Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
69.1 MiB | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1. Blood And Honor Field Manual - by MAX HAMMER
The simple truth is, that despite all the going-ons in and around our so-called Movement, there are, basically,
only two real reasons for the existence of that movement: 1. Bringing down the ruling old order of our enemies; 2.
Building a new order based on our own principles and ideas. And the sad thruth is, that so far we have failed miserably on
both accounts.
Obviously, no-one can expect a slandered and oppressed idea as National Socialism to be back in power within
such a relatively short period of time. After all, it took the Christians hundreds of years to win back territory after the
murder of their founder by the Zionists of those days. Still, with all the efforts and sacrifices put in over the last 50+ years,
one should be allowed to expect a bit more progress on the first account. But the enemy state has rather strengthened its
grip than giving in to our demands or collapsing from our resistance.
A main reason for our failures and fiascos is that we never really face the problem of power-grasping by getting
down to discussing the HOWs. Certainly, a majority of us know WHAT we want and WHY we need it. But when it comes
to the crucial question of HOW to go about it, most of the Movement´s people (both leaders and followers) retreat to the
safe dreams of old and better times, fancy political interpretations, fanatic religious excerices – or simply the coszy
warmth of the pub comradeship.
I have been attacked as a negative pessimist and down-right anti-intellectual for pointing out the above fact.
These accusations are of course pure nonsense, mainly stemming from the very people who were the real targets of my
criticism. By all means, we need knowledge and we need arguments. But, as I have pointed out time and time again: the
truth will not set you free. It never did to anyone. Freedom, like all other things in life, is won by struggle. Unfortunately,
“truth” has now become too relative and is too inflatory to be of any real decisive matter in our battle.
Don´t get me wrong now. I know we have truth on our side, you know it, and a lot (but still far too few) of other
good people know it as well. But then what? It´s all well and good to educate our troops. But most of our people have
enough basic knowledge, natural instincts, common sense and healthy aggression to understand what it is all about and
why we must fight.
And to put it blatently bluntly: How much do we really need arguments? How often do we get a chance to present
them? Certainly, ideally we should always be prepared to present our case. But is this really the priority?
From the offerings of books and magazines within the Movement, one could be led to think that knowing the
exact unmber of Jewish commissars in Lenin´s first government or what some rock “star” thinks of music, beer and Adolf
Hitler are the most vital things for the NS reader. And seeking our roots and rekindling our traditions... For sure! But
Aryan brothers and sisters, right this minute we face physical extinction – both as a movement and as a race. And if I were
to be really nasty, I´d say that this cultural hobbyism is a luxury which at the moment we simply cannot afford. Well, I´m
not really that nasty, but for certain our main priority is to ACT and to know HOW. And the when is NOW. The why´s we
have been digesting for 55 years. In other words, it´s high time for a change of priorities.
This book is meant to fill the gap when it comes to actual activist instructions. It is to be read as an in-depth
follow-up to my first work, “The Way Forward”. I am happy to state that this little book was positively received in most
Movement circles that matters. A few opposed it on sight, which does not surprise me a bit. After all, it was a harsh attack
on the lay-backs, profiteers and parasites of the Movement. Some others very discreetly avoided (= boycotted) it, and that
has really troubled my mind. Are some of the key figures of Ian Stuart´s organization perhaps more prone to rock & roll
than rocks and revolt? Well, we shall soon see. ZOG has ways of putting us all to the test.
Generally, however, I do believe that “The Way Forward” has taken us some steps ahead on the long and hard
road to victory. The fact that by now it has been translated into five languages and appear as Net versions in two languages,
proves that its existence is highly justified. If “The Way Forward” covered general principles and purposes, this new
book should be used as a full-sized operation manual for the B&H combatant.
2. Bush As Antichrist
The Bible shows us a way to prove whether or not a person is the Antichrist. Rev 13:18
says: "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number
of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." That is, the number 666. St.
