51 MiB |
Cocaine - Part 1 - Viva La Coca.avi | 449.52 MiB |
Cocaine - Part 2 - Leo and Ze.avi | 395.29 MiB |
Cocaine - Part 3 - An Honest Citizen.avi | 396.93 MiB |
Cocaine Cowboys.avi | 831.9 MiB |
Cocaine Cowboys 2 - Hustlin With The Godmother.avi | 608.75 MiB |
Hooked - Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way - Cocaine.avi | 124.44 MiB |
National Geographic - Colombias Drug War.avi | 174.5 MiB |
Plan Colombia - Cashing In on the Drug War Failure.avi | 459.91 MiB |
Unreported World - Cocaine City.avi | 173.87 MiB |
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol, and Addictive Behavior 2nd ed Vol 1.pdf | 5.35 MiB |
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol, and Addictive Behavior 2nd ed Vol 2.pdf | 5.69 MiB |
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol, and Addictive Behavior 2nd ed Vol 3.pdf | 4.41 MiB |
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol, and Addictive Behavior 2nd ed Vol 4.pdf | 2.78 MiB |
Ketamine - Dreams and Realities.pdf | 1.17 MiB |
Nitrous Oxide.pdf | 138.28 KiB |
Poppies - From poppyseed to Opium.rtf | 26.52 KiB |
Black Tar Heroin - HBO Documentary.avi | 611.81 MiB |
CBC - The Passionate Eye - Afghanistan's Opium Trail.avi | 603.86 MiB |
Heroin Nation.avi | 343.03 MiB |
Hooked - Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way - Opium, Morphine and Heroin.avi | 123.61 MiB |
National Geographic Afghan Heroin - The Lost War.avi | 349.74 MiB |
The Heroin Trade.avi | 1.44 GiB |
An Essay on the Influence of Tobacco upon Life and Health eBooK -LegalTorrents.pdf | 337.3 KiB |
Stop Smoking.pdf | 164.93 KiB |
Penn & Teller - B.S! - Season 1 - Episode 5 - Second Hand Smoke & Baby Bullshit.mp4 | 347.56 MiB |
Amanita muscaria NDE - James Arthur.mp4 | 16.43 MiB |
Amanita Muscaria Resurrection by The Ambrosia Society.mp4 | 7.62 MiB |
James Arthur - Mushrooms and Mankind.mp4 | 392.43 MiB |
Magic mushrooms & Reindeer - Weird Nature - BBC animals.mp4 | 5.75 MiB |
Mushroom time lapse Amanita Muscaria.mp4 | 2.96 MiB |
Sacred Weeds - Amanita Muscaria.avi | 164.88 MiB |
The Secrets of Soma - Amanita Muscaria.avi | 269.63 MiB |
The Secrets of Soma - Deleted Scenes.avi | 251.34 MiB |
Amanita Muscaria - Herb of Immortality.pdf | 6.82 MiB |
Amanita Muscaria as the Plant-God Soma of the Rigveda.pdf | 14.57 KiB |
Psilocybin Amanita Muscaria Prope Usage and Experience.pdf | 20.15 KiB |
The Sacred Mushroom And The Cross - John Allegro.pdf | 897.14 KiB |
York, David - Christ and the Sacred Mushroom.pdf | 4.82 MiB |
Bill Hicks - Gifts of Forgiveness (On Mushrooms).mp3 | 685.85 KiB |
(Broschuere) - Zauberpilze.pdf | 255.2 KiB |
(E-Book) hallucinogenic plants - a golden guide.pdf | 5.22 MiB |
1995 Magic Mushroom (Psilocybe Cubensis)[www.erowid.org].pdf | 18.41 KiB |
6870443-ENG-Hoffman-Albert-Ruck-Carl-A-P-and-Wasson-Gordon-The-Road-To-Eleusis-Unveiling-the-Secret-of-the-Mysteries.pdf | 143.45 KiB |
6870602-ENG-Ghouled-FC-Field-Guide-to-the-Psilocybin-Mushroom.pdf | 27.08 KiB |
7402256-swain-sabina-the-mystical-mushroom.pdf | 68.38 KiB |
7495498-A-Fungus-Among-Us.pdf | 59.83 KiB |
13711426-Shroom-A-Review-of-Andy-Letchers-Book.pdf | 107.66 KiB |
13711639-Aztecs-and-the-Mushrooms.pdf | 169.02 KiB |
17100848-Wasson-and-Wasson-Mushrooms-Russia-and-History-Volume-1.pdf | 7.19 MiB |
17100951-Wasson-and-Wasson-Mushrooms-Russia-and-History-Volume-2.pdf | 8.02 MiB |
A Guidebook To The Psilocybin Mushrooms Of Mexico.pdf | 2.56 MiB |
A Practical Guide for Sythetic-Log Cultivation od Medicinal Mushroom Grifola frondosa.pdf | 1.72 MiB |
Biotransformation_of_tryptamine_derivatives.pdf | 1.35 MiB |
Cultivation of mushrooms of edible extomycorrhizal fungi associated with Pinus densiflora b in vitro mycorrhizal synthesis.pdf | 905.06 KiB |
Cultivation of mushrooms of edible extomycorrhizal fungi associated with Pinus densiflora by in vitro mycorrhizal synthesis.pdf | 905.06 KiB |
Cultivo De Psilocybe Cubensis.doc | 73 KiB |
Drogen info- halluzinogene und zauberpilze.pdf | 367.65 KiB |
Erowid Psilocybin Mushroom Vaults - Magic Mushroom Growers Guide.pdf | 662.02 KiB |
Eul, Harrach - Zauberpilze bei uns.PDF | 189.87 KiB |
Extraction and analysis of indole derivatives from fungal biomass.htm | 24.52 KiB |
Field Guide To The Psilocybin Mushroom.pdf | 27.08 KiB |
Gartz Jochen - Magic Mushrooms Around the World.pdf | 26.97 MiB |
GASP_MYC.DOC | 1.34 MiB |
Gottlieb, Adam - The Psilocybin Producers Guide.pdf | 168.6 KiB |
growing psilocybe azurescens.pdf | 898.03 KiB |
Growing Wild Mushrooms.pdf | 5.46 MiB |
Hidden Manna.pdf | 103.92 KiB |
How To Grow Mushrooms.txt | 28.06 KiB |
James Arthur - Mushrooms and Mankind.pdf | 2.49 MiB |
Jochen Gartz - Psychoaktive Pilze - Bestimmungskarten.pdf | 1.51 MiB |
Key to Gilled Mushrooms.pdf | 66.89 KiB |
Life Magazine Article (1957).pdf | 1.23 MiB |
Magic Mushrooms - a new indoor growing technique.pdf | 7.54 MiB |
Magic Mushrooms Around The World - Jochen Gartz.pdf | 26.97 MiB |
Magic mushrooms of Australia & NewZealand, by John W Allen.pdf | 2.9 MiB |
MagicMush_Grow_Guide.pdf | 4.94 MiB |
Mushrooms, Fungi From Around The World.pdf | 2.67 MiB |
Mushrooms-And-Man.txt | 6.14 KiB |
Mushrooms - Poisionous Fungi by John Ramsbottom 1945.pdf | 6.2 MiB |
Mushrooms and Mankind - James Arthur.pdf | 2.49 MiB |
Paul Stamets - Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World.pdf | 13.16 MiB |
PF TEK.pdf | 7.12 MiB |
Psilocybin - A New Indoor Growing Technique.pdf | 7.65 MiB |
Psilocybin-Ein Handbuch fuer die Pilzzuch[www.erowid.org].PDF | 1.99 MiB |
Psilocybin.Magic.Mushroom.Growers.Guide.ebook-JB.pdf | 21.5 MiB |
Psilocybin Cultivation Of Mushrooms Of Edible Extomycorrhizal Fungi Associated With Pinus Densiflora By In V.pdf | 905.06 KiB |
Psilocybin Divine Mushroom of Immortality.pdf | 10.06 KiB |
Psilocybin Dr. Rick Strassman -DMT & Psilocybin Research.doc | 38 KiB |
Psilocybin Ebook (Drugs, Psychedelic, Consciousnes) The Psilocybin Solution - Prelude to a Paradigm Shift - .pdf | 527.63 KiB |
Psilocybin Experiment in the Home Cultivation of Psychedelic Mushrooms - A journal of a growing project.doc | 67 KiB |
Psilocybin Experiments in Altered Perception of 3-D Visual Illusions as a Screening Method for Psychedelic A.pdf | 69.02 KiB |
Psilocybin FAQ.txt | 23.68 KiB |
Psilocybin FAQ on shrooms.htm | 10.31 KiB |
Psilocybin Field Guide To The Psilocybin Mushroom.pdf | 27.08 KiB |
Psilocybin Gardening - Mushrooms and Other Nuisance Fungi in Lawns.pdf | 323.37 KiB |
Psilocybin Growing Psilocybe Azurescens.pdf | 898.03 KiB |
Psilocybin History.txt | 6.77 KiB |
Psilocybin How To Grow Mushrooms The Easy Way Vol 1.pdf | 395.7 KiB |
Psilocybin How to Grow Psilocybe Cubenis.pdf | 24.38 KiB |
Psilocybin How to Grow Psychedelic Mushrooms.doc | 32 KiB |
Psilocybin Lumar Notes On Soma Bowl Technique.pdf | 11.29 KiB |
Psilocybin Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide 1976.pdf | 4.94 MiB |
Psilocybin Magic mushrooms around the world - Jochen Gartz.pdf | 26.97 MiB |
Psilocybin Mushroom Effects.pdf | 11.47 KiB |
Psilocybin Mushroom Grow tech.txt | 28.35 KiB |
Psilocybin Mushroom Picking.pdf | 19.69 KiB |
Psilocybin Mushroom Recipes.pdf | 10.92 KiB |
Psilocybin Mushrooms And Mankind - James Arthur.doc | 962.5 KiB |
Psilocybin Mushrooms and Religion - Amanita Muscaria.pdf | 18.31 KiB |
Psilocybin Mushrooms and Religion - Amanita Muscaria.txt | 14.75 KiB |
Psilocybin PF Magic Mushroom Guide.pdf | 18.41 KiB |
Psilocybin Production - Adam Gottlieb.pdf | 4.16 MiB |
Psilocybin Psilocybe_Cubensis_Strains.pdf | 750.85 KiB |
Psilocybin Psilocybin - A New Indoor Growing Technique.pdf | 7.65 MiB |
Psilocybin Psilocybin - Magic Mushroom Growers Guide.pdf | 21.5 MiB |
Psilocybin Puharich, Andrija - The Sacred Mushroom - Key to the Door of Eternity.pdf | 1.84 MiB |
Psilocybin Salvia Divinorum, Psychoaktive Pilze, Koka & Kokain Und Die Verwendung In Der Betreffenden Kultur.pdf | 1.32 MiB |
Psilocybin Shulgin, Alexander - Psilocybe Mushroom Extractions.pdf | 13.18 KiB |
Psilocybin Tea Preperation.PDF | 27.7 KiB |
Psilocybin Tea Preperation2.PDF | 30.08 KiB |
Psilocybin Terence McKenna - Tryptamin Hallucinogens and Consciousness.pdf | 418.67 KiB |
Psilocybin Timeline.txt | 2.98 KiB |
shroomery_grow_archive_2006_03_14.zip | 81.58 MiB |
The Dynamics of Hyperspace.pdf | 67.54 KiB |
The Magic Mushroom Growers Guide.htm | 123.43 KiB |
The Psilocybin Mushroom Image Guide.pdf | 7.24 MiB |
The Psilocybin Solution, by Simon G. Powell.pdf | 568.16 KiB |
Wassons First Voyage.txt | 19.5 KiB |
World Wide Distribution if Magic Mushrooms.pdf | 1.82 MiB |
World_Wide_Distribution_of_Magic_Mushrooms[www.erowid.org].pdf | 1.82 MiB |
[Ebook].[Drugs].[Mushrooms].[Psilocybin Producers Guide].pdf | 47.58 KiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Drogen info- halluzinogene und zauberpilze.pdf | 367.65 KiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Entheogene Blaetter Juli 07-2002 Drogen Thc Psilocybin Psilocin Xtc.pdf | 2.74 MiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Psilocybe Cubensis-Handbuch der Zucht, Anwendung und Erkenntnistheorie-Zauberpilze,Magic Mushrooms-Holderblust-1.1.5.pdf | 30.6 MiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Psilocybin Handbuch fuer die Pilzzucht-Oss,Oeric.pdf | 7.36 MiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Psychoaktive Pilze-Bestimmungskarten-Gartz.pdf | 1.51 MiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Zauberpilze bei uns-Eul, Harrach.PDF | 189.87 KiB |
