You are here Content Leaked (Part15) Enochian and Esoteric Christianity

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Part15 of leaked content from private torrent tracker.




Only 14,1% of the torrent is seeding...

Thank you acidangel!

Stuck at 99.9%. What happens? Is the file broken? Please help. Thank you.

I re-checked it and it wont go to 100% anymore. Its good like it is I would say.

Using qBittorrent-v4.3.3 I was able to connect with the 99.9% and am just missing these few pieces from the "## Esoteric Christianity" section.
(click link to see image)

Using Bittorrent-v7.10.5-(build 46097) I was only able to connect with folks that had only 6.5% and only they would share with me and I would share with them. This went on FOR THREE WEEKS! I did connect with the 99.9% but only small query packets went back/forth but no major transfers. I wish someone would explain that to me because I really want to know what I'm doing wrong.

I have experienced some 99.9% hanging in different cases (sometimes from the Internet Archive), but it rarely affects the substantive material I want. I simply pause the torrent, search files names that end with ".part", and judge whether I really care or not. Most times, I do not care about completing the file that remains ".part". I then stop the torrent, delete the partial file and call it a day.

Information wants to be free, but torrents wanna hang, what

*added after*
Now I'm on my computer and I see the screenshot you provided.
to make your life easier, I can just send you those files separately, if you want them
I have an interest in gnosis and those topics appealed to me so, yeah, if I were in your place I'd like to view them, too
let me know

euxalot wrote:

Now I'm on my computer and I see the screenshot you provided.
to make your life easier, I can just send you those files separately, if you want them
I have an interest in gnosis and those topics appealed to me so, yeah, if I were in your place I'd like to view them, too
let me know


Even better than sending me the missing pieces, would it be possible to make a small torrent and upload it here. Me and the other 94 Peers would be grateful. I see only one Seeder and no one is connecting to him or her.

I too am interested in gnosis -- lucky only "IntroToGnosis_10-Appendix.mp3" is missing.

Also, if you get a chance to listen to Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) -- her music is quite simply and literally 'Divine'


## Esoteric Christianity

Neville Goddard - Complete[138 MP3s, 311 PDFs]

[A2] Neville Goddard - Complete Audio Collection [129 MP3s]

045 - I AM the Reality Called Imagination [1972].mp3
046 - I AM The True Vine [03-05-1971].mp3

IntroductionToGnosis FIXED


Monica Brzezinski - Eternal Chalice - The Grail in Literature and Legend

Disk 2

2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3a.mp3
2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3b.mp3
2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3c.mp3
2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3d.mp3

Hildegard von Bingen - Sequentia (Ensemble) - Ordo Virtutum

Ordo Virtutum Disc II

01 Scene Two - Ego sum,amatrix simplicium morum.flac

Hildegard von Bingen - Laudes De Sainte Ursule

07 Whence Ever It May Be (Reprise) Antiphon.ape
08 Come Forth From Their Fatherland Antiphon.ape
09 Psalm 63(62)O God,Thou Art My God.ape
14 And To Make The Air Fly Antiphon.ape
15 Psalm 148 Praise Ye The Lord.ape
16 And To Make The Air Fly(Reprise) Antiphon.ape

RevolutionaryPsychology FIXED



James Finley-The_Beginners_Guide_to_Contemplative_Prayer

The Beginner's Guide to Contemplative Prayer - 01pt1.mp3

Ioan Petru Culianu - Gnozele dualiste ale Occidentului



Fritz_Katz wrote:

Even better than sending me the missing pieces, would it be possible to make a small torrent and upload it here. Me and the other 94 Peers would be grateful. I see only one Seeder and no one is connecting to him or her.
I too am interested in gnosis -- lucky only "IntroToGnosis_10-Appendix.mp3" is missing.
Also, if you get a chance to listen to Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) -- her music is quite simply and literally 'Divine'

okey-dokey. Here you go:

The only thing that is not there is:

  • 2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3a.mp3
  • 2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3b.mp3, and
  • 2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3c.mp3

I am not sure why I don't have those.

All that said, there are LOTS of duplicate files in the same torrents, and across these leaks. Due to my own limited harddrive space, I am applying a critical eye and appraising most everything in these large collections:

1. remove dupes
2. separate into formats (videos, audio files, books)
3. sort by size, and analyze whether I can justify paying to keep the largest files (mostly affects videos, apps, and .iso files)
4. appraise the remaining videos and audio files for my interests (can I justify paying to keep them? will i use them?)

when all this is done, I will re-share the entire collection of books via my seedbox. All the books can be indexed and searched, and for me at least, that is the most valuable resource since it does not require "real time" to mine

PS - thank you for the nice tip about Hildegard von Bingen :)

If you are one of the dozens of peers around the world who is stuck at 6.5% for weeks here is solution that has worked for me.

Don't use µTorrent or BitTorrent -- use libTorrent or qBitTorrent instead. Also, go to Tools-> Options-> Speed and set the 'Alternative Rate Limits' Upload: 284 KiB/s -- Download: 17356 KiB/s

I moved the files you uploaded into the various directories of missing the files at 99.9% and did a "Force Recheck", I and everyone else were able to connect to seeders at 100%. Instead of just one Seeder, there are now over 17. I'm seeing 12 peers -- none are stuck at 6.5% -- all are increasing, even the µTorrent or BitTorrent clients.

Even better, the files you did not have,

Monica Brzezinski - Eternal Chalice

2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3a.mp3
2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3b.mp3
2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3c.mp3

have magically appeared from the Seeder(s).

Fritz_Katz wrote:

I moved the files you uploaded into the various directories of missing the files at 99.9% and did a "Force Recheck", I and everyone else were able to connect to seeders at 100%. Instead of just one Seeder, there are now over 17. I'm seeing 12 peers -- none are stuck at 6.5% -- all are increasing, even the µTorrent or BitTorrent clients.
Even better, the files you did not have,

Monica Brzezinski - Eternal Chalice

2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3a.mp3
2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3b.mp3
2-04 Why Is The Grail Holy_ - 3c.mp3

have magically appeared from the Seeder(s).

Wow, that is great to hear, and I'm also happy to learn this is even possible to do technically -- GOOD THINKING :)

Can someone share those 3 missing files with me? As mentioned, I am rearranging these torrents due to the many duplicates, and large files that I am unable to support long-term. But I would like to complete this set on the grail, if possible.

Thanks in advance

Can someone share with me this file? : "The Beginner's Guide to Contemplative Prayer - James Finley" is inside the torrent as a 28MB folder.


It has plenty of seeds. What client are you using?