John the apostle, the author of Revelation, was a Jew who wrote in Greek, but he thought
in Hebrew. He knew that every Hebrew letter has a numeric equivalent, and that's
undoubtedly how the number 666 originated. Gematria is the process of adding up or
counting the letters of the Hebrew alphabet in a word or name.
If you add up the name 'George Bush' in Hebrew letters it comes out:
• G = 3 (gimel)
• e = 5 (heh)
• o = 70 (ayin)
• r = 200 (resh)
• g = 3 (gimel)
• e = 5 (heh)
• B = 2 (beth)
• u = 70 (ayin)
• s = 300 (shin)
• h = 8 (cheth)
• total = 666 (Antichrist)
I would challenge anyone to find another powerful world leader, either now or in the past, whose
name adds up to 666 in Hebrew. Unlike Hebrew, the the letters of the English alphabet don't
automatically have a numeric value. But the way numerologists convert the names into
numbers is through a simple numerical code. The most common method used by
numerologists today is the Pythagorean System, named for the Greek philosopher and
mathematician Pythagoras, who invented it in the fifth century BC. It looks like this:
3. Classified Army U.F.O Manual: Majestic 12
4. Ethnic Cleansing Operations 2003
5. 17 Issues Of UFO REVIEW Magazine
1. Foundations of German Religion
2. Formation of the Germanic Soul
3. Adolf Hitler— The German Revelation
4. German World Leadership
5. World Plan for Peace
6. The Government Of The World
Section 1 Victory for Socialism.
Section 2 European Organisation.
Section 3 Framework of World Government
There is very much we have to make good before our own history and before our Lord God. Once his
Grace was upon us and we were not worthy to keep it. In this dire need we learnt to pray once more. We
learnt to respect one another. We believed in the virtues of a people. We tried again to be better. So there
arose a new community that cannot be compared with the people that lie behind us. It has become better,
nobler. We feel it. The Grace of the Lord God now turns again at last towards us, and in this hour we fall
on our knees and pray the Almighty to bless us and to give us strength to endure the struggle for the
freedom and the future and the honour and the Peace of our People and of all mankind. So help us God.
7. Nuclear Survival Guide
everything you need to know
8. Swat Team for Jesus - by Skipp Porteous 1991
By the end of the 1980s, the failure of Pat Robertson's presidential bid, the collapse of Jerry Falwell's Moral
Majority, and the downfall of several major televangelists caused most of us to breathe a collective sigh of
relief. The radical religious right -- which had been gaining momentum -- finally seemed to be running out of
steam. In the spring of 1990, religion writer Michael D'Antonio published a book called Fall From Grace: The
Failed Crusade of the Christian Right. He concluded: "With the demise of [Pat] Robertson's [presidential]
campaign came the death of the Christian right's political hopes. The born-again movement soon ceased to be a
significant religious or social force as well."
But, in fact, the Christian right itself has been quietly born again. It has reorganized and is beginning to arise as
a major religious and social force. These radicals have not -- and will not -- go away.
"By the end of the decade," exhorts Dallas evangelist Paul Cain, "the whole earth will view the church in a
different light. The church will no longer be mocked and despised, but either loved or feared." Up-and-coming
Minneapolis evangelist Roberts Liardon adds that during the 1990s, "The church will be more intense and
militant.... We will be in an offensive position and no longer on the defense."
As we approach the year 2000, we can expect an unprecedented flurry of activity as Christian missionary and
evangelistic groups pull out all the stops in an attempt to "bring in the harvest." These organizations have set an
unusual goal for the year 2000: They aim to Christianize the "majority of the human race" by then -- as a
birthday present for Jesus. Millennial madness has its monetary value as well: According to The New York
Times, sales of Bibles, prophecy books, and books warning of Armageddon soared after the August 1990
invasion of Kuwait, and as we come closer to the year 2000, books purporting to predict what will happen in the
coming century are selling at an increasingly brisk pace. All told, the Book Industry Study Group reports that
total net sales of religious books have grown from $537 million in 1985 to an estimated $784.1 million in 1990,
and will likely top the $1 billion mark in 1994 [Sept. 1991].