[Psilocybin FR]La Mycologie Recreative-Gaspard des Montagnes.DOC | 1.34 MiB |
[Psilocybin PT]Cultivo De Psilocybe Cubensis.doc | 73 KiB |
[Psilocybin]A Guidebook To The Psilocybin Mushrooms Of Mexico 1976.pdf | 2.94 MiB |
[Psilocybin]All You Need To Know About Magic Mushroom (FAQ Guide).pdf | 1.93 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Experiment in the Home Cultivation of Psychedelic Mushrooms - A journal of a growing project..doc | 67 KiB |
[Psilocybin]Field Guide To The Psilocybin Mushroom.pdf | 27.08 KiB |
[Psilocybin]Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-color photos-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754.pdf | 24.72 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754.CV.pdf | 2.66 MiB |
[Psilocybin] Growth Promoting Effect of a Brassinosteroid in Mycelial C.pdf | 129.01 KiB |
[Psilocybin]Hallucinogenic Fungi Of Mexico - Wasson.pdf | 62.01 KiB |
[Psilocybin]Home Mushroom Cultivation with Hydrogen Peroxide.pdf | 497.2 KiB |
[Psilocybin]How To Grow Magic Mushrooms. A simple Psilocybe Cubensis Growing Technique[www.erowid.org].pdf | 385.74 KiB |
[Psilocybin]How To Grow Magic Mushrooms A Simple Psilocybe Cubensis Growing Technique.pdf | 668.59 KiB |
[Psilocybin]How To Grow Magic Mushrooms From Spore Prints On Rice.htm | 38.16 KiB |
[Psilocybin] Introduction To Fungi.pdf | 8.76 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Magic.Mushrooms.Around.The.World-Gartz-1997.pdf | 11.91 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Magic Mushrooms-A New Indoor Growing Technique[www.erowid.org].pdf | 7.54 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Magic Mushrooms Of Australia & Newzealand-Allen[www.erowid.org].pdf | 2.9 MiB |
[Psilocybin] Mushrooms & Mankind(An Intro To Ethnomycology) by James Arthur.pdf | 2.49 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Mushrooms, Fungi From Around The World.pdf | 2.67 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Mushrooms - The Journal Of Mushroom Cultivation No55 Pdf.pdf | 126 KiB |
[Psilocybin]Mushrooms and Mankind-Arthur.pdf | 2.49 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Pf Tek Growing Mushrooms.pdf | 7.12 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Psilocybin - A New Indoor Growing Technique.pdf | 7.65 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Psilocybin-My.Psilocybin.Growing.Project.pdf | 18.41 KiB |
[Psilocybin]Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World - Paul Stamets.pdf | 12.69 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Psilocybin Mushrooms Of The World - Paul Stamets[www.erowid.org].pdf | 13.16 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World - Paul Stamets_fixed.pdf | 12.69 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Psychopharmacology - Psilocybin Study at Johns Hopkins University - July 2006.pdf | 370.92 KiB |
[Psilocybin]Shroom A Cultural History of the Magic Mushroom - Andy Letcher.pdf | 43.45 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Telluride Mushroom Festival 2000.pdf | 126.81 KiB |
[psilocybin]The genus psilocybe.pdf | 2.4 MiB |
[Psilocybin]The Magic Mushroom Growers Guide-Erowid Psilocybin Mushroom Vaults 3.2 [www.erowid.org].pdf | 555.48 KiB |
[Psilocybin]The Mushroom Cultivator-A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home-Stamets,Chilto.pdf | 22.73 MiB |
[Psilocybin]The Mushroom Cultivator - Paul Stamets.pdf | 33.71 MiB |
[Psilocybin]The Psilocybin Producers Guide-Gottlieb.pdf | 168.6 KiB |
[Psilocybin]The Sacred Mushroom And The Cross - John Allegro.pdf | 897.14 KiB |
[Psilocybin] Treatment of Childhood Schizophrenia Utilizing LSD and Psilocybin.PDF | 79.09 KiB |
[Psilocybin]World_Wide_Distribution_of_Magic_Mushrooms[www.erowid.org].pdf | 1.82 MiB |
entheogen.srooms.chm | 29.54 MiB |
Just mushrooms.chm | 3.14 MiB |
OTRAVLENIIa PSILOCIBIN SODERZHAShIMI GRIBAMI (kliniko-eksperimental'noe issledovanie).doc | 123 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Bolezni I Vrediteli.mht | 912.29 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Abert Poshagovoe Rukovodstvo.mht | 886.47 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Kul'tivaciia Azurescens.mht | 793.41 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Kul'tivaciia Panaeolus.mht | 916.51 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Obsolete 3.mht | 149.73 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Obsolete 5.mht | 106.43 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Obsolete 7.mht | 117.08 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Perekis' Dlia Agara.mht | 97.59 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Seno.mht | 118.9 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Seno S hlorkoiy.mht | 3.1 MiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Tred Ob Antibiotikah.mht | 145.51 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Etnomikologiia _ Vyrashivanie Na Drevesnyh Opilkah.mht | 372.71 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Gde Najjti Griby.mht | 4.67 MiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Keiysing Rukovodstvo.mht | 545.14 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Perenos Sporovogo Otpechatka V Shpric.mht | 108.89 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Peroksidnaia Kniga.mht | 513.95 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Peroksidnaia Kniga 2.mht | 199.96 KiB |
Psilocybin Enteopediia _ Zerno S Perekis'iu.mht | 96.26 KiB |
Psilocybin Extracting alkaloids from Psilocybe.mht | 23.33 KiB |
Psilocybin Instrukciia po vyrashivaniiu gribov Psylocybe cubensis (Stropharia cubensis) v domashnih usloviiah.mht | 97.23 KiB |
Psilocybin Mushroom Tea Preparation [html].mht | 43.46 KiB |
Psilocybin Psylociba Cubensis.mht | 557.07 KiB |
Psilocybin Safe-Pik Mushroom Identification Guide.mht | 38.22 KiB |
Psilocybin Vyrashivanie Psilocybe Cubensis po tehnologii Psilocybe Fanaticus (PF TEK).mht | 131.23 KiB |
Razvedenie gribov.doc | 1.21 MiB |
[Psilocybin RUMalobiudzhetnyiy inkubator dlia plodonosheniia.chm | 285.71 KiB |
[Psilocybin RU]behigh.org - Psilocybe FAR.mht | 190.42 KiB |
[Psilocybin RU]iB__Topic__FAQ po kul'tivirovaniiu Gribov.mht | 279.82 KiB |
[Psilocybin RU]Inkubator s podogrevom i dvoiynym dnom.chm | 129.84 KiB |
[Psilocybin RU]Kul'tivirovanie vyrashivanie psilocibinovyh gribov Psilocybe, NA KUhNE I V LABORATO.txt | 24.4 KiB |
[Psilocybin RU]KUL'TURA GRIBOV.mht | 156.93 KiB |
[Psilocybin RU]Rukovodstvo po vyrashivaniiu gribochkov.doc | 1.63 MiB |
[Psilocybin RU]Rukovodstvo po vyrashivaniiu volshebnyh gribov.mht | 189.68 KiB |
[Psilocybin RU]Spory gribov roda Psilocybe (psilocibe) _ cubensis - la Herbalista.mht | 186.8 KiB |
[Psilocybin RU]Tablica urozhaiynosti razlichnyh vidov substrata v zavisimosti ot vremeni pasterizaci.mht | 80.27 KiB |
[Psilocybin RU]Vyrashivanie gribov prostym sposobom.doc | 357 KiB |
[Psilocybin RU]Vyrashivanie gribov Psilocybe Cubensis na substrate iz drevesnyh opilok.doc | 232 KiB |
[Psilocybin]Agar culture info.mht | 22.99 KiB |
[Psilocybin] bekker_3_ye__fiziologija_i_biohimija_gribov.djvu | 2.14 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Shroomery - What are some good agar media recipes_.mht | 130.89 KiB |
[Psilocybin] shroomeryforum.chm | 8.6 MiB |
[Psilocybin] Vishnevskii - Yadovitye griby Spravochnik-atlas.pdf | 4.31 MiB |
calligra.ttf | 52.23 KiB |
Psihogennye griby.doc | 580 KiB |
1.doc | 643 KiB |
2.doc | 944.5 KiB |
Psilocybin psilocybine.ttf | 57.28 KiB |
Psychoakive Pflanzen und Pilze.pdf | 5.62 MiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Drogen info- halluzinogene und zauberpilze.pdf | 367.65 KiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Entheogene Blaetter Juli 07-2002 Drogen Thc Psilocybin Psilocin Xtc.pdf | 2.74 MiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Psilocybe Cubensis-Handbuch der Zucht, Anwendung und Erkenntnistheorie-Zauberpilze.pdf | 30.6 MiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Psilocybin Handbuch fuer die Pilzzucht-Oss,Oeric.pdf | 7.36 MiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Psychoaktive Pilze-Bestimmungskarten-Gartz.pdf | 1.51 MiB |
[Psilocybin DE]Zauberpilze bei uns-Eul, Harrach.PDF | 189.87 KiB |
[Psilocybin FR]Guide de Culture des Champignons Magiques pour champotes-The Magic Mushroom Grower.pdf | 515.29 KiB |
[Psilocybin FR]La Mycologie Recreative-Gaspard des Montagnes.DOC | 1.34 MiB |
[Psilocybin PT]Cultivo De Psilocybe Cubensis.doc | 73 KiB |
[Psilocybin]mushroom_origami.pdf | 20.07 KiB |
[Psilocybin]Psilocybinhaltige Pilze.PDF | 1.73 MiB |
ABC News and Hallucinogens.mp4 | 12.06 MiB |
Andy Letcher - Shroom - A Cultural History of the Magic Mushroom.mp4 | 9.88 MiB |
Drogen - Polylux - Magic Mushrooms.avi | 34.26 MiB |
Flesh of the Gods Historical Trailer.mp4 | 21.97 MiB |
Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects.mp4 | 9.33 MiB |
