Whether it's the lack of donors (ConCen is 4 months behind on the rent) or the need for Drupal savvy mods, ConCen needs more than just me.
I got us from the need to toss the last username base (my fault) of the old site with it's retarded dual login to the point we're at now, by learning how to recreate the past site using Drupal.
We're at a crossroads. If you know or even want to know Drupal, step up for ConCen so we can make this site the best repository of must-know info on the planet.
Or you could upload and/or seed your favorite torrents. And/or you can donate before this site shuts down for lack of payment.
Your choice. Please pick one. Choosing "none of the above" could mean the end of this site, at such a crucial time.
fool FOOL
DRUPAL, WORDPRESS and all that crap are SLOW - just like microsoft, written for lowest common denominator
all these fancy features, all this glitzy look - but the site is slower now than it's ever been, it's less accessible, less inviting, much harder to fix or extend, and any such extensions have a 'drupal' look
admin - if you'd like some real help, contact me
baustiche3 wrote:
Thank you for candidly stating your opinion.
Written for "for lowest common denominator" actually should be "written for compatibility with the most platforms and browsers".
The site is definitely not slower than it's ever been, but it's a lot safer.
As for less accessible, could you be specific? Remember it's still a work in progress. BTW, it already has the best search engine it's ever had, which will only get better. Torrents, forums, and articles are all integrated now, which makes the site more accessible, not less.
"Less inviting" is of course a personal preference. With the addition of several themes and the ability for members to choose their own, that issue will be moot.
"Much harder to fix or extend" -- that is the exact opposite of the truth. The torrent module I wrote proves this. The many thousands of extensions also prove this. As for extensions looking like Drupal, they look like the theme, not Drupal. That is the whole point of themes.
Obviously going with Drupal was a decision made months ago. I'm not undoing all the work I've done so far. Your offer to help, however "real", will not be taken up. Thanks anyway.
i would be willing to learn... being honest i am more a hardware sorta guy however i sure with persistant and patient kicking up the anus i could at least be taught to do maintenance at least.
offer is there for what it's worth
Drupal/Web Dev
I have not worked with Drupal for almost 6 years now, but I am very familiar with it and many other content management systems. I am best at troubleshooting issues and front-end code. I do graphics work and I am a CSS wizard. So, if you guys ever need anything just let me know.