9. The Origins of Christianity by R.P.Oliver
OF THE many problems that confront us today, none is more vexing than that of the relation of Christianity to
Western Civilization. None, certainly, causes more acrimonious controversy and internecine hostility between the
members of the race which created that civilization. None more thoroughly counteracts their common interest in
its preservation and renders them impotent and helpless. And that is not remarkable: what is in question is the
essential nature of our civilization, and if there is no agreement about that, there can be no effective agreement
on other questions.
Around 1910, Georges Matisse, in Les Ruines de l’Idée de Dieu,* predicted that by 1960, at the very latest, the
only churches left in the civilized world would be the ones that were preserved as museum pieces for their
architectural beauty or historical associations. The scientific and historical knowledge accumulated by our race
had rendered belief in supernatural beings impossible for cultivated men, and universal education would speedily
destroy the credulity of the masses. "We have climbed out of the dead end of the dungeon into which Christianity
cast us. The man of today walks in the open air and the daylight. He has won confidence in himself."
* Paris, Mercure de France, s.a. All translations from foreign languages in these pages are mine, unless otherwise noted.
In 1980, especially in the United States, there was a massive "upsurge" of Christianity. In November, one of
America’s many bawling evangelists, Oral Roberts, had an interview with Jesus and took the opportunity to
observe that Jesus is nine hundred feet tall. That datum so impressed his followers that within two weeks, it is
said, they supplied him with an extra $5,000,000 to supplement the $45,000,000 they give him annually. A little
earlier, another holy man, Don Stewart, reportedly made the big time in evangelism (i.e., an annual take of more
than $10,000,000) by distributing to his votaries snippets of his underwear, which True Believers put under their
pillows, since the bits of cloth that had been in contact with his flesh had absorbed the mana of his holiness. And
in the quadrennial popularity contest to determine which actor was to have the star role in the White House, all
three of the presidential candidates deemed it expedient to announce that they had "got Jesus" and been "born
again." More significantly, in both England and the United States, a considerable number of men who have received
enough technical training to be called scientists, have been hired or inspired to prove the authenticity of the Holy
Shroud of Turin by "scientific" proof that the coarse cloth was discolored by supernatural means, the mana of
divinity. Some of these scientists, it is true, claim that the vague picture was formed on the fabric because the
body of the deceased god was highly radio-active and emitted radiation of an intensity comparable to that
produced by the explosion of an atomic bomb at Hiroshima, but obviously only a very supernatural force could
have charged the cells of an organic body with such enormous and deadly energy. In many American colleges,
professors of reputable academic subjects are teaching courses to demonstrate that human beings cannot be
the product of the bio-logical process of evolution, but must have been specially designed and manufactured by
a god in a way that they more or less explicitly identify with the well-known account of the descent of mankind from Adam and his spare rib. The divinity school of Emory University (founded in 1836) offers, for the edification
of Methodist ministers, a graduate seminar in the theology of America’s most distinguished automobile thief and
rapist, a Black preacher named King, and, presumably for such exemplary Christianity, was rewarded with a gift
of $100,000,000, the largest private benefaction on record.
10. The Textbook of the Universe The Genetic Ascent to God:The nature of consciousness and the symbolic nature of the universe - by STEVEN ERIC ROMER 2003
This book started out as a paper investigating the basis for our unified
experiences in consciousness. I had read a lot about neuroscience as an
undergraduate, and there seemed to be something missing from the idea of the
brain as consisting of only neural circuitry. Eventually as I progressed in my
academic pursuits, I came to a point where I could not even entertain the notion
that these neuron theories were the only basis for our mental life. Early on, I
had discovered glial cells—a type of cells in the brain long thought to provide
support functions, or to provide the scaffold upon which neurons could do their
things. Glial cells do not have “action potentials”, the physiological events
thought to be the basis for Neuron communication and our thoughts. Ignoring
action potentials, I began to focus on the glial cells—which seemed uniquely
suited to playing the role of the missing factor in brain science. I began to write
about the glial cells in this sense back in the late 80’s/early 90’s and sent a
couple of papers to journals. They were not very well-received. The problem I
was running into with these ideas was the enormous influence of neuron
theories and the whole world view that gave rise to them. All of that would
come to change as I followed the rabbit of glial cells down the rabbit hole of
consciousness studies.