John Allegro Vs. Gordon Wasson.mp4 | 17.27 MiB |
magical mushroom study.mp4 | 11.95 MiB |
Magic Mushrooms can be good for your long term health!.mp4 | 8.79 MiB |
Magic Trip - the documentary.mp4 | 53.43 MiB |
Mushroom Expert Andy Letcher Talks about mushrooms for the Horror Film, SHROOMS!.mp4 | 9.92 MiB |
Mushrooms and Mystical Experience, an interview with Dr Roland Griffiths.mp4 | 28.87 MiB |
Mushroom Wisdom - Jan Irvin interviews Dr. Martin Ball.mp4 | 38.57 MiB |
One Step Beyond - The Sacred Mushroom.avi | 151.81 MiB |
Paul Stamets - Psychoactivity Conference in Amsterdam (1999).avi | 229.6 MiB |
Reportage Arte - 2002-09-25 - Rausch Pilze (Magic Mushrooms) 41m.avi | 124.4 MiB |
The Hidden World - An Interview with Prof. Carl A. P. Ruck.mp4 | 37.5 MiB |
Was Jesus a Mushroom - An Interview with Prof. John Rush.mp4 | 37 MiB |
Zauberpilze,Magic.Mushrooms,.Psilocybin.Akte04.Bericht.avi | 93.96 MiB |
[Psilocybin IT]Guida Coltivazione Funghi Magici Amatoriale - Guide To Cultivation Mushroom Amateur.avi | 118.22 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Psilocybe cubensis Burma shrooms mushrooms time lapse 3.AVI | 1.92 MiB |
[Psilocybin]Psilocybe cubensis shrooms mushrooms Burma time lapse.AVI | 1.26 MiB |
Sacred Weeds - Blue Lily (Part 1).avi | 49.78 MiB |
Sacred Weeds - Blue Lily (Part 2).avi | 74.81 MiB |
Sacred Weeds - Blue Lily (Part 3).avi | 49.55 MiB |
Chris Conrad - Hemp - Emerging Sustainable Industries.mp3 | 25.55 MiB |
Chris Conrad - The Law and HEMP 3-99.mp3 | 18.29 MiB |
Chris Conrad on Art Bell - Hemp & Marijuana P1of3 1-23-97.mp3 | 21.51 MiB |
Chris Conrad on Art Bell - Hemp & Marijuana P2of3 1-23-97.mp3 | 22.11 MiB |
Chris Conrad on Art Bell - Hemp & Marijuana P3of3 1-23-97.mp3 | 11.54 MiB |
Dr Robert Gorter - The Healing Qualities of Cannabis - P1.mp3 | 18.63 MiB |
Dr Robert Gorter - The Healing Qualities of Cannabis - P2 .mp3 | 11.25 MiB |
Hemp Can Save The Planet - Jack Herer.mp3 | 4.57 MiB |
Jack Herer - ABC News Larry Jacobs - Pot.mp3 | 4.27 MiB |
Jack Herer - Anthony Clarker - Hemp Revolution - 4-95.mp3 | 13.51 MiB |
Jack Herer - Hemp Can Save The Planet.mp3 | 20.1 MiB |
Jack Herer is Emperor of Hemp.mp3 | 19.94 MiB |
Jan Irvin - Hemp, Shamanism and the Occult 10-09-03.mp3 | 10.29 MiB |
UFL #01 SWR - Hemp Seed.mp3 | 21.03 MiB |
UFL #02 SWR - Marijuana in Magic And Religion.mp3 | 19.68 MiB |
UFL #07 SWR - Medical Marijuana.mp3 | 19.61 MiB |
- Canapa - Coltivare La Marijuana.pdf | 93.82 KiB |
Adam Gottlieb - The Art And Science Of Cooking With Cannabis.pdf | 18.79 MiB |
Beginner's Guide to Growing Marijuana.pdf | 26.55 KiB |
Canabis Strainbase.xls | 13.82 MiB |
Cannabis - Big Book of Buds[www.erowid.org].pdf | 10.59 MiB |
Cannabis - The Art And Science Of Cooking With Cannabis.pdf | 18.79 MiB |
Cannabis - The Joint Rollers Handbook.pdf | 10.1 MiB |
Cannabis Grow Bible.pdf | 8.93 MiB |
Chris Conrad. Cannabis Yields Dosage for Medical Marijuana.pdf | 1.46 MiB |
Clarke, Robert C - Marijuana Botany An Advanced Study.pdf | 235.6 KiB |
Cookbook of 12 marijuana recipes.doc | 5.97 KiB |
Counseling for Marijuana Dependence.pdf | 1.43 MiB |
Do It Yourself - How To Make Hash Oil.pdf | 13.94 KiB |
Do It Yourself - Make And Toke Your Own Bongs!.pdf | 32.1 KiB |
Do It Yourself - THC Resin Extraction.pdf | 6.9 KiB |
Do It Yourself - The Infamous ''Dual Bong''.pdf | 13.96 KiB |
Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Growing Tips[www.erowid.org].pdf | 5.89 MiB |
Greg Green - The Cannabis Grow Bible (4th Edition).pdf | 8.33 MiB |
Health effects of marijuana on pregnancy and fertility.pdf | 221.7 KiB |
Hemp - Jack Herer, The Emperor Wears No Clothes.pdf | 843.47 KiB |
High Times Magazine - Sex On Marijuana.pdf | 30.86 MiB |
How2GrowMedicalMJ.pdf | 6.41 MiB |
How to Grow Medicinal Marijuana.pdf | 6.42 MiB |
Jack Herer - The Emperor Wears No Clothes.pdf | 843.47 KiB |
Joint Tutorials.rar | 800.73 KiB |
Journal De Bord - Culture Hydroponique Du Cannabis.pdf | 1.81 MiB |
Marijuana Botany.pdf | 455.09 KiB |
Marijuana Botany.rtf | 297.97 KiB |
Marijuana Chemistry - Michael Starks (2nd edition 1990) [www.erowid.org].pdf | 99.17 MiB |
Medical Marijuana.pdf | 2.14 MiB |
n1601_medicalmarijuanaguidelines.pdf | 54.35 KiB |
Stafford, Peter - Cannabis - Haschisch & Marihuana.pdf | 8.87 MiB |
Stafford, Peter - Cannabis und Marihuana.pdf | 8.88 MiB |
Swedish Guide to Quitting Marijuana and Hashish (fewer lies than in US or UK guides).pdf | 58.5 KiB |
The Cannabis Grow Bible.rtf | 309.97 KiB |
The Cannabis Growers Bible.pdf | 8.22 MiB |
The Home Cannabis Creator.rtf | 71.46 KiB |
The Joint Rolling Handbook.pdf | 10.1 MiB |
The Marijuana Grower's Guide.rtf | 565.33 KiB |
The Marijuana Grower's Handbook.rtf | 211.52 KiB |
The_Joint_Rollers_Handbook.Stoned_Again.Weedshop.pdf | 10.1 MiB |
THE_MARIJUANA_GROWERS_GUIDE_by_Mel_Frank__Ed_Rosenthal.pdf | 898.82 KiB |
[eBook fr] Cannabis - Culture en Placard.pdf | 2.13 MiB |
[eBook fr] Cannabis - Problemes, Carence, Exces.pdf | 837.53 KiB |
[eBook fr] Jardin.D'Intérieur..Le.Cannabis.pdf | 154.9 MiB |
[How to-ITA] Cannabis Indoor - Nautilus.pdf | 1.6 MiB |
Adam Gottlieb - The Art And Science Of Cooking With Cannabis.pdf | 18.79 MiB |
Beginner's Guide To Growing Marijuana.doc | 50 KiB |
Cannabis Grow Bible.pdf | 8.93 MiB |
Greg Green - The Cannabis Grow Bible (4th Edition).pdf | 8.33 MiB |
How To Grow Marijuana Hydroponically.txt | 32.89 KiB |
How to Grow Medicinal Marijuana.pdf | 6.42 MiB |
Marijuana Grower's Handbook.doc | 212.52 KiB |
Medical Gardens GrowFAQ.rar | 31.66 MiB |
The Beginner's Guide to Hash-Growing.pdf | 304.26 KiB |
The Joint Rolling Handbook.pdf | 10.1 MiB |
The Joys Of An Herb Garden At Home (Version 3).pdf | 117.43 KiB |
The Marijuana Grower's Guide.doc | 756 KiB |
Greenkind Medical Marijuana vol. (1).pdf | 4.01 MiB |
Greenkind Medical Marijuana vol. (2) .pdf | 7.5 MiB |
Greenkind Medical Marijuana vol. (3) .pdf | 7.9 MiB |
Greenkind Medical Marijuana vol. (4) .pdf | 9.39 MiB |
Greenkind Medical Marijuana vol. (5) .pdf | 8.64 MiB |
Amsterdam Coffee Shop - Legal Marijuana in Holland.flv | 23.23 MiB |
Cannabis Sativa - The Magic Weed.avi | 700.03 MiB |
Chris Bennet - Cannabis and The Origins of Religion.rm | 60.2 MiB |
Emperor Of Hemp.avi | 401.59 MiB |
Global News December 14, 2009 - Rick Simpson Charged.flv | 4.19 MiB |
Grass - History Of Marijuana.avi | 235.46 MiB |
Hashish(1of2).MPG | 743.62 MiB |
Hashish(2of2).MPG | 652.88 MiB |
High Times - Cannabis Cup.avi | 699.77 MiB |
Hooked - Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way - Marijuana & Amphetamines.avi | 123.48 MiB |
Magick and Entheogens Vol. 1 - Cannabis (2004).avi | 1.37 GiB |
Making a bong.mov | 10.99 MiB |
Marijuana and Religion - An Interview with Chris Bennett.mp4 | 37.04 MiB |
Marijuana Documentary - Jack Herer.mp4 | 151.33 MiB |
Marijuana Inc - Inside America's Pot Industry CNBC.avi | 349.96 MiB |
Medical Marijuana Ahimsa pt.1 divx.avi | 392.59 MiB |
Medical Marijuana Ahimsa pt.2 divx.avi | 480.97 MiB |
National Geographic Explorer - Marijuana Nation.avi | 478.66 MiB |
Run From The Cure.avi | 699.93 MiB |
Should I Smoke Dope.avi | 699.91 MiB |
Super High Me.avi | 689.99 MiB |
The Hashman - How to Make Hash by High Grow.avi | 558.6 MiB |
The Hemp Revolution.avi | 244.72 MiB |
The MJ Files.mpg | 113.79 MiB |
The Union - The Business Behind Getting High.mp4 | 1.21 GiB |
Timeshift - The Cannabis Years.avi | 123.24 MiB |
Totally Baked.mp4 | 1.95 GiB |
Cannabis Time Lapse Video (Tree of life).mov | 3.62 MiB |
Cannabis Time Lapse Video.avi | 38.82 MiB |
Cooking with Marihuana - Chef Hans.avi | 286.42 MiB |
Cutting the Clone.mpg | 36.84 MiB |
Harvesting.mpg | 18.71 MiB |
High Times - Ready - Set - Grow - 1 (1of2).mpg | 729.96 MiB |
High Times - Ready - Set - Grow - 1 (2of2).mpg | 509.8 MiB |
High Times - Ready - Set - Grow - 2.avi | 698.69 MiB |
Howard Marks Video Diary.avi | 697.03 MiB |
How to make hash from trimmings.mpg | 16.61 MiB |
I Grow Chronic! (Cannabis Hydro Cultivation).avi | 687.4 MiB |
Marijuana - Sea of Green Vol 2.avi | 938.29 MiB |
Marijuana - see more buds - 15lbs in 80 days.avi | 701.3 MiB |
Stoned Free - Guide to growing weed.avi | 265.36 MiB |
Top Quality Growing Weed.avi | 174.68 MiB |
pot.tv_00187_20000820__shf-conrad.rm | 2.98 MiB |
pot.tv_00217_20000820__shf-conrad2.rm | 2.46 MiB |
pot.tv_00853_20010822__bs-cc.rm | 71.89 MiB |
pot.tv_00870_20010829__chris-elvy.rm | 61.47 MiB |
World's Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive).mp4 | 367.14 MiB |
011502 - Pineal Gland and the Mystical Experience - Rick Strassman.asf | 5.86 MiB |
DMT- The Spirit Molecule (documentary) - Mitch Schultz on Radiorbit 10-01-07.mp3 | 1.86 MiB |
DMT - The Spirit Molecule - Dr. Rick Strassman 2002.mp3 | 18.99 MiB |
Dreamland Special - William Henry with Rick Strassman 03-03-07.mp3 | 7.84 MiB |
Dreamland with Whitley Strieber and Rick Strassman 03-03-07.mp3 | 17.57 MiB |
futureprimitive-rickstrassman-aug2009.mp3 | 20.43 MiB |
Joe Rogan Explains Life-BreuerUnleashed.com JoeRogan.net.mp3 | 7.76 MiB |
01 terence mckenna on dmt - the importance of dmt.mp3 | 465.65 KiB |
02 terence mckenna on dmt - the duration of dmt.mp3 | 727.69 KiB |
03 terence mckenna on dmt - how to get off on dmt.mp3 | 833.81 KiB |
