Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
378.75 GiB | 1 | 2 | 82 |
This torrent won't interest many people, but to some it will be gold. Ashayana Deane is a teacher of very esoteric mysticism who has been on the scene since 1998.
This is as near to complete collection of her information that I have ever found.
379 GB total
960 hours of video!
111 hours of audio!
192 PDFs
Have you guys heard of Ashayana Deane?
Bit surprised anyone is downloading this... I thought it might be a slow boiler, something someone who is looking for it might find years from now.
The best place to start is with the "Extracts" if you are new to this.
I'm still surprised.
19 people are downloading this 380GB torrent
they must really like Ashayana Deane
I'm surprised so many people have heard of her.
Large archives seem to really
Large archives seem to really entice people. Those TheOccult archives were also quite popular here, from what I remember. I have a few of them on my seedbox, but I don't think I will ever personally utilize much of the data that is within them.
Is this successfully seeding right now?
it's paused.
I've paused it until 19 people tell me why they are downloading it.
omicron wrote:
sorry but NO. if you upload then SEED it. seeding is not at your whim. stopping seeding till you get some arbitrary number of people responding is ,well, shite.
Just seed it.
that is suspect
Why have you uploaded something, but then don't let other download it?
relax, the above was a joke.
I often go over bandwidth on my seedbox and have to pay, and I don't want to do that for people who are just downloading 380GB for the sake of it. I've throttled it so you can all download off each other rather than just me.
omicron wrote:
try superseeding instead. that way you upload different chunks to different people and 100% can be out there if you have a bw problem or connection issue
not sure what's happening
I've tried throttling the bandwidth, so that all these mysterious 19 people can get it off each other.
I've already uploaded 90% the size of the torrent, but the biggest other client only has 40%.
Not sure how to activate superseeding other than throttling. But throttling isn't working, if I limit the bandwidth used it just stops.
omicron wrote:
It's a feature of most torrent clients. Which client are you using?
omicron wrote:
it'll help conserve bandwidth by allowing that seeding of different chunks to different leechers. I always use superseed as it let me upload to as many as possible with the least amount of time and for your purposes that all important bandwidth.
depending on the client it could be as simple as right clicking on that torrent in the seed list and look down the options and check/enable superseed.
then Robert is yer mothers' brother!
Because of the size of this torrent, AND - because [I Too] wanted to download the full content of the file(s). I want to openly guarantee that I will seed this [I didn't download the Covid Set] for 6 months (at Super-seed). It seems like something COMPLETELY up my alley, but - I get SO disenchanted with SO Many of these instructors/teachings . . . It just feels like there's 'An Answer' that'll be obtained - only to leave you buying 'Vol II' . . . . OK OK - I'm just playing [well - sorta - you get it though], but - I will continue to seed :)
I'm just browsing the Excerpts [right now], and they seem to get to 'The Meat & Potatoes' of the entire thing - I think I'm going to enjoy those :)
Here is the same content
Here is the same content
Not worth anyone's time really to dive through her sub-sensible nonsense. I have several friends who escaped that cult in the formative years. Deane was an MK-Ultra stooge along with Stuart Swerdlow, given the task to give highly mechanical and technical diagrammatic representation of spiritual phenomena ... From multiple sources, she is been outed as a cocaine and sex addict, plowing through a dozen of her students each night. She is connected but to something incredibly deceptive. Her cult has become dogmatic, pushing their cubic paradigm as being morally superior to anything dealing with the golden ratio.
If anyone wants to see a genuine assessment of both the Keylontic and Metatronic misunderstandings and blatant misrepresentations of sacred geometry, pushed by Drunvalo, Robert Edward Grant, Jain 108 and so many others, I highly recommend the work of George Leoniak of Knew Geometry. Here is a whole playlist where he dives into the Keylontic work, from a purely geometric perspective: ... George tackles many topics and misconceptions in the field of sacred geometry while also developing a new promising approach to bypass and transcend the previous conceptual limitations. Most of of Deane's claims do not stand to any form of scrutiny but yet her fan club holds her word as absolute dogma. It's really disturbing what she has set up.