The more I tried to find the pattern of what might be happening with the glial
cells, and how that might relate to our world view, the more my world view
changed. I began to realize that the world does not work like we think it does. A
whole new world began to present itself logically from the consideration of
these things. That was the source of the trouble I was running into—our very
world view was seriously flawed, and we were basing our ideas about the
nature of brain processes upon this seriously flawed world view. When I began
to knit the wealth of knowledge from our information society into a whole, a
picture emerged. A picture of an invisible world, an abstract world, existing
behind the patterns of all our favorite theories and languages we use to describe
the world we live in. It is a set of ideas and a theory which unifies all of our
knowledge from history, just as consciousness unifies all the physical functioning and memories from eons of biological experiences across time.
This is the theory of consciousness we have been looking for in our science for
a long time. It is the consilience, the coming together, of the history of inquiry
on a grand scale.
As the implications of these ideas began to sink in, I realized that
consciousness must have been building for a long time. Eventually our
consciousness was meant to get to a point where it meets something greater—in
the accuracy and meaning of its representations of the world. The theory of
evolution found its best arguments in similarities and differences among
animals and in many diverse observations over time. In a similar fashion, this
theory was built with evidence as diverse as religion, physics, and brain
science. There is data everywhere for this theory. It is a theory about that
invisible factor which binds our world together. You need to approach this
theory differently than any other theory, however, because seemingly unrelated
data all provides support for it. I use references to movies, television shows,
and magazine articles to show ideas related to our mindset and subconscious—
things that are motivationally relevant to us via these larger patterns building in
us. An invisible coherence exists beyond the “data of an experience”, and that is
what a scientist seeks systematically in an experiment. In this theory, there is a
metapattern to all of reality—a grand unifying scheme—which ties together
diverse areas of inquiry. As you will see, physics, brain science, biology,
linguistics, and cosmology are all tied logically together with this theory. As far
as I can tell, this theory is the first theory of literally everything. It is the first
time in the history of life that our knowledge has reached a point where we
might successfully attempt such a thing with our detailed knowledge of the
universe and ourselves.
11. WWII Nazi-US nuclear hidden secrets 1998
Atomic Bombs Dropped On Japan By U.S. Used Components Bartered From
Nazi Germany, Researcher Says Components Were Originally Shipping For
Germany’s Ally Japan
Houston, A researcher has announced findings that the American atomic bomb program credited with developing the bombs dropped
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan to end World War Two, and which resulted in the United States emerging from the war as the
most powerful nation on earth, used components developed by Nazi Germany, including enriched uranium, to fabricate the bombs.
The revelation counters important aspects of the traditional history of the American bomb project, known as the Manhattan Project.
The commonly accepted version of atomic bomb history states the bombs were created entirely by the United States, at a cost of $2
billion and five years of work by a battalion of top scientists, with assistance from Great Britain. While the new evidence does not
refute American success initially enriching uranium — the key component of one of the bombs — strong documentary evidence
indicates time pressures, technological delays, and a surprise opportunity to obtain from Germany the needed components that
were in short supply in America, allowed the Manhattan Project to complete its bombs in time for the mid-August 1945 delivery
“What I suspect will shock people the most is it appears the possession of the enriched uranium and other components fell into our
hands not by capture, but as part of what may have been clandestine negotiations between top Nazis and key United States military
and governmental leaders,” said Carter Hydrick, the researcher who has spent eight years investigating the events. “The
agreement appears to have been made in exchange for allowing these fugitives to escape from Europe and receive United States
protection while they lived in semi-seclusion for decades after the war,” he stated. Hydrick displayed several documents from the
United States National Archives and elsewhere to support his historical revision, as well as drawing from previously enigmatic
events in the traditional history he contends have long been misunderstood, to show that Nazi Germany was an important source of
nuclear bomb components used in the attacks on Japan.