04 terence mckenna on dmt - coming down.mp3 | 513.8 KiB |
Ayahuasca and it's Recipies Parts 1 & 2 digitally enhanced-Terence Mckenna.mp3 | 20.33 MiB |
Ayahuasca Session-Amazon Indians.mp3 | 590.38 KiB |
BB psychedelic editorial-BBC.wma | 1.78 MiB |
Daime - Ayahuasca Healing Ceremony.mp3 | 3.33 MiB |
implanted.mp3 | 29.3 MiB |
prayers.mp3 | 3.69 MiB |
StonedStraight2.mp3 | 14.06 MiB |
Track 14-UDV.mp3 | 7.95 MiB |
Uniao Do Vegetal-UDV.mp3 | 4.72 MiB |
União do vegetal-UDV.mp3 | 4.69 MiB |
Alex Grey - Ayahuasca Visitation(1).JPG | 826.43 KiB |
Ayahuasca, Yage and Harmaline-3.jpg | 46.04 KiB |
Ayahuasca - Santo Daime - Interview Complète Padrinho Alfredo.pdf | 140.35 KiB |
Ayahuasca - The Scientific Investigation Of Ayahuasca.doc | 102 KiB |
Ayahuasca.pdf | 146.22 KiB |
ayahuasca and creativity.pdf | 173.19 KiB |
Ayahuasca Cookbook.doc | 114.5 KiB |
Ayahuasca Visions, by Shaman Pablo Amaringo.pdf | 3 MiB |
dna.jpg | 290.06 KiB |
First International Conference On Ayahuasca - Amsterdam 2002.pdf | 151.99 KiB |
Guided by the Moon - Shamanism and the Ritual Use of Ayahuasca in the Santo Daime Religion in Brazil..pdf | 22.18 MiB |
Jonathan Ott - Ayahuasca Analoge.pdf | 1.31 MiB |
logo1.gif | 9.45 KiB |
logo2.gif | 10.5 KiB |
logo4.jpg | 180.88 KiB |
logo6.gif | 18.35 KiB |
logo8.gif | 14.62 KiB |
logo10.gif | 22.33 KiB |
logo15.gif | 7.18 KiB |
logo16.jpg | 46.19 KiB |
The Yage Drinker.pdf | 1.19 MiB |
Ayahuasca(.La.Soga.del.Muerto.(J..del.Oso.y.J.J..Benitez).avi | 110.72 MiB |
Ayahuasca.avi | 66.08 MiB |
Jungle Trip Ayahuasca.avi | 192.02 MiB |
L'Ayahuasca, le Serpent et Moi (French).mpg | 548.03 MiB |
Shaman - Other Worlds - Ayahuasca Documentary.avi | 650.52 MiB |
Shamans Of The Amazon.avi | 153.47 MiB |
lokis Tek.pdf | 620.7 KiB |
Mimosa bark effects.pdf | 34.5 KiB |
Quantum Tantra - DMT-Extraction.pdf | 505.44 KiB |
04.jpg | 28.84 KiB |
Contact Through The Veil(by RICK STRASSMAN, M.D.).pdf | 359.95 KiB |
Rick Strassman, M.D. - Cottonwood Research Foundation.txt | 9.43 KiB |
Rick Strassman, M.D. - DMT - The Spirit Molecule.pdf | 3.28 MiB |
Rick Strassman Interview, by Scotto & James Kent.txt | 52.25 KiB |
DMT - The Spirit Molecule (2010).m4v | 836.22 MiB |
Rick Strassman on Magical Egypt - Navigating the Afterlife.avi | 56.34 MiB |
Attack of the happy people - Documentary - XTC.mpg | 503.91 MiB |
Ecstasy Rising.avi | 114.95 MiB |
Hooked - Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way - LSD, Ecstasy and the Raves.avi | 121.91 MiB |
Mdma Therapy.mp4 | 5.69 MiB |
Small Town Ecstasy(2002).avi | 491.11 MiB |
A Complete MDMA Synthesis for the First Time Chemist.txt | 25.76 KiB |
Graham Hancock - Origins & Altered States (C2C - November 1, 2005).mp3 | 39.56 MiB |
Interview Shulgins.mp3 | 17.28 MiB |
Jonathon Ott - KPFK int w Roy of Hollywood p1of2 11-95 rc.mp3 | 5.92 MiB |
Jonathon Ott - KPFK int w Roy of Hollywood p2of2 11-95 rc.mp3 | 5.95 MiB |
Radio debate aobut psychedelics - BB editorial.wma | 1.78 MiB |
Rick Doblin - MAPS - Part 1 (2009).mp3 | 193.3 KiB |
Rick Doblin - MAPS - Part 2 (2009).mp3 | 19.63 MiB |
Second interview with Dr. Ralph Metzner.mp3 | 24.74 MiB |
The Psychonautic Adventure - Three Generations of Discovery.mp3 | 18.01 MiB |
The Revolution and Evolution of Love.mp3 | 15.61 MiB |
Psychedelic Salon - AlexGrey-MindStatesJamaica.mp3 | 20.3 MiB |
Psychedelic Salon - Burning Man Part 1 - 2005 Daniel Pinchbeck.mp3 | 20.41 MiB |
Psychedelic Salon - Burning Man Part 2 - 2003 Daniel Pinchbeck.mp3 | 13.87 MiB |
Psychedelic Salon - Childhood Schizophrenia and LSD - Dr. Gary Fisher.mp3 | 9.65 MiB |
Psychedelic Salon - ChristianRaetsch-PalenqueRuins-2001.mp3 | 19.06 MiB |
Psychedelic Salon - Earth&Fire-DrugGeeks.mp3 | 14.35 MiB |
Psychedelic Salon - ShulginAnn-Shadow.mp3 | 17.91 MiB |
Psychedelic Salon - ShulginSasha-NaturalvsSynthetic.mp3 | 23.63 MiB |
1 - Golden Parachute-Françoise-Dear.mp3 | 10.67 MiB |
2 - Devil & Your Print-Françoise-Dear.mp3 | 9.77 MiB |
3 - Big One-Françoise-Dear.mp3 | 8.52 MiB |
francoise.txt | 728 Bytes |
Acid Dreams - The Complete Social History of LSD - The CIA, The Sixties, and Beyond.pdf | 1.26 MiB |
Aldous Huxley - The Doors Of Perception.pdf | 257.71 KiB |
Alexander Shulgin - Future Drugs.pdf | 82.19 KiB |
Book of Mother.pdf | 40.91 MiB |
dna.jpg | 290.06 KiB |
Gnostic Garden - Ethno-Botanical Catalogue.pdf | 865.39 KiB |
Hallucinogenic Plants - A Golden Guide.pdf | 5.22 MiB |
Hallucinogenic_Drugs_And_Their_Psychotherapeutic_Use.pdf | 2.89 MiB |
Hallucinogens and dissociative agents naturally growing in the United States.pdf | 196.38 KiB |
hallucinogens_and_culture.pdf | 1.33 MiB |
MAPS Bulletin Spring - 2009.pdf | 2.41 MiB |
Plants of the Gods-Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers-Schultes,Hofmann,Rätsch-2001-0892819790.CV.pdf | 25.87 MiB |
Psychedelics Encyclopedia - Peter Stafford.pdf | 13.17 MiB |
second thoughts on psychedelic drugs.pdf | 711.72 KiB |
Shulgin - Pihkal - A Chemical Love Story.pdf | 6.82 MiB |
Storming Heaven.pdf | 1.52 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Food of the Gods_v1.0.pdf | 3.29 MiB |
The Doors Of Perception - Aldous Huxley.pdf | 257.71 KiB |
The Entheogen Review Sample.pdf | 3.28 MiB |
The Entheogen Theory of Religion and Ego Death.mht | 1.78 MiB |
The Essential Psychedelics Guide by DM Turner.pdf | 611.24 KiB |
The Secret Chief Revealed.pdf | 13.71 MiB |
Tihkal, on Psychedelics & how to by Alexander Shulgin.pdf | 896.56 KiB |
Valley of The Nerds - Psychdelics in Silicon Valley.htm | 27.99 KiB |
varieties_of_psychedelic_experience.pdf | 1.11 MiB |
Visionary Plants and Ecstatic Shamanism.pdf | 157.17 KiB |
walter_pahnke_drugs_and_mysticism.pdf | 45.1 MiB |
01-a) READ ME.pdf | 29.14 KiB |
02) V98.pdf | 4.87 MiB |
03) S98.pdf | 22.02 MiB |
04) F98.pdf | 11.77 MiB |
05) W98.pdf | 16.2 MiB |
06) V99.pdf | 17.09 MiB |
07) S99.pdf | 11.94 MiB |
08) F99.pdf | 33.65 MiB |
09) W99.pdf | 30.42 MiB |
10) VS000ADB.pdf | 19.98 MiB |
11) F00.pdf | 10.12 MiB |
12) W00.pdf | 31.69 MiB |
13) V01.pdf | 28.09 MiB |
14) S01.pdf | 25.46 MiB |
15) F01.pdf | 16.29 MiB |
16) W01.pdf | 21.56 MiB |
17) V02.pdf | 26.96 MiB |
18) S02.pdf | 16.47 MiB |
19) F02.pdf | 35.97 MiB |
20) W02.pdf | 4.43 MiB |
21) V03.pdf | 33.4 MiB |
22) S03.pdf | 13.34 MiB |
23) F03.pdf | 9.3 MiB |
24) W03.pdf | 10.5 MiB |
25) V04.pdf | 40.15 MiB |
26) S04.pdf | 18.86 MiB |
27) F05.pdf | 31.89 MiB |
28) W05.pdf | 29.11 MiB |
1992.pdf | 81.96 MiB |
1993.pdf | 289.5 MiB |
1994.pdf | 279.59 MiB |
1995.pdf | 290.22 MiB |
1996.pdf | 282.6 MiB |
1997.pdf | 279.35 MiB |
Index_1992-1997.pdf | 234.05 KiB |
Mind_States-2001-01-Alexander_&_Ann_Shulgins.avi | 31.27 MiB |
Mind_States-2001-02-Allyson_Grey,Mark_Henson,Robert_Venosa.avi | 13.87 MiB |
Mind_States-2001-03-Mystic_Trip.avi | 12.02 MiB |
Mind_States-2001-04-Mark_Mcleod.avi | 24.63 MiB |
Mind_States-2001-05-Mark_Pesce,RU_Sirius,Robert_Metzner,Martina_Hoffman,Sheldon_Norberg.avi | 40.09 MiB |
Mind_States-2001-06-Wrye_Sententia,Indian_Guy,Mark_Pesce,Alex_Grey,Myron_Stolaroff,Nicholas_Sand.avi | 42.77 MiB |
notes.txt | 573 Bytes |
Astrotheology Debunked.mp4 | 35.48 MiB |
Manna Mystery Solved.wmv | 23.42 MiB |
The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2004 Lecture.wmv | 247.85 MiB |
The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007 - DVD - Official Online Edition.AVI | 458.11 MiB |
Pharmacratic Inquisition 2004 Lecture Errors.php.htm | 43.36 KiB |
Terence and Dennis Mckenna in 'Cognition Factor'.mov | 3.09 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Alien DreamTime.mp4 | 148.36 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Experiment At Petlauma.mp4 | 121.86 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Hallucinogens and Culture.mp4 | 123.35 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Psychedelics in the Age of Intelligent Machines.mp4 | 341.44 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Psychedelic Society.mp4 | 218.33 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Shamanic Approaches to the UFO.mp4 | 181.25 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Sydney 1997.mp4 | 75.62 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Last Word.mp4 | 154.1 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Purpose Of Psychedelics.avi | 4.74 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Time and I Ching.mp4 | 80.84 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Time Wave Zero.mp4 | 112.35 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Wetlands.ram.aif | 5.05 MiB |
Dennis McKenna, Ph.D. - Neuroscience and Spirituality.avi | 524.1 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - Alkaloids & Evolution 1of4.mp3 | 10.69 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - Alkaloids & Evolution 2of4.mp3 | 10.5 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - Alkaloids & Evolution 3of4.mp3 | 10.82 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - Alkaloids & Evolution 4of4.mp3 | 6.35 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - The Ayahuasca (Hoasca) Project - 1of2.mp3 | 16.31 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - The Ayahuasca (Hoasca) Project - 2of2.mp3 | 12 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - The Experiment at La Chorrera 1of5.mp3 | 1.62 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - The Experiment at La Chorrera 2of5.mp3 | 3.12 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - The Experiment at La Chorrera 3of5.mp3 | 4.27 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - The Experiment at La Chorrera 4of5.mp3 | 687.15 KiB |
