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Monopoly: An Overview of the Great Reset

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CommentMonopoly: An Overview of the Great Reset Published March 2021 This informative video gives an overview of what is currently happening in the world in just 1 hour. The video shows the modern global systems, and focusses on the situation in the Netherlands. We believe though, that people from all over the world will recognise this situation. In consultation with Tim Gielen, the maker of this video, and in cooperation with others who strive for freedom, we translated it into English. We think it is a very important video to share with the world, so we can change things for the better. The maker sees this video as an open source project. Feel free to use parts of it, add to it or subtitle it into your own language. You can download it here. Much Love, Vrouwen voor Vrijheid Women for Freedom The Netherlands Wish to know more about us? Visit: BitChute Video (English): BitChute Video (Dutch):
Created ByqBittorrent v4.3.5
Creation Date2021.06.16 10:06
Info Hash3abe46072e1c95dd384bd4a75e01729588518af2
NameMonopoly An Overview of the Great Reset 1080p H265
Node ID42194
Number of Files2
Number of Pieces966
Piece Length256 KiB
Size241.37 MiB