12. The Omega File: War Of The Caverns - by Tom Lucas
13. Under Two Flags - by Heinz Weichardt
After years of urging my dear friend Heinz Weichardt to make at least a partial memoir of
the vicissitudes of his interesting life, he finally was persuaded by Louis Beam, whom he met
last year, to do so. This article was originally in the form of a letter to Louis.
Heinz certainly has had an unusual perspective of the Twentieth Century. A supporter of
Hitler who left Germany as an unwanted non-Aryan, he became an enemy alien in America.
As the years passed, Heinz became successful in his field of physics (electron-optics),
retiring from IBM as a manager in its research division. As his article reveals, he never
wavered in his support for National Socialism, even if he had himself been rejected by it.
Lately there has appeared a peculiar contempt for Historical Revisionism. The latter has
undeniably been slashing and chopping the roots of contemporary Jewish power, so Heinz
was very unsettled by such criticism. He told me often that when the Holocaust was
beginning to be promoted in the 1960s he could only recall his school days in Germany. "I
went to school with those fellows in the SS. I knew that they were simply not capable of
behavior which the Jews were ascribing to them." He felt that Revisionism was crucial to the
regeneration of his once-beloved Germany which has staggered under the libels of Jewish-
American lies for fifty years. The same goes for this miserable country.
Heinz believed that our goal must be to disfranchise Jews, to dislodge them from
government, medicine, law, education, the arts and, of course, from the media. He believes
that to criticize those who have demonstrated the Holocaust to be a lie only helps to maintain
the Jews as our overlords.
It doesn't matter if one genius today says he knew the Holocaust was phony in 1958 and
because of that Revisionism is a waste of time. I don't notice any reduction of Holocaust
poison in the media today; our children continue to receive it. They must be protected from
deadly lies. We adults must grow up, too. The truth will make us mad. It may make us figh
The fighting may one day make us free.
14. The Solid State Language (Extra Terrestrials) - by "Isaac." 2007
Isaac, Researcher, Palo Alto Caret Laboratory, 1984-1987: "Here is the brief introduction. I'm
using the alias Isaac, and used to work in what was called the CARET program in the 80's. During
my time there, I worked with a lot of the technology that is clearly at work in the recent
drone/strange craft sightings, most notably the "language" and diagrams seen on the underside of
each craft. What follows is a lengthy letter about who I am, what I know, and what these sightings
are (probably) all about.
The appearance of these photos has convinced me to release at least some of the numerous
photographs and photocopied documents I still possess some 20 years later that can explain a great
deal about these sightings. On this site you will find some of these. They are available as high
resolution scans that I am giving away free, PROVIDED THEY ARE NOT MODIFIED IN ANY
I am also trying to get in touch with the witnesses so far, such as Chad, Rajman, Jenna, Ty, and the
Lake Tahoe witness (especially Chad). I have advice for them that may be somewhat helpful in
dealing with what they've seen and what I would recommend they do with what they know. If you
are one of these witnesses, or can put me in touch with them, please contact Coast to Coast AM and
let them know.
My Experience with the CARET Program and Extra-terrestrial Technology
Isaac, June 2007
15. U.F.O Blueprint
LOOKS like a pupulsion system
16. China Steals US Military Secrets
Huge Amounts Of Info
17. Eugenice Manifesto - by R. L. Hart
BOOKMARKS - a warning about flash security will come up/just click ok and play the video/these are all ufo clips
18. Top Secret: The Rosewill U.F.O Incident
19. Chads Photos Of The Drone