Dennis McKenna - The Experiment at La Chorrera 5of5.mp3 | 3.06 MiB |
Dennis McKenna on Art Bell p1of2 3-07-01 rc.mp3 | 11.24 MiB |
Dennis McKenna on Art Bell p2of2 3-07-01 rc.mp3 | 5.56 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Archaic Revival.pdf | 63.61 KiB |
Terence Mckenna - Food Of The Gods.pdf | 3.29 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Lectures on Alchemy.pdf | 192.95 KiB |
Terence Mckenna - True Hallucinations.pdf | 849.8 KiB |
Terence McKenna - Tryptamin Hallucinogens and Consciousness.pdf | 418.67 KiB |
Terence McKenna - Forms and Mysteries 1.mp4 | 285.9 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Forms and Mysteries 2.mp4 | 282.39 MiB |
01 - Pressure.mp3 | 3.46 MiB |
03 Alien Love.mp3 | 8.16 MiB |
beyondpsychology1.mp3 | 6.27 MiB |
beyondpsychology2.mp3 | 6.71 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Dreaming Awake at the End of Time.mp3 | 4.88 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Earth Trust p1of4.mp3 | 11.44 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Earth Trust p2of4.mp3 | 10.33 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Earth Trust p3of4.mp3 | 11.46 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Earth Trust p4of4.mp3 | 10.77 MiB |
Ethnobotany 1.mp3 | 21.17 MiB |
Ethnobotany 2.mp3 | 20.71 MiB |
Ethnobotany 3.mp3 | 21.06 MiB |
Ethnobotany 4.mp3 | 21.67 MiB |
Ethnobotany 5.mp3 | 20.58 MiB |
Ethnobotany 6.mp3 | 21.28 MiB |
Ethnobotany 7.mp3 | 21.73 MiB |
Ethnobotany 8.mp3 | 21.06 MiB |
Ethnobotany 9.mp3 | 20.42 MiB |
Ethnobotany 10.mp3 | 18.55 MiB |
Global Perspectives & Psychedelic Poetics 1.mp3 | 3.76 MiB |
Global Perspectives & Psychedelic Poetics 4.mp3 | 6.27 MiB |
01.mp3 | 20.88 MiB |
02.mp3 | 20.77 MiB |
03.mp3 | 10.12 MiB |
04.mp3 | 30.26 MiB |
Exploring the Hermetic Tradition 1.mp3 | 22.02 MiB |
Exploring the Hermetic Tradition 2.mp3 | 22.15 MiB |
Exploring the Hermetic Tradition 3.mp3 | 22.23 MiB |
Exploring the Hermetic Tradition 4.mp3 | 22.19 MiB |
Exploring the Hermetic Tradition 5.mp3 | 22.05 MiB |
Exploring the Hermetic Tradition 6.mp3 | 21.39 MiB |
Exploring the Hermetic Tradition 7.mp3 | 21.69 MiB |
Exploring the Hermetic Tradition 8.mp3 | 2.88 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Food of the Gods.mp3 | 3.94 MiB |
Global Perspectives & Psychedelic Poetics 01.mp3 | 10.2 MiB |
Global Perspectives & Psychedelic Poetics 02.mp3 | 8.89 MiB |
Global Perspectives & Psychedelic Poetics 03.mp3 | 5.82 MiB |
Global Perspectives & Psychedelic Poetics 04.mp3 | 4.85 MiB |
History Ends In Green 1.mp3 | 24 MiB |
History Ends In Green 2.mp3 | 22.19 MiB |
History Ends In Green 3.mp3 | 35.93 MiB |
History Ends In Green 4.mp3 | 34.54 MiB |
History Ends In Green 5.mp3 | 11.58 MiB |
History Ends In Green 6.mp3 | 22.72 MiB |
Light of Nature - 1 of 2.mp3 | 10.03 MiB |
Light of Nature - 2 of 2.mp3 | 8.45 MiB |
Light of Nature - day 2.mp3 | 12.59 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Imagination in the Light 1of2.mp3 | 25.24 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Imagination in the Light 2of2.mp3 | 11.11 MiB |
Terence McKenna - I Ching - habit & novelty KUT 10-97.mp3 | 9.61 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Marijuana & Hemp - SWR UTL 6 KPFK.mp3 | 5.28 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Pam Burton Interview KPFK 5-6-96.MP3 | 19.29 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Radiovalve interview.mp3 | 1.82 MiB |
Terence Mckenna Interview - Memory - 3-87 1of2.mp3 | 10.36 MiB |
Terence Mckenna Interview - Memory - 3-87 2of2.mp3 | 10.38 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-01 - Intro.mp3 | 881.52 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-02 - D'Naz.mp3 | 1.25 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-03 - Catholic Rationalists.mp3 | 1.72 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-04 - Everything Wants to Communicate.mp3 | 1.24 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-05 - Folk Technology.mp3 | 1.99 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-06 - The Atom Bomb.mp3 | 1.07 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-07 - Civilization is a Carnival.mp3 | 2.09 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-08 - Psychedelic Ethics.mp3 | 1.97 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-09 - The Download of History.mp3 | 1.3 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-10 - Time Will Perfect Matter.mp3 | 817.19 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-11 - Postmodern Spirituality.mp3 | 460.86 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-12 - Fifty Kilos of Yoga.mp3 | 375.55 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-13 - From Plato to Playdough.mp3 | 568 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-14 - Shamanic Technology.mp3 | 1.63 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-15 - Electric Alchemy.mp3 | 1.22 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-16 - Magical Material.mp3 | 442.49 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-17 - The White Cane.mp3 | 727.59 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-18 - Descartes' Angel.mp3 | 1.02 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-19 - Native Intelligence.mp3 | 1.6 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-20 - Defeated Utopias.mp3 | 1.58 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-21 - The Ninth Generation.mp3 | 1.33 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-22 - Right on Schedule.mp3 | 1.17 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-23 - Not William Burroughs.mp3 | 901.27 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-24 - Digital Oracle.mp3 | 857.8 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-25 - The Wheel.mp3 | 126.37 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 1-26 - Deep Blue.mp3 | 2.35 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-01 - Kinetic Unfolding.mp3 | 783.51 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-02 - Shamanic VR.mp3 | 1.12 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-03 - Fractal Negotiation.mp3 | 1.87 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-04 - White Gloves on a Mouse.mp3 | 1.22 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-05 - Quasi at the Quackadero.mp3 | 1.14 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-06 - Private Idaho.mp3 | 2.25 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-07 - Edgy Shit.mp3 | 2.55 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-08 - Dress Rehearsal.mp3 | 853.51 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-09 - Gumbies from Space.mp3 | 1.76 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-10 - The Other.mp3 | 427.19 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-11 - To Serve Man.mp3 | 231.06 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-12 - Demon Riddle.mp3 | 475.96 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-13 - Lilly.mp3 | 1.51 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-14 - Ketamine.mp3 | 817.19 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-15 - Ecstasy.mp3 | 1.05 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-16 - Cracking the Psychedelic Code.mp3 | 816.98 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-17 - Neoplatonic Math.mp3 | 1.27 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-18 - Late Antiquity.mp3 | 474.53 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-19 - Logos Puree.mp3 | 1.12 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-20 - Mining the Veins of Entelechy.mp3 | 1.05 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-21 - The Garland of Letters.mp3 | 300.04 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-22 - Losing Categories.mp3 | 1.31 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-23 - Closed Topologies.mp3 | 422.7 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-24 - On the Natch.mp3 | 2.16 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-25 - Prozac.mp3 | 372.29 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-26 - The Revenge of Synthetic Matter.mp3 | 661.27 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-27 - Death vs. Dying.mp3 | 1.63 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-28 - Turbo-Charged Buddhism.mp3 | 597.19 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-29 - The Shadow of the End.mp3 | 313.51 KiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-30 - The Miracle.mp3 | 1.26 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 2-31 - hm, ok.mp3 | 85.96 KiB |
ARTBELLWIN19970522.WMA | 5.94 MiB |
ARTBELLWIN19970522_CLIP01.WMA | 5.86 MiB |
ARTBELLWIN19970522_CLIP02.WMA | 2.92 MiB |
ARTBELLWIN19970522_CLIP03.WMA | 5.9 MiB |
