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The ANTIFA Manual - Evergreen State College (2017)
The ANTIFA Manual - Found on the campus of The Evergreen State College
If you are reading this, it's because someone close to our movement trusted you with it. Please do
not distribute to anyone who may attempt to harm or denigrate what we are doing.
This is an ANTI-FASCIST or ANTIFA manual. If you are reading this, you already know that we are a
social justice movement against hatred, intolerance and bigotry.
This manual outlines where we've been, where we're at, and where we're headed within the next 100
If there was still a small doubt on your mind that the ominous ANTIFA are the minions and the
henchmen of the New World Order oligarchy, then this document may well remove such doubts.
Of course the leftists will claim that the document is a fake, as they usually do, when some of
their wicked machinations come to light.
On the other hand, this document may also have been crafted by the CIA to incite even more hatred
and violence, to split up America even more.
Let's face it: The New World Order is the Fourth Reich, so in other words, the minions of the NWO
are nothing else than the new Nazis, and ANTIFA are the real Nazis, disguised as antifascists. Isn't
that a clever strategy?
The global elites are the real Nazis here, the Nazis are those who want to destroy and already have
destroyed to a certain degree our civil liberties and the American Constitution.
By their deeds they shall be known.
What else is the New World Order if not the Fourth Reich?
Fascists are those using fascist methods.
National Socialism (the Nazi movement) in truth is a leftist collectivist system. If you do a
neutral and unbiased scientific analysis of the Third Reich, that is Nazi Germany, then you will
find that it was a socialist collectivist system on all levels.
The radical (radical: radix, the root) left says: The state, that is the government, should control
everything, and the individual is just a ward or a slave of the all powerful state.
To the left, the state, the party, the collective, the elite controlled hive mind, is their god, a
god acting in favour of the collective - in theory at least.
The collectivist hive mind does gangstalking and mobbing against dissident thinkers by way of the
tool of political correctness, being the new mental inquisition against all freedom loving people.
The socialist state wants to become all knowing, just like GOD, by establishing a total information
awareness office (NSA on steroids).
Lucifer likes to imitate GOD, and he wants to be as all knowing as GOD, whom he hates.
The radical right says (the original authentic anarchic right): Everybody is responsible for
himself, and he accepts no authority between himself and GOD. His conscience is his guiding light,
his heart of hearts.
Thou shalt have no gods next to the one and only real GOD.
GOD is GOD, and GOD's cosmic infinite all knowing mind stands above the leftist Luciferian Marxist
hive mind.
NSA surveillance is being replaced by the all seeing GOD in heaven.
Good Christians know that that they're being watched by their heavenly Father all the time.
Since most socialists have rejected GOD, the feel lost, resulting in the desire to be watched by the
state, by the all knowing, all powerful eye of Luciferian NSA state surveillance.
Freedom is the core principle of any truly right wing person, the freedom from any form of state
interference with one's life.
Therefore, according to this widely accepted definition amongst truly intelligent people, Hitler was
a collectivist and a socialist, a national socialist, and therefore a leftist.
And therefore Trump, being on the right side, is an anti-Nazi to an extreme degree, provided he's
But in all likelihood, he's just controlled opposition of the Illuminati, their usual game they
enjoy playing.
So understanding this, it won't come as a surprise to you that Hitler's Nazi party was funded by
Wall Street and the City of London, according to Professor Antony Sutton.
And of course the very same oligarchy has also been funding the Bolshevik Revolution. And those who
had funded the Bolsheviks, back in 1917, are funding ANTIFA now. That's how their wicked game is
being played.
Know thine enemy.
The ANTIFA Manual - Evergreen State College (2017)
The ANTIFA Manual - Found on the campus of The Evergreen State College
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The ANTIFA Manual - Found on the campus of The Evergreen State College.pdf
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Torrent downloaded from - Demonoid.txt
tags: NWO, Illuminati, Antifa, minions, deception, Nazi, Fourth Reich, history
Nazis were fascists, not socialists
I've seen this myth spread far and wide lately, and it saddens me because It's total bullshit. The Nazis were poster boys for fascism. Fascism is as right wing as it gets. It is the opposite of socialism.
The Nazis worked very closely with corporations. Private companies were given vast amounts of money and control over the German economy. They basically ran the government, rather like corporations run the US government today.
It is obvious that there are people on the right who want to distance themselves from the Nazis by calling them left wing. Don't be their stooge.
some cheapass wannabe COINTELPRO shit right here
this is some grade-B amateurish COINTELPRO bullshit. i do not for a second believe this to be genuine.
It looks like it was created by someone in middle school.