Damn It!
And I was hoping for SOMETHING good. . . . . Does anyone have ANY Opinions [On] who IS worth devoting several hours of time to non-agenda teachings? Unless the agenda is Pure & Total Thoughts Progress / Teachings / Ect.... I have many choices, but - even THEIR material feels 'overheard' if you will.... Thank you in advance for the heads up. :)
how do you know
How do you know she's an MK Ultra stooge?
I stand corrected as I just
I stand corrected as I just looked back at my notes from my conversation with my friend from which I thought I heard this. It was not MK Ultra like I said, but CIA. Apologies. This was sourced from an anecdote from a friend who has been "around the block" in the spiritual and alternative science communities for quite some time, including training with both Swerdlow and Deane. He was told by Stewart Swerdlow personally that Deane was a CIA asset and had handlers ... take that for what it is ... in the case of Deane, this is just another tiny piece of info that paints a very clear picture. Having said that, I too, have studied and practiced her system in the past, so I can at least speak to the content of her work itself and not just her blatant lack of integrity. I did not find any of it worth any of the effort or mental real estate. Sure, I don't deny she may have clairvoyant abilities to some degree ... but that is a whole spectrum, and drug fueled atavism seems to be her process, which leads to nothing but delusion. Knowing that channeling can easily be induced from psychotronic means .... such as how Andrija Puharich was responsible for the new age babble of the Law of One "channeling" ... it would not surprise me in the least if this was something more like that. I am purely speculating there, but worth considering. From her actual work to the many insider stories of her cult, she is a major confusionist. While writing this, I just thought about how many people I know swing to the Keylontics who were hardcore Metatronic people ... back and forth with lack of discernment. If I had a buck for every time I met someone who thought they were Metatron ... haha. Point being, her system is just the other pole to the nonsense of Drunvalo Melchizedek (Bernard Perona). Both are major deceivers, keeping people entrained in the ungrounded new age belief traps. Rant over. Make up your own minds on her content and find for yourselves.
I Am Metatron.
Swerdlow doesn't strike me as particularly honest or reliable, and exactly the sort of person to randomly spout the idea that his competitors are CIA assets.
That could be a possibility
That could be a possibility as I agree about Swerdlow. Deane's action and content speak for themselves though. It is clearly designed to confuse and divide.
fractallibrary wrote:
Except these aren't accessible.
I did find this collection on a google drive, and had to unrar 90% of it. This is much easier.
Guess I was not aware I was given a private link. I am glad you were able to find it.
Another: Damn It!!!
I just realized that I've just downloaded well over 300GB of information THAT may very well be Useless..... SO: George Leoniak . . . OK - off and looking. . . Thank you
Make up your own mind. Don't
Make up your own mind. Don't take my word for it. But yea, her whole system will just run you around in circles.
Hi fractal, from my
Hi fractal, from my experience of using this work for many years I have not experienced that it has taken me around in circles.
Many including myself have personally experienced the benefits of this work including, but not limited to, connecting to and in many
cases embodying our higher selves, having out of body experiences, being aware of our other selves, developing telepathy etc.
The IAFW (Intergalactic association of free worlds) have in the past through the help of a good friend, saved my life when I was dying.
Omni - YOU ae what makes
Omni - YOU ae what makes mixing with idiots in the conspiracy whirrled tolerable after compiling this.... Mmmmwah !
Hi everyone, I just thought I should mention if you are using the techniques in the videos, she recommends going to and using the free techniques as a starting point. It's actually quite important to do so for protection (It's a long story but I've been doing this for 17 years and I know how important it is).
These techniques will also amplify the power of the older techniques. There are also live workshops which you can access which have much more up to date techniques and information. All the workshops are for one price with continuous updates. Have fun guys this stuff is the real deal.