ARTBELLWIN19970522_CLIP04.WMA | 5.68 MiB |
Terence McKenna on Art Bell - 5-97 - part 1.mp3 | 11.1 MiB |
Terence McKenna on Art Bell - 5-97 - part 2.mp3 | 10.13 MiB |
Terence McKenna on C2C p1.mp3 | 11.18 MiB |
Terence McKenna on C2C p2.mp3 | 24.63 MiB |
John Steele - w Terence Mckenna - Memory - 3-87 p1of2.mp3 | 10.36 MiB |
John Steele - w Terence Mckenna - Memory - 3-87 p2of2.mp3 | 10.38 MiB |
Jonathan Ott - Pharmacotheon p1of2 7-29-93 rc.mp3 | 6.17 MiB |
Jonathan Ott - Pharmacotheon p2of2 7-29-93 rc.mp3 | 6.16 MiB |
Jonathon Ott - KPFK int w Roy of Hollywood p1of2 11-95 rc.mp3 | 5.92 MiB |
Jonathon Ott - KPFK int w Roy of Hollywood p2of2 11-95 rc.mp3 | 5.95 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Metamorphosis.mp3 | 10.84 MiB |
Terence McKenna - 16 jan 1999.mp3 | 14.75 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Angels Aliens & Archetypes.mp3 | 5.96 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Ayahuasca and it's Recipies.mp3 | 20.32 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Denver-1999.mp3 | 25.11 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Eros & the Eschaton.mp3 | 27.23 MiB |
Terence Mckenna -Gaia's midlife Crisis.mp3 | 18.71 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Hashish Eater.mp3 | 6.67 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Marijuana & Hemp - SWR UTL 6 KPFK.mp3 | 5.28 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Opening the Doors to Creativity.mp3 | 20.57 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - petaluma.mp3 | 4.24 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - psilocybin & the sands of time.mp3 | 59.13 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Surfing Finnegan's Wake.mp3 | 18.95 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - syntax of psychedelic time-cd2.mp3 | 4.77 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Vertigo at History's Edge.mp3 | 11.24 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Wetlands NY.mp3 | 96.74 MiB |
Terence McKenna on Cannabis.mp3 | 17 MiB |
terenceqanda.mp3 | 8.92 MiB |
terence_mckenna_-_introduction__by_timothy_leary_.mp3 | 1.36 MiB |
Terrence McKenna - oct-1995.mp3 | 26.33 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - Alkaloids & Evolution 1of4.mp3 | 10.69 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - Alkaloids & Evolution 2of4.mp3 | 10.51 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - Alkaloids & Evolution 3of4.mp3 | 10.82 MiB |
Dennis McKenna - Alkaloids & Evolution 4of4.mp3 | 6.35 MiB |
Dennis McKenna on Art Bell 1of2 3-07-01.mp3 | 11.24 MiB |
Dennis McKenna on Art Bell 2of2 3-07-01.mp3 | 5.56 MiB |
04-sheryl_crow-chances_are.mp3 | 7.48 MiB |
Axis Mundi - The Rites Of Spring.mp3 | 17.17 MiB |
Shamen with Terence McKenna - Re;evolution 93.mp3 | 19.12 MiB |
01. zuvuya with terence mckenna - shaman i am (solar ray mix).mp3 | 4.1 MiB |
02. zuvuya with terence mckenna - fx return.mp3 | 7.01 MiB |
03. zuvuya with terence mckenna - black sun yadaki.mp3 | 2.12 MiB |
04. zuvuya with terence mckenna - shaman i am (eclipse mix).mp3 | 10.55 MiB |
05. zuvuya with terence mckenna - the whisper in trees.mp3 | 7.73 MiB |
06. zuvuya with terence mckenna - into the future.mp3 | 9.44 MiB |
07. zuvuya with terence mckenna - shamania.mp3 | 13.64 MiB |
01 - Space Time Continuum - Archaic Revival.mp3 | 20.92 MiB |
02 - Space Time Continuum - Transient Generator.mp3 | 13.47 MiB |
03 - Space Time Continuum - Alien Love.mp3 | 11.47 MiB |
04 - Space Time Continuum - Speaking In Tongues.mp3 | 18.87 MiB |
05 - Space Time Continuum - Aerobatic.mp3 | 12.08 MiB |
06 - Space Time Continuum - Timewave Zero.mp3 | 36.14 MiB |
01 terence mckenna on dmt - the importance of dmt.mp3 | 465.65 KiB |
02 terence mckenna on dmt - the duration of dmt.mp3 | 727.69 KiB |
03 terence mckenna on dmt - how to get off on dmt.mp3 | 833.81 KiB |
04 terence mckenna on dmt - coming down.mp3 | 513.8 KiB |
DanielPinchbeck-BurningMan2005.mp3 | 20.41 MiB |
McKennaAbraham01.mp3 | 21.95 MiB |
McKennaAbraham02.mp3 | 17.64 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley01.mp3 | 19.52 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley02.mp3 | 18.04 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley03.mp3 | 14.65 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley04.mp3 | 20.15 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley05.mp3 | 21.88 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley06.mp3 | 24.35 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley07.mp3 | 22.62 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley08.mp3 | 24.2 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley09.mp3 | 23.69 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley10.mp3 | 19.13 MiB |
cvr_v7n1.jpg | 103.94 KiB |
Terence Mckenna - Nature is the Center of the Mandala.mp3 | 12.67 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Palenque 1999.mp3 | 23.86 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Plants Consciousness & Transformation P1of2.mp3 | 45.64 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Plants Consciousness & Transformation P2of2.mp3 | 37.99 MiB |
plantsofpower1.mp3 | 7.98 MiB |
plantsofpower2.mp3 | 8 MiB |
plantsofpower3.mp3 | 7.99 MiB |
Plants of Power [BBC Radio Series]1.mp3 | 7.98 MiB |
Plants of Power [BBC Radio Series]2.mp3 | 8 MiB |
Plants of Power [BBC Radio Series]3.mp3 | 7.99 MiB |
McKenna, Terence - Rap Dancing into the 3rd Millenium - A.mp3 | 39.95 MiB |
McKenna, Terence - Rap Dancing into the 3rd Millenium - B.mp3 | 38.95 MiB |
terrance mckenna - SacredPlantsAsGuides 01.mp3 | 16.56 MiB |
terrance mckenna - SacredPlantsAsGuides 02.mp3 | 19.84 MiB |
terrance mckenna - SacredPlantsAsGuides 03.mp3 | 39.63 MiB |
terrance mckenna - SacredPlantsAsGuides 04.mp3 | 26.71 MiB |
terrance mckenna - SacredPlantsAsGuides 05.mp3 | 21 MiB |
terrance mckenna - SacredPlantsAsGuides 06.mp3 | 20.18 MiB |
terrance mckenna - SacredPlantsAsGuides 07.mp3 | 16.12 MiB |
terrance mckenna - SacredPlantsAsGuides 10.mp3 | 25.67 MiB |
Shamans Among the Machines.mp3 | 26.08 MiB |
Shamans Among the Machines Q&A.mp3 | 13.35 MiB |
Conversations at the Edge of Magic.mp3 | 58.7 MiB |
Packing For The Long Strange Trip.mp3 | 31.02 MiB |
Terrence McKenna-starwood1.mp3 | 4.01 MiB |
Terrence McKenna-starwood2.mp3 | 4.04 MiB |
Terrence McKenna-starwood3.mp3 | 4.04 MiB |
mcmaya.jpg | 13.97 KiB |
Terence Mckenna - State Of The Stone 95 [160kbps] 1.mp3 | 51.05 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - State Of The Stone 95 [160kbps] 2.mp3 | 39.25 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Riding Range With Marshall Mcluhan.mp3 | 7.56 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Surfing on Finnegan's Wake.mp3 | 18.95 MiB |
01 TechnoPagans at the End of History.mp3 | 27.15 MiB |
02 TechnoPagans at the End of History.mp3 | 31.65 MiB |
03 TechnoPagans at the End of History.mp3 | 31.62 MiB |
04 TechnoPagans at the End of History.mp3 | 31.68 MiB |
05 TechnoPagans at the End of History.mp3 | 31.52 MiB |
06 TechnoPagans at the End of History.mp3 | 17.4 MiB |
Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell - Shamanology of the Amazon 1A.mp3 | 18.2 MiB |
Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell - Shamanology of the Amazon 1B.mp3 | 17.19 MiB |
Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell - Shamanology of the Amazon 3A.mp3 | 17.98 MiB |
Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell - Shamanology of the Amazon 3B.mp3 | 16.8 MiB |
Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell - Shamanology of the Amazon 4A.mp3 | 17.86 MiB |
Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell - Shamanology of the Amazon 4B.mp3 | 17.61 MiB |
Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell - Shamanology of the Amazon 5A.mp3 | 17.97 MiB |
Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell - Shamanology of the Amazon 5B.mp3 | 17.84 MiB |
Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell - Shamanology of the Amazon 6A.mp3 | 10.23 MiB |
Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell - Shamanology of the Amazon 6B.mp3 | 4.82 MiB |
McKenna & Metzner_10-88_Tape_2-A.mp3 | 18.09 MiB |
McKenna & Metzner_10-88_Tape_2-B.mp3 | 18.11 MiB |
McKenna & Metzner_10-88_Tape_3-A.mp3 | 18.07 MiB |
McKenna & Metzner_10-88_Tape_3-B.mp3 | 18.08 MiB |
McKenna & Metzner_10-88_Tape_4-A.mp3 | 17.74 MiB |
McKenna & Metzner_10-88_Tape_4-B.mp3 | 17.54 MiB |
McKenna & Metzner_10-88_Tape_5-A.mp3 | 18.06 MiB |
McKenna & Metzner_10-88_Tape_5-B.mp3 | 18.18 MiB |
McKenna & Metzner_10-88_Tape_6-A.mp3 | 6.09 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Man & Woman at the End of History 1of5.mp3 | 5.92 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Man & Woman at the End of History 2of5.mp3 | 11.47 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Man & Woman at the End of History 3of5.mp3 | 10.69 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Man & Woman at the End of History 4of5.mp3 | 5.84 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Man & Woman at the End of History 5of5.mp3 | 11.67 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Earth Trust p1of4.mp3 | 11.44 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Earth Trust p2of4.mp3 | 10.33 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Earth Trust p3of4.mp3 | 11.46 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Earth Trust p4of4.mp3 | 11.45 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - History ends In Green 1-6.mp3 | 8.5 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - History ends In Green 2-6.mp3 | 7.84 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - History ends In Green 3-6.mp3 | 12.66 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - History ends In Green 4-6.mp3 | 12.32 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - History ends In Green 5-6.mp3 | 12.51 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - History ends In Green 6-6.mp3 | 8.03 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Light of 3rd Millenium Austin.mp3 | 11.77 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Light of 3rd Millenium Chicago.mp3 | 12.5 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Light of Nature - 1 of 2.mp3 | 10.03 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Light of Nature - 2 of 2.mp3 | 8.45 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Man & Woman part 1of5.mp3 | 5.92 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Man & Woman part 2of5.mp3 | 11.47 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Man & Woman part 3of5.mp3 | 10.69 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Man & Woman part 4of5.mp3 | 5.84 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Man & Woman part 5of5.mp3 | 11.67 MiB |
Terence McKenna on Art Bell - 3-98 - p1 (static at begining).mp3 | 11.18 MiB |
Terence McKenna on Art Bell - 5-97 - part 1.mp3 | 11.1 MiB |
Terence McKenna on Art Bell - 5-97 - part 2.mp3 | 10.13 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Tree Of Knowledge - 1 - of 8.mp3 | 12.63 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Tree Of Knowledge - 2 - of 8.mp3 | 12.68 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Tree Of Knowledge - 3 - of 8.mp3 | 12.57 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Tree Of Knowledge - 4 - of 8.mp3 | 12.47 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Tree Of Knowledge - 5 - of 8.mp3 | 12.47 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Tree Of Knowledge - 6 - of 8.mp3 | 8.55 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Tree Of Knowledge - 7 - of 8.mp3 | 8.42 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Tree Of Knowledge - 8 - of 8.mp3 | 6.18 MiB |
trialogues 98 - 1 - sheldrake-mckenna-abraham.mp3 | 9.97 MiB |
trialogues 98 - 2 - mckenna-abraham-sheldrake.mp3 | 9.71 MiB |
trialogues 98 - 3 - abraham-mckenna-sheldrake.mp3 | 7.85 MiB |
Terence McKenna - UFO- The Inside Outsider 1of2.mp3 | 20.93 MiB |
Terence McKenna - UFO- The Inside Outsider 2of2.mp3 | 17.78 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Under The Teaching Tree Part 1of4.mp3 | 7.55 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Under The Teaching Tree Part 2of4.mp3 | 10.27 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Under The Teaching Tree Part 3of4.mp3 | 11.4 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Under The Teaching Tree Part 4of4.mp3 | 9.04 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Unfolding the Stone p1 6-1-1991.mp3 | 10.04 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Unfolding the Stone p2 6-1-1991.mp3 | 4.51 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Angels Aliens & Archetypes.mp3 | 5.96 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Ayahuasca and it's Recipies.mp3 | 6.37 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - DreamAwake.mp3 | 4.88 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Eros&Eschaton.mp3 | 17.15 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Food of the Gods.mp3 | 8.39 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Hash Eater.mp3 | 6.67 MiB |
Terence McKenna - I Ching - habit & novelty KUT 10-97.mp3 | 9.61 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Light of Nature Day 2.mp3 | 12.59 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Marijuana & Hemp - SWR UTL 6 KPFK.mp3 | 5.28 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Mcpsilosands.mp3 | 9.22 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Metamorphosis.mp3 | 10.84 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Nature is the Center of the Mandala rc.mp3 | 12.67 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Palenque (entire) 1-1999.mp3 | 23.86 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Petaluma.mp3 | 4.24 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Psychedelics are Illegal Because.mp3 | 323.92 KiB |
Terence Mckenna - Radiovalve Interview.mp3 | 1.82 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Riding Range With Marshall Mcluhan.mp3 | 7.56 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Starwood.mp3 | 8.17 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - State Of The Stone95.mp3 | 11.26 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Surfing Finnegan's Wake.mp3 | 18.95 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Syntax of Psychedelic Time.mp3 | 4.77 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - TechnoPagans at the End of History 2.mp3 | 4.73 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The World And It's Double.mp3 | 22.62 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - True Hallucinations.mp3 | 8.37 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Vision Plants.mp3 | 10.61 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Voynich Manuscript.mp3 | 6 MiB |
McKennaAbraham01.mp3 | 21.95 MiB |
McKennaAbraham02.mp3 | 17.64 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley01.mp3 | 19.52 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley02.mp3 | 18.04 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley03.mp3 | 14.65 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley04.mp3 | 20.15 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley05.mp3 | 21.88 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley06.mp3 | 24.35 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley07.mp3 | 22.62 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley08.mp3 | 24.2 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley09.mp3 | 23.69 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna-Valley10.mp3 | 19.13 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 1A.mp3 | 6.9 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 1B.mp3 | 6.88 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 2A.mp3 | 10.49 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 2B.mp3 | 10.79 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 3A.mp3 | 10.01 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 3B.mp3 | 10.2 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 4A.mp3 | 10.36 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 4B.mp3 | 10.11 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 5A.mp3 | 10.69 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 5B.mp3 | 10.22 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 6A.mp3 | 6.81 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Ethnobotony of Shamanism - Saturday - 6B.mp3 | 6.3 MiB |
trialogues 98 - 1 - sheldrake-mckenna-abraham.mp3 | 9.97 MiB |
trialogues 98 - 2 - mckenna-abraham-sheldrake.mp3 | 9.71 MiB |
trialogues 98 - 3 - abraham-mckenna-sheldrake.mp3 | 7.85 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Invisible Landscape 1A.mp3 | 15.87 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Invisible Landscape 1B.mp3 | 17.77 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Invisible Landscape 2A.mp3 | 17.65 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Invisible Landscape 2B.mp3 | 17.54 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Invisible Landscape 3A.mp3 | 17.94 MiB |
Terence McKenna - The Invisible Landscape 3B.mp3 | 16.41 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Light of 3rd Millenium Whole Life Expo Austin.mp3 | 11.77 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Light of 3rd Millenium Whole Life Expo Chicago.mp3 | 12.5 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Rites of Spring 1A.mp3 | 17.84 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Rites of Spring 1B.mp3 | 17.84 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Rites of Spring 2A.mp3 | 17.89 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Rites of Spring 2B.mp3 | 17.03 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Rites of Spring 3A.mp3 | 17.97 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Rites of Spring 3B.mp3 | 18.07 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge - 1 of 8.mp3 | 12.63 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge - 2 of 8.mp3 | 12.68 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge - 3 of 8.mp3 | 12.57 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge - 4 of 8.mp3 | 12.47 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge - 5 of 8.mp3 | 12.47 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge - 6 of 8.mp3 | 8.55 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge - 7 of 8.mp3 | 8.42 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge - 8 of 8.mp3 | 6.18 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The World And It's Double.mp3 | 22.62 MiB |
Terrence McKenna-Worldouble1.mp3 | 26.44 MiB |
Terrence McKenna-Worldouble2.mp3 | 23 MiB |
Terrence McKenna-Worldouble3.mp3 | 25.67 MiB |
01 - Terence Mckenna - True Hallucinations.mp3 | 8.37 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - True Hallucinations.mp3 | 8.37 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 01-16.mp3 | 24.82 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 02-16.mp3 | 26.62 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 03-16.mp3 | 40.87 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 04-16.mp3 | 40.72 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 05-16.mp3 | 40.79 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 06-16.mp3 | 40.49 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 07-16.mp3 | 40.76 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 08-16.mp3 | 40.38 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 09-16.mp3 | 26.7 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 10-16.mp3 | 26.42 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 11-16.mp3 | 27.2 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 12-16.mp3 | 26.89 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 13-16.mp3 | 41.83 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 14-16.mp3 | 12.48 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 15-16.mp3 | 27.09 MiB |
Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations 16-16.mp3 | 27.54 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Under The Teaching Tree Part 1of4.mp3 | 7.55 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Under The Teaching Tree Part 2of4.mp3 | 10.27 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Under The Teaching Tree Part 3of4.mp3 | 11.4 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Under The Teaching Tree Part 4of4 .mp3 | 9.04 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Unfolding the Stone p1 6-1-1991.mp3 | 10.04 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Unfolding the Stone p2 6-1-1991.mp3 | 4.51 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - Vision Plants.mp3 | 10.61 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Prague Gnosis 1.mp4 | 272.89 MiB |
Terence McKenna - Prague Gnosis 2.mp4 | 291.21 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna05 SeekingTheStone1.avi | 240.83 MiB |
TerenceMcKenna05 SeekingTheStone2.avi | 111.68 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The World and Its Double 1.mpeg | 679.2 MiB |
Terence Mckenna - The World and Its Double 2.mpeg | 411.49 MiB |
Trialogues at the Edge of the Millenium 1of3 - Sheldrake McKenna Abraham.mp4 | 292.54 MiB |
Trialogues at the Edge of the Millenium 2of3 - McKenna Abraham Sheldrake.mp4 | 285.25 MiB |
Trialogues at the Edge of the Millenium 3of3 - Abraham Sheldrake McKenna.mp4 | 238.96 MiB |
Psilocybin and Cancer Anxiety.mp4 | 426.41 MiB |
Psychedelic Crisis Video.mp4 | 37.62 MiB |
Therapeutic Potential Of Psychedelics.avi | 91.35 MiB |
Dr. Stanislav Grof - LSD Psychotherapy.pdf | 7.11 MiB |
Handbook for the Therapeutic Use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25 - Individual and Group Procedures.pdf | 358.76 KiB |
Remembrances of LSD Therapy Past.pdf | 454.67 KiB |
Working With Difficult Psychedelic Experiences.pdf | 382.83 KiB |
Ancient Altered States.avi | 296.68 MiB |
Awakening The Divine Within - Entheogen 2007.avi | 379.57 MiB |
Carlos Castaneda And The Shaman. Tales From The Jungle.flv | 143.9 MiB |
CBC Documentary - The Psychedelic Pioneers - PotTV Show.ram | 42 Bytes |
entheogen.mov | 11.37 MiB |
Entheogenic Shamanism - Ancient Astronauts - History.avi | 193.59 MiB |
MAPS - The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies - with Rick Doblin.mp4 | 42.94 MiB |
ne_acrescentar32.swf | 396.19 KiB |
novaerasemflo.swf | 414.52 KiB |
Peyote to LSD - A Psychedelic Odyssey.divx | 674.63 MiB |
Psychedelic Horizons - An Interview with Prof. Em. Thomas Roberts.mp4 | 36.1 MiB |
Psychedelics, the Scientific Evidence, an interview with Dr. Charles Grob.mp4 | 43.93 MiB |
Psychedelics and Human Evolution - A view from evolutionary psychology.avi | 382.88 MiB |
Psychedelic Science.avi | 599.81 MiB |
Psychonauts (2006) - Foreign.wmv | 214.17 MiB |
Taboo - Mind Altering Drugs.avi | 239.21 MiB |
Terence McKenna Short Interview.avi | 10.31 MiB |
Weird Nature - Peculiar Potions.avi | 350.96 MiB |
Sacred Weeds - Henbane (Part 1).avi | 67.05 MiB |
Sacred Weeds - Henbane (Part 2).avi | 57.05 MiB |
Sacred Weeds - Henbane (Part 3).avi | 40.81 MiB |
Ibogaine - Rite of Passage.avi | 530.76 MiB |
Ibogaine Reports.rm | 90.74 MiB |
One Life Detox Or Die (Ibogaine).avi | 105.27 MiB |
Tribe Babongo (Ibogaine).avi | 163.06 MiB |
LSD and Psychotherapy - Dr Gary Fisher.mp3 | 9.01 MiB |
Albert Hoffman - LSD - My Problem Child.pdf | 412.42 KiB |
Crick discovered DNA while on LSD.html | 11.52 KiB |
Handbook for the Therapeutic Use of LSD-25 Individual and Group Procedures.pdf | 358.76 KiB |
The Secret Chief Revealed.pdf | 13.71 MiB |
Treatment of Childhood Schizophrenia Utilizing LSD and Psilocybin.doc | 71.5 KiB |
Uncle_Festers_guide_to_practical_LSD_manufacture.pdf | 449.15 KiB |
(LSD) The Beyond Within (Part1).avi | 139.21 MiB |
(LSD) The Beyond Within (Part 2).avi | 144.76 MiB |
(Progaganda) LSD - Trip or Trap 1967.mpg | 188.19 MiB |
Bad Trip to Edgewood - MKULTRA.rm | 26.86 MiB |
Eleusis, LSD, and Psychedelic Evolution - An Interview with Peter Webster.mp4 | 34.04 MiB |
Getting High - The History of LSD.mpg | 461.93 MiB |
Hofmann's Potion.avi | 336.49 MiB |
Hofmann at psy party.MPG | 2.87 MiB |
Hooked - Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way - LSD, Ecstasy and the Raves.avi | 121.91 MiB |
How To Go Out Of Your Mind - The LSD Crisis.avi | 831.95 MiB |
LSD, Panacea or Epidemic - An interview with Dr. Stanislav Grof.mp4 | 40.81 MiB |
LSD - US Experiments.MPG | 4.49 MiB |
LSD Millionaires - Operation Julie.avi | 384.9 MiB |
Power and Control - LSD in the Sixties (Part 1).avi | 48.68 MiB |
Power and Control - LSD in the Sixties (Part 2).avi | 42.73 MiB |
Power and Control - LSD in the Sixties (Part 3).avi | 38.38 MiB |
Power and Control - LSD in the Sixties (Part 4).avi | 42.84 MiB |
Syd Barrett's LSD Trip Summer '66.mpg | 55.75 MiB |
UK - ARMY testing LSD on soldiers.avi | 16.18 MiB |
Underground LSD Palace.mp4 | 251.5 MiB |
Peyote and Mescaline History & Uses of the Divine Cactus.pdf | 475.32 KiB |
How To Make Mescaline Final.wmv | 104.65 MiB |
Last Of The Medicine Men (Peyote) (Part 1).avi | 98.8 MiB |
Last Of The Medicine Men (Peyote) (Part 2).avi | 98.83 MiB |
Mescaline Extraction V2.avi | 60.63 MiB |
Rob Montgomery - Jonathan Ott (and Terrance McKenna) on Salvia - Part 01.mp3 | 2.62 MiB |
Rob Montgomery - Jonathan Ott (and Terrance McKenna) on Salvia - Part 02.mp3 | 1.87 MiB |
Rob Montgomery - Jonathan Ott (and Terrance McKenna) on Salvia - Part 3.mp3 | 1.83 MiB |
Rob Montgomery - Jonathan Ott (and Terrance McKenna) on Salvia - Part 4.mp3 | 1.17 MiB |
Rob Montgomery - Jonathan Ott (and Terrance McKenna) on Salvia - Part 5.mp3 | 2.14 MiB |
Rob Montgomery - Jonathan Ott (and Terrance McKenna) on Salvia - Part 6.mp3 | 1.43 MiB |
Rob Montgomery - Jonathan Ott (and Terrance McKenna) on Salvia.txt | 1.58 KiB |
Chilled Acetone Salvorin Extraction.pdf | 2.14 MiB |
Dummy.pdf | 414.25 KiB |
Methods to crystalline salvinorin.pdf | 497.17 KiB |
Salvia Divinorum - Research and Information Center.pdf | 6.26 MiB |
Salvia divinorum extraction FAQ.pdf | 212.13 KiB |
salvia extraction.pdf | 330.55 KiB |
salviagonist.pdf | 317.14 KiB |
Salvinorin - The Psychedelic Essence Of Salvia Divinorum.pdf | 130.45 KiB |
Salvinorin A - The Essence Of Salvia Divinorum.pdf | 130.45 KiB |
Salvinorin infused cigarette papers.pdf | 1.18 MiB |
Siebert Breakthrough.pdf | 29.58 KiB |
Solvents for Extraction.pdf | 34.53 KiB |
Dr. Phil - Salvia Divinorum.flv | 37.95 MiB |
Dr. Phil Show Misrepresents Salvia Divinorum.mp4 | 41.59 MiB |
G4 The Loop - Salvia Divinorum.mp4 | 19.9 MiB |
More info on salvia.mp4 | 7.41 MiB |
Sacred Weeds - Salvia Divinorum (Documentary).avi | 228.93 MiB |
Salvia (BBC Inside-Out).mp4 | 30.07 MiB |
Salvia Divinorum - New Drug of Abuse - Fox News Report.mp4 | 10.93 MiB |
erowid_mirror_dvd_2012_may_1.iso | 2.97 GiB |
Brass Eye - E2 Drugs (1997).avi | 233.5 MiB |
Harald Schmidt - Drogen.avi | 12.14 MiB |
Horizon - Is Alcohol Worse Than Ecstasy.avi | 349.76 MiB |
The Big Drugs Debate.avi | 349.94 MiB |
The Low Down On Getting High.avi | 349.6 MiB |
VH1 - The Drug Years (all 4 parts).avi | 846.89 MiB |
Andrew Weil - From Chocolate to Morphine - Mind-Altering Drugs HQ (1993).djvu | 20.97 MiB |
Drug.Abuse.Handbook.eBook-EEn.pdf | 9.13 MiB |
High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs (1978) [poor OCR].djvu | 26.44 MiB |
Ketalar, PCP, LSD, N20 & another Drugs[www.erowid.org].pdf | 503.04 KiB |
Understanding Street Drugs.pdf | 3.4 MiB |